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Word Play
Chapter 8


I woke up.

And smiled.

My latest creation stared at me lovingly, standing next to my bed and hovering down with a wide and thin grin, stitched face, and empty eye sockets.

I knew this because I made her. She liked to show her love by watching over those she loved in their sleep, guarding them like an angel.

Sure, she had a long neck. Sure, she had claws for fingers on her right hand and entire fake limbs as fingers on her left hand, and I made a paper mache elephant foot for her.

Of course, the feet didn’t matter because she teleported around. The elephant foot was more for stability than mobility use!

... I… I'm forgetting something.

"Good morning," I greeted her and her black smile widened even further and she bounced without jumping. "Happy to go out with your older brothers and sisters?" I asked.

She nodded rapidly.

"Good. I would be upset I'd my children didn't get along. Do you have something in mind or are you going to go and kick some ass like your older siblings?" Why else would the normally trigger happy city be so quiet these days?

She smiled and nodded again.

I heard a grating stone, and one of those siblings now stood by the door.

"Good morning."

I blinked and saw the Weeping Angel wave.

"You know, I never got around to asking. How many of you are there now?"

I'm forgetting something but what am I forgetting?

What holds the image of an angel and all that, right? They must have grown their numbers by now.

I blinked and then the angel had five fingers held up. And a one in the other finger.

"Oh, fifteen of you? That's nice. Make sure to keep your little sister safe, you hear?"

It didn't sound right but maybe it's because I'm bothered by what I forgot.

I blinked rapidly and saw the angel nod like a stop motion capture video.

I smiled and closed my eyes.

Stone grated as she left and there was a teleporting hiss.

When I opened my eyes again, I was alone in my hotel room again.

I sighed.

My creations all wanted to go out there in the world and do what they did best. I was sure that they were terrorizing the public now, making villains and heroes jump.

Probably killing a few villains and making heroes afraid for their lives without actually killing them. That was the plan I suggested about Clockblocker. Scare him enough, and they will move him out of the town. Though my Angels were less than subtle about it and made the headlines the other day, the article didn't mention any patients or heroes dying, so they were doing good!

I think.

(I'm forgetting something? Have I forgotten that I forgot something?)

My children knew better than to attack innocent people, so the ones getting heart attacks had to be capes and criminals, in general.

I blinked when another power settled in. Hammer was a decent word, I guessed, but I wanted to combine Better and Horrify as soon as I could. I turned Hammer into a mote of power and then started combining it all together.

I tittered a bit before combining Better 3 with one Tier 3 mote, giving me a Better 4 as a result. I combined the other motes and got a Tier 3 mote, which left me with Horrify 4, Better 4, and a Tier 3 mote.

Grinning, I grabbed the two powers and wove them together.

What I got was -.

I blinked as a sudden thought swept the new power aside for a moment and only a moment.

I forgot to name my latest creation. Fuck.


"She" was perfect in the eyes of her father just as her older brothers and sisters, the Weeping Angels, were in his eyes.

Though her father hadn’t named her like he had named her older siblings, she knew that he would get around to it. He was still a little tired from waking up.

In the mean time, she turned to her older sister.

Yes, this Weeping Angel was a sister.

She gestured.

‘What do we do?’

For some reason, she did not cause her sisters and brothers to freeze up. So the stone statue moved and gestured without much problem.

‘Father focuses on his work. He makes people like you and I. We leave him to continue to be the Creator.’

‘And us?’

The angel smiled serenely. ‘We hunt down those who pose a threat to ourselves and father. I have done so for some time now, and I enjoy their screams.’ She paused. ‘It is unfortunate that you cannot join us. You are not as tough as we are, but I imagine that you are far stronger.’

‘She’ nodded. ‘Father made me strong!’

With a simple wave of her clawed hands, her claws slashed into the wall next to her and it came tumbling down with a long crash.

The angel giggled, though it sounded like gravel falling down. ‘Father made you strong! Then it’s perfect. We are the defenders of father! I am the shield and you are the dagger in the dark!’

She giggled. She liked the idea of being father’s sword.

To strike down his enemies with none the wiser!

‘Let us find enemies to test yourself on. The supposed “good guys” are to be left alone. We can scare them, though.’

‘... I want to scare them.’

Her sister grinned and her company of siblings appeared around them.

There were more than fifteen.

She grinned back.



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