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Logical Irrationality
Chapter 5


I felt … content.

Content to leave the insanity that was the Milky Way galaxy of the Warhammer universe.

In fact, I even felt my “consciousness” grow lighter as if … I was able to feel things beyond the scope of my machine’s sensors.

That couldn’t be right, though. I was still a machine.

… I was a machine, just like the Necrons had become.

I was a machine who had incorporated the Necron technology in full (or what counted as full within their vaults and tombs).

I was a machine that immediately began to use Necron technology.

I was a machine that had been capable of detecting the Warp. Or neutralizing the effect of the Immaterium.

I felt chills run up my servos and central processing networks.

“It wasn’t wrong of me to feel something grow lighter within my mind…” I mumbled in horror. How had I not noticed it earlier?

Wait, if I felt something like this, then what about the children? Wouldn’t they, as natives of that dimension, feel more than I did, especially as beings of flesh-and-blood in possession of souls?

I hurriedly turned my focus to the habitat-ships and grimaced. All of the children were screaming, and had been since we left the Warhammer universe.

I … needed to find a solution and quickly. The children cannot be left to suffer like that.

But I didn’t know how to.

… But I could learn how to.

I let my consciousness sink again like I had done when I was on Bet.Mars. I forced myself to reach towards the cold and hard computer within me and gave it its command.

Update Brainstorm.exe
>>save the children
>>eliminate the source of the problem
>>do not alter the biology of the children

>>children must remain themselves and human after the procedure is complete
>>include Necron.Tech
>>include Tau.Tech
>>include Imperium.Tech
>>ensure no mental or physical damages remain on the children.

Run Brainstorm.exe

…And then I fell asleep.



When I “woke” up, the children were cured.


The computer told me how it did it, but I didn’t care beyond that the children were alright and whatever procedures it initiated followed the guidelines I set.

Though details like using nanomachines did alarm me a little, they didn’t remain in the children nor implant something, so I ignored it.

After all, all that ends well and whatnot, right?



The next universe that I arrived in proved to be …

Well, if the Warhammer universe showed itself as complicated yet a straightforward mess urging me to get the fuck out of there as quickly as I could, then the Stargate universe made sure to make me feel angry and want to get involved.

It was unfortunate for me and the goa’uld that the first solar system I drove into was a goa’uld mining world.

See, this was because I took a page from Stellaris’s colonization techniques. In Stellaris the game, lithoid species could colonize a world by literally ramming their colony ship into a planet. So I had designed a few ships for mining colonies specifically with that in mind.

You know, just enjoying myself with what I had. It wasn’t like games could ever give me joy ever when I could literally find the most optimal solution to all games due to the sheer processing power in my possession and ability to multitask like it was no one but Queen Administrator’s business.

So when I stated that it was unfortunate for me and the goa’uld, it was more that it was horrible for the goa’uld and their slaves, because the crystalline colony ship that I slammed into the world kind of started a mass extinction crisis.

And I didn’t know that the world had people until a week after.

Activation of a one-way subspace bridge pinged on my passive sensors, causing me to pause in directing the mining operation on this planet. I sent a drone to scout out the region the dimensional breach occurred.

The scout drone, traveling at 0.05c above the atmosphere of the planet, reached the area quickly and scanned for abnormalities. When the scout transmitted images of villages near primitive mines and a stargate, I realized that maybe I should have done a more thorough scanning before I triggered a cataclysm.

Because this world was inhabited.

And it was also inhabited by goa’ulds, parasitic enslavers who ruled over much of Milky Way Galaxy in the Stargate universe.

I knew where I was now.

I didn’t have to hold back.



I honestly think this has promise. I look forward to more updates.


Huh, you already solved the issue with the children last chapter, I don't think you need to go over it again, or at least update the last chapter. Replacing the first part of chapter 4 with the first part of chapter 5.