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An Arcanist in Karakura Town
Chapter 36


Orihime had been pregnant for some time.

I also had been fucking her for far longer and much more frequently than I slept with Tatsuki.

But I did sleep with her. Well, there wasn’t a lot of sleeping involved. There was a lot of fucking.

‘And it’s been… roughly the right amount of time since our last coupling.’

“When…?” I asked, trailing off as I waited for her to respond.

Tatsuki blushed as she pulled her shirt up and showed me her baby bump which was half as big as Orihime’s. “I-I think around … the end of the first week.”

‘Or she could have been a little foolish and hiding the fact that she got pregnant in the first month of our rabid fucking,’ I thought to myself.

“... How do you want to go about this?” I asked Tatsuki, and she looked unsure, nervous, and vulnerable. “You can stay with us. Be my second wife, if you want.”

Of course, the idea of becoming a “second wife” was tantamount to an insult to the average modern schoolgirl from Japan and Western countries. That said, she did take shelter under my protection, probably felt what just happened out there, and knew that she herself could not possibly work this out by herself.

She could flee the city; Karakura Town wasn’t a particularly large city nor at the center of Tokyo Metropolitan. She was, unfortunately, not a working woman but a teenager like me and Orihime.

Damn, she didn’t have a lot of options, didn’t she?

“I want you to stay,” Orihime quickly spoke up as she held Tatsuki’s shoulders from behind and held her close.

Tatsuki hesitated before she nodded. “Just long enough that I won’t get involved with the Hollows and Shinigamis,” she sighed and then glared at me. “And don’t even think about luring me into your bed.”

“I won’t make you if don’t want to,” I replied and raised my hands up in surrender. And then I turned to Orihime. “How are the girls?”

“A little scared but they are safe. They are back home, so I suspect they will be happy about, too,” she replied with a smile. “It was nice of you to send them back like that. They probably liked the portal.”

I snorted. “My fortress is the safest place on this goddamn planet, and I am the damn best magician in all of Japan,” I barked out a laugh. “Of course, I’m keeping them where it’s safe. Wouldn’t feel right otherwise.” Then I sighed. “But with the immediate danger passed, I had little reason to keep them under lock and cover.”

Orihime nodded.

“Just … if you do see them later, which I suspect you will, then remind them that my

“I will.”

Orihime led Tatuski away.

And then the two of them left, leaving me giddy and concerned. Tatsuki didn’t look like she was going to have an abortion if revealing her pregnancy was an indication. This meant that I had another baby coming.

I … liked the idea.

What I did not like was whether or not Tatsuki will remain with me and Orihime. A teenage mom was not exactly a smiled-upon status in the world. In places like the USA, the reception changed where you went. In Japan? A teen mom was not a criminal, but she was also a dumb slut who got taken advantage of. Tatsuki would not be able to get normal work due to how labor laws in Japan worked.

In the case of Orihime, this was planned (by me, and eventually, she came around to accepting it). For Tatsuki, her pregnancy was not.

There was also the fact that, unlike Orihime, Tatsuki had other friends and family. Orihime… only had Tatsuki once her brother died some time ago.

This was something I would have to think about deeply later. For now, I needed to get back to researching. I got a lot of data from this neighborhood fight, and I intended to use it to the fullest. Everything from the spiritual particle and presence identification to minute differentiation of power usage and their mechanics, if I could discover them.

… I certainly hoped that none of the shinigamis or the hollows would be brazen enough to, I don’t know, kidnap Orihime to lure me out. For one, I had teleport spells and tags on her. If I so much found a kido spell going off near her, then I would forcibly bring her back and thoroughly check her. Even if that failed due to some bullshit barrier, Orihime could fight; I made sure of that. She could hold out long enough for me to brute force a barrier with my bombs, and then I could teleport her out.

If all of that failed and she did get taken…

I wasn’t selfless enough to launch a rescue mission.

I would rather burn Soul Society and Hueco Mundo to the ground.

Speaking of which, I needed to adjust the power output of the soul dispersion bomb. It used up way too much power compared to how much soul stuff it actually affected…


gaouw ganteng

Yanno, at some point he really need to do a "nuclear test". Because someone will really has the bright idea to do exactly what he's afraid of. After all, killing "one" spirit is fine and dandy, but a void in the Spirit World will really give people a louder message of "don't make me came over there"


Aizen: Ha ha ha I am a genius manipulator who can get away with anything because of my broken ass bullshit existence. Also Aizen: Where did Hueco Mundo go? I swear I left it right here. (Remember; Hueco Mundo is the dead and decaying body of a super-Hollow that the Soul King murdered and was then shunted into an alternate dimension\world so that the Hollow Reiatsu its body releases as it rots wouldn't infect the other worlds, that's why Hollows can live there without needing to eat souls to survive.)