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Necessary Corruption
Chapter 25: Interlude
- Takanori Hisou (Jin’s older, bastard half-brother)


Total number of empowered retinues: 20.

Total number of ninjas within half a jo of my position: 188.

Average ranking of Takanori retinue: 4 star.

Average ranking of Konohagakure ninjas within half a jo: 3 star.

Any outbreak of conflict will be in Konohagakure’s favor.

Hisou lived with a blessing that always told him little things. He didn’t want to know some of them, but it was his job to know. Of course, knowing something did not necessary mean that he was capable of connecting that to other related or relevant observations. For example, he recognized that all of the “bandits” used actual Sunagakure gear but failed to realize that an assassination attempt on a noble wouldn’t have ninjas boldly declaring their affiliation just as his brother said.

He knew that this was the result of habits and education that he could not receive as a bastard child. Now that he was legitimized by the authority of his younger half-brother, he did get them when he could between his duties.

However, the one thing he excelled at observing were inconsistencies.

11 of the 188 do not move like the others.

Of the other 177, 30 are similar to the aforementioned 11.

The 30 and 11 are all observing but the latter are motionless while the former 30 are actively looking for threats. They are looking for threats aimed at us.

30 are hidden guards for foreigners but not part of the local police.

There are no policing force visible.

Are policing forces not necessary?

Ninjas make up a significant part of the village, so if an individual commits a crime, then the individual in question is likely to be a ninja. Are ninjas who police other ninjas part of those 30 or 11?

Why have two different types of hidden ninjas? The 30 were looking around in general while the 11 kept their foc-.

The 11 are shifting. They are aware of being observed.

They’re gone.

He blinked. They just left? Like that?

“Yina, did you get them?” he quietly asked his brother’s second most trusted retinue, who was waiting along with the rest of the empowered retinue and the unpowered house guards. Because of how she can use her powers, she didn’t need to be right next to their lord to protect him should the ninjas try something.

Perhaps if she was on the other side of the village, then she wouldn’t be able to.

“Yes,” she replied equally as quietly. “I am keeping track of them.”

“Who are they?”

“They serve Danzo, an elder of Konohagakure.”

“A paramilitary force within the ninja village?” he muttered. “Doesn’t sound like a good thing for Konoha’s ability to police themselves.”

She nodded.

The other 30 are surprised by the sudden movement among their number. Unexpected.


… New orders. Several of their numbers are moving. 3 are moving towards the Hokage Tower. Also noticed that I noticed them.


To his surprise, one of them appeared out of hiding and landed in front of him without so much cushioning his landing. Despite this soft landing, Hisou saw that the person was heavier than their size indicated.

Weapons and armor on his person. Ninjas are always ready to fight.

“May I speak to the retinue commander?” the black cloak and robed, animal masked, and armored man(?) asked.

“I am the commander,” Yina spoke up as she glided around from the side of the horse-drawn carriage and then to Hisou’s left.

The animal-masked ninja nodded. “May I know how your retinue member here noticed us? I was not aware that the Takanori Clan hired ninjas.”

“This here is Takanori Hisou,” Yina stressed the name, and the ninja stiffened. He hid it well, but Hisou’s blessing told him, nullifying the effort the ninja went to control his reaction. “The current heir to the Takanori Clan.”

“I see,” the ninja said before bowing lightly. “Please excuse me for accusing of being a ninja.”

Hisou nodded and let it go. He was only heir until his brother put a baby in Tsunami, and it was a position he only accepted because his brother insisted on ensuring that only their branch of the clan inherits should he run into an untimely demise.

As the heir of a noble clan, Hisou currently sat rather high on the Elemental Nation’s caste. A ninja, however, sat very close to the bottom. They were barely above farmers. Accusing a noble heir of being a ninja was … not good.

But he let it go because, despite the fact that his tutors would foam at the insult, he was born a bastard and knew when to let go of unnecessary conflicts.

Of course, he couldn’t answer how he noticed hiding ninjas. That would involve divulging his seijin brother’s nature.

“I have always been observant,” he replied casually. “My brother would not have brought me along if that was not the case.”

The ninja bowed again before disappearing, but Hisou saw that he just went back to his old hiding spot, plainly telling him that the ninja didn’t care that he knew he was there.

Berating himself for not taking stealth seriously. Will train himself later.

Will probably get his pay docked for being noticed by a civilian.

Hisou nearly snorted, but Yina caught sight of the mood change regardless.

“What is it?” she asked.

Hisou paused as Yina stepped into his line of sight by stepping in front of him.

“I’ll tell you later, retinue commander,” he chuckled.

She huffed but left regardless to take up her position again.



“What is my brother and sister-in-law talking about with the Hokage?”

Yina pondered before shaking her head. “He will tell us when he wishes to.”

For Hisou, that meant later.


And then they went back to their “standing around bored” job.


Richard Whereat

He did get them when he could between his Between his what?

Richard Whereat

Are Ninja aware that nobles think they're only just above farmers? Because several Ninja Clan style themselves as Noble, and the other Ninja don't give a fuck, teasing or insulting them when they will. Especially since Jounin Ninja can eradicate an entire castle on their own, and happily kill nobles.


I actually had to think on this for a while, because yes, while the ninjas could wipe out entire noble clans, that would just be asking for military and political retaliation from the daimyos. I also find the power level of jounins to be very wide. There are some who can barely be called that (Baki) and others like who can, as you said, wipe out castles on their own (Guy). I took the attitude from the historical depiction of nobles vs samurai in Japan. It took over several hundred years for the samurai to rise to dominance (which is obviously not the case here). Daimyos, aka head noble, is also the final authority in a land, which puts the entire nobility case above the ninja caste/politically. That said, farmers are actually high up in the traditional Japanese caste system as the Japanese (cultural background of Naruto) valued food production above anything not military and political. Because of this merchants were the lowest caste (because they don't make anything), artisans were the second lowest, and then it was the farmers and fishermen. Then it was the samurais, nobles, etc. So I took all of that and the fact that it's been less than 75 years since the formation of Hidden Ninja Villages (ie they are being hired and are not rulers), the expectation of caste etiquette would still be strong and enforced. I hope that explains the attitude.

Richard Whereat

Yeah, but in Japan a 12 year old Samurai couldn't wave his hands and burn a caravan. Attitudes change with power.

Richard Whereat

More likely to be the same thing that kept the Targaryens in power after the Dance; political inertia.

gaouw ganteng

Keep in mind, that Ninja Village is almost a pure military facility with a spinkle of civilian population.

gaouw ganteng

Thus, the production capabilities, the food, cloth, etc still need large amount of peasant.