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Family Business
Chapter 34


The Harrowing, the nasty business involving the Ruined King that I expected, came faster than I expected it to.

I received the news when I was in Jorasmang City.

“What?” I asked, hissing a little, as I stood up.

“T-The Black Mist!”

It was a legend of a time and place far from Demacia, but one that still struck the fearful hearts of the children.

I knew that it was not a legend.

“It came for Demacia!” one of the refugees from the city wept. “It took control of the city!”

I rode out with my combat mages, and arrived at the city as the people began to recover. I dispatched my soldiers to help with the recovery operation and to heal the wounded and the sick while I went deeper int othe city.

“Your majesty!” I saw the man while he was out in front of the white palace, personally heading the recovery. “I came as soon as I heard!”

Jarvan III, when he saw me, smiled. “Duke Marris! I am happy to see you here. I hope that your soldiers are already out and helping?”

“They are, Your Majesty.”

“Good, good. The Harrowing has done our good city no favor, and many men and women have died.” He took a deep breath in. “And the Sentinels of Light have called upon us for assistance against the Ruined King.”

I narrowed my eyes. “That is no simple task.”

“It is not. I know that I can depend on you, however.”

Oh God no. Are you fucking serious?

“I live to serve.”

“You are an exemplary noble, Duke Marris Jorasmang-Crownguard. The Sentinels of Light have a need for help, and I know you will get them the help they need.”

I nodded. “Would that be all?”

“Yes. The representative of the Sentinels of Light will be at the city for another week. Dismissed.”

I rolled the idea in my head and tried to think of someone who was ready to fight the Viego. Who in my service, aside from myself, was capable of it?


Then I remembered.

One of my women who spent so much of her time by my side but one who I rarely partook in. It wasn’t because she was unattractive, but because having her openly showing up by my side would send the wrong message.

While I couldn’t have her openly join me as one of my wives, she had been by my side for a long time, masked and veiled.

And so it was that when we were alone in my manor, I turned and looked at her in the eyes.


My woman stepped forward while the rest of the guards, having returned from helping the city, withdrew.

“The Sentinels of Light need help, and the king has demanded it of me. I personally cannot be of much help; I do not have the necessary battle and skirmish experience. But you do.”

“You would have me join the fight against the Harrowing, my master?” she asked. Unlike how she dressed before, she looked more like an assassin right now in her completely black outfit.

“I would if you are willing,” I replied with a nod. “I will arm you as best as I can and -”

She pulled down her mask and stepped forward so that she was within my arm’s reach. Then she pulled me down for a kiss.

We kissed quietly but no less passionately.

I’ve done a lot to change her, and she showed that.

When our kiss broke, she smiled as she let me go. “I know you will arm me to the best of your abilities, love, and I will come back.”

“... Good. I’d hate to lose you.”

She chuckled. “I made a mistake in underestimating you when I broke into your manor. I will not underestimate my enemy.”

“Good, good. Then I will have your tools ready by tomorrow. I want you to make the Ruined King pay for what he did to Demacia.”

She smiled coyly.

“Oh, I’ll make him pay, don’t worry,” she grinned as she walked out of the room, shashying her rear at me. “And I want some good reward when I get back from my hunt.”

I grinned back at her, though she didn’t see it. “Whatever you want, dear.”


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