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Necessary Corruption

Chapter 32


“I see, so there was an assassination attempt on me yesterday,” I hummed.

I… didn’t expect it to come from Konohagakure, but Yina explained to me in great detail the current political and military structure of Konohagakure.

And I had to say that Konohagakure was frailer than it purported itself to be.

The idea that there was an entire underground organization of battle-hardened combatants numbering in the hundreds, infiltrating and growing within Konoha’s own ranks?

Shocking. It also shook my idea of Konohagakure.

Was it weaker than I thought?

Yina’s report further solidified this idea.

Konohagakure was currently divided between the old guard, Hokage, and the civilians with only the Hokage having enough nominal and actual power to keep the other two in check, which was how the old guards and the civilians formed a semi-loose coalition to keep the Hokage in check.

The Hokage, as I’ve learned, was a man fucking tired of war, even if he was great at it. He was doing a lot of things to keep another war from breaking out.

The old guard wanted dominance. They didn’t want war, per say, but would not shy away from it. The civilians didn’t see war affecting them (or rather, were sheltered enough that the most a civilian would encounter was running into broken bridges… or so they think).

There was a lot of underplay here that wasn’t on the surface. If I showed that I knew of Konoha’s local politics, then the locals would get suspicious.

Very suspicious.

It was their job to be suspicious, so throwing fuel to that particular fire would not be in my best interest when I want to be friends with them.

However, the incentive behind that motive was now called into question. Konohagakure was as divided as Kumogakure. If that was the case, then could I find something useful here?

Yes, having Konohagakure as an ally was good… but for how long? If Konohagakure was indeed as divided as Yina hinted, then there might be a good chance that the moment I was in need of help, even if the Hokage wanted to help, the opposition might delay the help just long enough that any help that came would be meaningless. Worse, the Hokage might have to appease his opposition (because no man ruled alone) during times when neither of us needed help and start making demands out of me.

The Hokage was a good man. I wasn’t calling that into question.

No, I was calling his position and the basis of his position’s power into question.

If someone like this “Danzo” could so easily make assassination attempt within Konohagakure’s own walls… Have an arm embedded with deceased Uchiha Clan’s eyes

“Arrange a meeting with this … Danzo,” I instructed.

Even though my pragmatism demanded that I leave the undisturbed lands be, I couldn’t help but want to know.

If this Danzo was even as half as powerful as the Hokage, then was it not good for me to understand the man?

I would keep silent about this, if only because I wasn’t sure how the Hokage would react to this information, but I still needed the information to know.

“I do not believe that is wise, milord.”

I paused.

Yina normally didn’t say something like that. Usually, that was the job of Washimoto, my butler. He did watch me grow up, after all, so he got a lot more leeway than other servants and blessed.

“Why do you say so?”

“He is an one-track minded ninja, Takanori-sama. He cares not about the long-term consequences of his actions, only the short-term solutions for the problems in front of him. His own files make this very clear.”


“I advise retaliation. Assassination of all Root agents… but not him.”

I scratched my chin. “And how would that help us when I am trying to befriend the Hokage?”

“It wouldn’t, Takanori-sama, but it would serve as an example to those who would dare send assassinations after you. It is not they who suffer but all those beneath them. We will decapitate them from their foundation of power.”

I chuckled. “A rather poetic reply in kind, hmm?”

“He will try to kill you the moment you meet him, Takanori-sama. While your blesseds are powerful, we are not sure whether or not we will have the time to save you if such an action occurs. And once you die here in Konohagakure, who will rule over the Land of Rivers?”

I snorted. “My child will. Who else?”

“Will that child have the same wisdom and blessing as you, milord? You who have become seijin?”


“I will not be able to face Washimoto-dono if I returned to the Land of Rivers with your body and your wido-”

“Enough. I will do as you say and not meet him.”

“Thank you, milord.”

I sighed to the empty room.


“Old man!”

“Who are you calling an old man?” I growled as the orange jumpsuit kid jumped into my room from the open window.

That was a thing here in Konohagakure, by the way. Ninjas, disrespectful or irreverent ninjas, loved to jump into buildings through the window.

Over the time I have greeted and befriended the genin named Uzumaki Naruto, I have experienced that very tidbit of Konohagakure daily life.

Yina, expectedly, manifested herself behind the genin and smacked the back of his head.

“Eetai!” Naruto squawked in pain before curling up with his hands over the back of his head.

“Uzumaki-san, you will show Takanori-sama the respect he is due!”

It’s become something of a morning comedy.

“Ah, I forgot!” he quickly got up and beamed at me, and I returned an indulgent smile. “The Chunin Exam’s starting today! Cheer for me, ne?”

And then he was gone.

Yina growled. “That -!”

I chuckled.

So the event finally began.

“It’s gonna be interesting, hmm?”

“... Speaking of interesting, milord, I have also learned of something else. It involves Sunagakure but not the Land of Sand.”

“Oh? Do tell.”


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