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Noblesse Privilege
Chapter 18


Robin followed her new master/protector/employer into his mansion, and what she saw belayed her expectation.

His mansion was not in the center of the holy city. No, in fact, his mansion was at the edge of the holy city, and it wasn’t as big as she expected it to be for a person of his wealth.

‘It is big,’ she corrected herself. ‘But not as big as someone whose wealth is on par with a third of the Levely,’ she thought as she walked behind the man and in front of his bodyguards. The idea was, of course, that if she tried anything, then his bodyguards would finish her before she could harm vel Monstrathum.

It also reminded her that the loyalty of vel Monstrathum’s employees was unlike many things she saw out in the Four Seas. As she stepped onto the mansion’s grounds, she noted how all of the employees greeted their lord with a sincere smile on their faces and a happy skip to their steps. While he did not have unruly children rushing out to greet him, he did greet the young apprentices working under various masters and journeymen working for him.

“Treat them right, and they will treat them right in turn,” he spoke up after a single glance at her. She knew that she hadn’t been easy to read, so how did he know to answer a question that she hadn’t even asked herself? “It’s in your presence. That natural curiosity. Combined with your history and general outlook, I tossed out a one-liner that best suited the situation,” he grinned, and though she couldn’t see his eyes through his black sunglasses, she knew that those eyes were smiling as well.

She sighed fondly with an upturn of a corner of her lips. “You know, if you keep predicting me, then I might just go and seduce you.”

He snorted. “Sorry, but I’m only interested in Vivi.”

“Oh? Not even willing to take in a completely willing and wanting concubine?”

His body language didn’t change as they and his bodyguards now entered the mansion itself. “No. Maybe if Vivi lets me, but I want to have a good relationship with Vivi. A concubine, mistress, or whatever would get in the way of the relationship.”

“Aren’t you being…?” she tried to find the word for it. “Pinning over Princess Nefertari a little bit too much? What if she finds that awkward?”

He got angry for a moment at the first half of her sentence before the second half of the sentence got through to him.

“... Don’t woman find it good for a man heads over heel for her?”

“It’s up to the woman,” she replied flatly. “We all have different tastes, after all. From what I last heard, the princess is at least amenable to your approaches?”

“Yeah,” he sighed. “I mean, I think I have a chance, but a lot of why she’s okay with me dating her has to do with her kingdom.”

“Ah, so you are aware of it.”

He looked at her with a deadpan stare. “How could I not?”

“... you’re also awfully forward and tactful.”

He snorted. “Me? Tactful?”

“Obviously, you didn’t tell that you were aware of some of her reasons for dating you to her face.”

He paused and nodded. “I guess.”

Another snort came, but this came from the equally shaded bodyguard behind her. Robin looked at him. “You should see him when he wakes up with the curtains drawn.”

“It’s a legitimate pain!” Geoffrey whined.

“Whatever.” Then he turned to her. “First off, I can’t have you stick to Lord Geoffrey all day and night. Two, you are dressed incorrectly for an employee of the vel Monstrathum.”

And then he snapped his fingers.

Three maids literally teleported out of nowhere.

“Say hello to your seniors and teachers in the days to come, the Double Barrel Trio’s.”

The three triplets - each dressed in black and white conservative work maid outfits - looked at her with their brown and green heterochromatic eyes, tilted their round faces, and smiled with their full lips in sync.

Robin turned to look at Geoffrey in surprise, but the man was already walking away, whistling all the while.

“Just because you are favored by Lord Goeffrey does not excuse you from work. ‘No work, no food’ is, after all, his motto for his employees. This is why he himself does the payroll for all of his people,” the bodyguard, Luponte, grunted. “Unfortunately for you and your dainty fingers, we already have five librarians for our master’s public and private libraries. Until a position there opens up, this means that you will serve as a maid. Barrel Sisters, take her away.”

As Robin found herself being teleported away in the arms of the three beauties, she wondered how well she was going to fit in.

She never had a proper job before, after all.

‘Oh God, I’m a nine-to-five worker now.’


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