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Vice Bunker
Chapter 7


“And this is Harley Quinn,” I introduced her to Danny, Kali, Taylor, and a few of Danny’s more important administrator/workers. “She is our psychiatrist, though we will have other doctors and medical personnel in the future.”

Kali recognized the other woman for what she was, another summon, and greeted her warmly. Danny and others did, too.

Taylor, however, wasn’t as happy.

She was happy after spending three hours getting frisky with my larger body.


While the situation inside my bunker remained amicable thanks to the protection I could give and the number of rooms available to a constant stream of vetted newcomers, the situation in Brockton Bay - and the world - was not as great.

Micrometeriotes rained down almost every day, though the duration could vary from minutes to hours. During this time, outdoor activity was impossible, and all vehicles showed signs of damage. The forest next to Brockton Bay was also on fire, but thankfully, the fire traveled away from the city and many firefighters and heroes have done their best to keep the fire contained.

Oh, and Central Asia was gone. It and its Central Asian neighbors all suffered from a particularly nasty meteor shower. In particular, a three hundred yard long meteor struck its most populous city, Shymkent, which was a city very close to Kyrgyzstan. The city was outright gone as if it had been struck by a nuclear bomb. Smaller meteors also struck Tashkent, capital city of Uzbekistan and burned half of that city.

Speculations on the loss of life ranged from two million dead to thirty million dead; the latter would be more than half of Central Asia’s total population.

This spurred the still surviving people and nations into a frenzy for survival.

Of course, this only exacerbated the issue.

In Brockton Bay alone, people tried their best to get into bunkers and shelters, but rejection led to desperation and desperation led to action. A riot broke out in front of a private bunker in Capitol Hill, and the rioters managed to break into the poorly defended bunker. With alleged sightings of parahuman involvement, the PRT deployed its agents and heroes to forcefully break up the riot.

Oh, people tried to get into my bunker, too, but I personally stepped out to tell them exactly what it meant to join me in my bunker.

“I am this bunker’s king and ruler. You can join me if you pledge your allegiance to me.”

People, of course, weren’t fucking happy about that. In fact, the Empire Eighty-Eight tried to do something about that. When they saw me pull out 200mm howitzer barrels from within my tentacle-clad fleshy body and point in their general direction, they backed off.

Danny was also unhappy about being reduced to a “minion” in the eyes of the people, and lost some respect, but I told him if respect of the city who would have broke into the bunker was worth more than the life of his daughter, he begrudgingly continued his job.

As for what the workers he brought to the bunker were doing, they were settling into their new life. Most of them worked in bringing in supplies that they could, but a few worked in my newly established hydroponic farms and sewage system.

Speaking of which, most sewage systems around the world broke under the stress of constant meteor bombardment. Treatment plants were in ruins, plumbing was in ruins, and frequent tsunamis from huge meteors striking the world’s oceans left too many storm drains and sewages overflowing.

Cholera was having a lovely comeback, and like the rest of the world, Brockton Bay suffered, too.

Combined with the fact that the likes of the Merchants did not have a set place that they did business, cholera infected diarrhea was everywhere.

To say that the city smelled of shit would be factually incorrect, because the city smelled of shit. God, my memory of my New York City told me that the stinking Big Apple smelled better than Brockton Bay right now.

This was all signs of worsening meteor strikes and climate change as a result of it. It was May right now, and yet, the temperature had already plummeted. It wasn’t snowing yet, but it certainly felt like it whenever I stepped outside with my smaller body.

The city was, also, half abandoned. Too many meteor strikes, too many damaged buildings, and too many degrading and continuously damaged infrastructure left people with very few options. Endbringer shelters were converted months ago to be bunkers.

On top of that, Leviathan should be striking soon. At least that’s what the canon said it would be. For all I knew, Behemoth might decide to strike what few operational power plants USA had on the East Coast. Those were guarded jealously by the government, because if even one fell, the number of deaths would start to skyrocket as everything from heating to food storage would be shot.

I really hoped it wouldn’t be Brockton Bay.



Getting to the good part 👍