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Today is February 29, 2009.

♦Topic: Endbringer Battle: Madison (Thread Locked)

In: Boards ► General Talk ► Cape Talk ► Endbringers

Reave (Verified PRT Agent)(Original Poster)
Posted on February 26, 2009:

On February 26, 2009, Simurgh descended on Madison, Wisconsin. Local heroes and villains showed up to fight. Volunteers from all over the nation came to fight. The Triumvirate arrived to fight. The battle went swimmingly, which was suspect in and of itself against the Simurgh, with Eidolon holding his ground over the downtown on the Capitol Point building just north of the Wisconsin State Capitol. He had been using a shield power to hold back Simurgh’s assault when it happened.
Jack Slash came out of hiding on the rooftop of the YMCA building behind Eidolon and slashed at his back.
The Simurgh used Eidolon’s pain and distraction to behead him, and then killed Jask Slash in thanks for his help.
Protectorate was able to recover his body, but this is no doubt one of the saddest days for America and its people. Eidolon, a member of the original Protectorate, died today to an Endbringer not because he was weak; on the contrary, Eidolon had been the strongest he’s ever been. No, he died because a traitor among humanity rose up to stab him in the back.
We will forever remember this black day as one to mourn, and let this be known to all who may read this.
Enemies of Humanity, beware. Two of our greatest heroes have fallen not to eldritch and unknowable abominations but to your hands. Protectorate will no longer abide by this. We will no longer allow this to continue.
No More.

Topic: It’s madness over here
In: Boards ► General Forum ► Texas ► Houston

H.Native (Original Poster)(Houston Resident)
Posted on February 27, 2009:

It’s crazy down here in Houston. Announcement of Eidolon’s death shook us all, and I personally cried a little when I heard it. More than that, I was scared. Without Eidolon, some of the biggest names in the city, nevermind the entire state, were sure to act up.
And they did. The Roast Hive, Chainsaw Blood, C16, and so many more of the villainous groups and their ilk who have been beaten down because of Eidolon swarmed out into the streets as soon as the Truce ended.
Galena Park is completely under control of the Roast Hive. Greater Heights is burning with C16 and Protectorate/PRT Houston duking it out. Chainsaw Blood already has a dozen heads on pikes Braeswood. All edges of Downtown Houston is on fire with Centipede’s flaming summons fighting firefighters. Four Corners is in a war with the local Elite fighting off indepedents and groups of villains trying to take their piece of the pie.
This is just those areas. The only place nominally safe from all of this madness is Kingswood, but no one gives a shit about Kingswood because it’s too far from the rest of Houston.
Please send help.

Topic: I’m calling it “the Beatdown of Chino Hills.”
In: Boards ► General Forum ► California ► SoCal

Nam4goya (Original Poster)(Unverified Cape)
Posted on February 29, 2009:

You all know about that post Reave made over in Cape Talk, right? Well, the Protectorate and the PRT delivered.
I wasn’t even in my costume. I was just strolling around Chino Hills on my day off.
But then the local criminal gang, the Hacienda Platoon (not real military), decided they wanted to be their usual racist self. Yes, Brockton Bay, you’re not the only city with white racist problem. Lee, Myers, and Erendale, three capes that lead the Hacienda Platoon, declared that they now owned Chino Hills, a local mountain state park, as their territory, and started harassing everyone.
Alexandria arrived with half of the Protectorate LA and beat the shit out of them. The usual banter that the regular heroes and villains engaged in wasn’t there. Oh, the Platoon tried, but they lasted all of half a second before Alexandria slugged Lee, the most racist of the bunch wrongfully using that name (see my article here for why General Robert E. Lee should not be considered a racist on par with his contemporary peers), right in the face and sent him hurling through half a dozen trees.
The rest of the PRT and the Protectorate heroes didn’t even look fazed at this and followed right in her footsteps. By the end of the “battle,” all three of the racist capes and their minions got arrested and soon jailed.
Now, I never Alexandria twice in my cape career (not including this time) and saw her numerous times on TV, stream, etc, but this was the first time that I saw her actually pissed. Oh, her body language and face was as cold and serene as ever, but y’all know that I’m a Thinker; I see people’s feelings.
And Alexandria in this beatdown?
Pissed. Pissed beyond all measure.
God have mercy on the villains of SoCal because Alexandria is not in the mood for mercy.

Topic: 1st Covington Militia
In: Boards ► General Forum ► Louisiana ► Covington

MrcsAulis(Original Poster)
Posted on March 3, 2009:
So I didn’t think this was a thing that would happen in our era of parahumans, but it did.
The people stood up to fight.
Today, on March 3, 2009, one-hundred and fifty of Covington’s good men and women took up arms to fight against the evil rising up in our communities, state, and nation. We will not stand down, and we will fight to the bitter end, because the only thing we are doing is exercising our right to prosperity, safety, and union! To show that we are not boastful or mere gun range shooting enthusiasts who talk the talk but fail the walk, we have taken upon ourselves to expel every single criminal engaged in the following crimes from our city: narcotics trade, rape, murder, arson, grand theft, and more. In the process, we have raided and arrested one-hundred eighty gang members and independent criminals as well as bring down nine parahuman criminals.
We will not assign trivial titles like “villains” or “rogues” or “heroes.” There are only those who are harmful to our community and those who aren’t. Those who are have been hunted down or kicked out. This is our solution to the lack of care we should have received from the very people we have voted into office, from the very state we have been born into, and from the nation that has ignored our cries for help.  
We are not declaring cessation from the federal government or our state. We decry anyone who says otherwise. This is our city, our state, and our nation! Anyone who thinks to use OUR ACTIONS as a rallying cry to their stupid and heinous profiteering agenda shall face our wrath!
We are mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters who will no longer stand for the ineffectual federal agencies! We are veterans, newborns, elderly, poor, rich, and more, but we are all American.
We are the 1st Covington Militia.
If you don’t like what we are doing, then fucking tough. Deal with it or deal with our bullets.


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