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Commissioned by Definitely Not Dio

In the Midst of Callousness
Chapter 1


“Of all of the -!” Allfather hissed as he stood before at the head of his cape parade of true Aryans.

Standing on the other side of the street where none dared to stand before was the dangerous lunatic who cared for nothing.

Mantled in a scoffed leather jacket, pants, and boots with a motorcycle helmet at the top, he was a cape no one - not just capes but everyone - wanted to come across.

“You fucking idiot!” he roared at the Bastard. “The Slaughterhouse Nine are in town! No one will let you off if you decide to attack us now!” They were supposed to be heading towards Somer’s Rock to discuss how the capes of the city should dispose of the nomadic maniacs. ‘But this guy really might not care.’

The perhaps truly insane cape continued to stare.

When this bastard first showed up on the news, it was him beating the shit out of the hooligans who got Vikare killed. How did he beat the shit out of them?

He pinned them down and threw rocks at them until they started crying, not cussing, and begged for mercy.

Next, he showed up at New York City when Behemoth struck the Big Apple and proceeded to blow a hole through three skyscrapers and then the Endbringer’s shoulder. It did jackshit against the Endbringer and completely ruined the skyscrapers with radiation, but who cared besides the multi-millionaires who lost their skyscrapers to human collateral damage and not Endbringer belligerence? Of course, said holes on skyscrapers were fired from a distance of over 4 miles away using some kind of giant’s sniper rifle that exploded after a single-use.

Then he showed in Brockton Bay.

The fucking bastard showed up in Brockton Bay and decided that he wanted to beat the shit out of everyone.

There were no capes - and politicians - in the bay who haven’t had a hospital stay because of him.

Which was why everyone just called him “the Bastard.”

You were a hero? BAM! He beats the shit out of you for being too slow!

You were a villain? BAM! He beats the shit out of you because you’re a dick!

You were a politician? BAM! He beats the shit out of you on principle with whatever flavor of policies you advocated for. Do you want to restrict building permits? You get a hammer to the face. Do you want to chop down more trees? Your car pays for your belligerence because there’s now a tree trunk on top of it.

You were a police officer?

He actually left you alone on three conditions. One, don’t be a dick. Two, don’t pull out your gun in his presence. Three, if you have ever killed someone who wasn’t trying to attack you, then hope that you aren’t in his line of sight because he will shoot you.

Allfather also got his shit beat in by the Bastard, but he could at least respect that. The Bastard was as brutal as he was, just for different reasons. He was upfront about his disdain for everything and everyone.

… But the Bastard also gave no shit about the Unwritten Rules, so perhaps invoking in an attempt to slow him was not smart of him.

“SCATT-!” Allfather shouted, but it was too late when they were within his area of influence already. “GAH!” he screamed as he felt the world turn up the gravity. Wearing armor as he was, he couldn’t keep himself standing and slammed down onto the ground.

His daughter, however, was strong and hadn’t worn armor. She gestured and iron marbles formed in the air with some difficulty. Gravity around them forced them to sink quite a bit, but she held dominion over her irons when she was closer to them. Those marbles warped and formed into spears and swords.

And then they blasted away towards the Bastard.

The Bastard jumped towards them instead of away. His “aura” flashed twice as only two of Iron Rain’s attacks struck home but did nothing to stop the Bastard. He ran low to the ground at inhuman angles and then jumped into their midst.

Kaiser, the little brat, roared as he forced metals from all around them to spike outward like a crown.

The Bastard rode with the attack, briefly spinning in place as a spike thick as a man’s head clipped his defensive shield.

But he landed on both of his feet on the spike itself and blasted off of it like a missile.

Allfather roared in defiance. Even as gravity demanded he stay down, he pushed himself, ignoring the creaking of bones and the tears of muscles. He clawed forward, and iron spears formed from nothing to meet the Bastard’s charge.

The Bastard spun.

And pulled out a ridiculously shaped warhammer from somewhere as he spun and slammed it dow-!


Richard Anders’ eyes snapped open.

The soft sound of beeping heart monitors and the hateful stench of the hospital disinfectants gave him a migraine on the spot.

“FUCK THAT BASTARD!” he roared.

Richard Anders, an unfortunate civilian who just “happened” to come across “the Bastard” on the same day as the night the majority of the Empire Eighty-Eight’s capes ran into “the Bastard,” soon found himself facing four nurse men wrangling him back to his bed.

Across from him in the same room, Max Anders lay stewing in his own injuries and brooding. Unlike their father who had been close to the blast radius of the Bastard’s infamous “gravity hammer,” which compounded the effect of his innate gravity area-of-effect, he hadn’t been so lucky and took a ribcage crushing blow.

He was the lucky one. Iron Rain took a blow to the head and … well, he was going to have to set up a funeral for Iron Rain.

… He wondered what the Bastard was doing right now. Was he killing the Nine? Was he fighting the rest of the bay for breaking the Truce?

Max closed his eyes to the sounds of his dad getting anesthetized… and then poisoned.

After all, they were in the Medhall Corporation’s very own and very new building, a mix of hospital and corporate headquarters. All of the people were his men and women. He built this corporation after his dad tossed it to him years ago.

Yes… this was the perfect opportunity for a … regicide.

Oh, those nurses didn’t know that they were using a poisoned needle.

But their innocence wouldn't matter because he would cover it up. It would be an unexpected medical accident. 

The only thing that mattered was that the Bastard gave him what he wanted.

... But seriously, he also wanted the Bastard dead.


A/N: Another CYOA commission! A RWBY to Multicross. The links and details are below, so if you are interested in the CYOA as well, have fun!



Handicap, Difficulty, Challenges, Meta, Scenario, Alignment, Character, Aura, Point Conversion, Perks and Drawbacks, Semblances and Magic, You, CYOA, Normal, 5,000 Years, Rise of Violence in the White Fang: 6 BR to 0 BR, Neutral, Uninvolved, Unreligious, Average, Shielding (Passive), Increased Strength, Increased Speed, Regeneration of Aura, Mental Barrier, Pain Tolerance, 'Plot' Armor, Unlocked Aura, Fast Healing, Wanted, University Education(Taken undefined Times), Friend(Taken undefined Times), Huntsman/Huntress Outfit(Taken undefined Times), First-Aid Kit(Taken undefined Times)



Aura Points, Lien, Magic Points, Companions, Starting Points, Universe, Point Conversion, Aura Points (+/- 10)(Taken 2 Times), Aura Points (+/- 1)(Taken 2 Times), Lien (+/- 1000)(Taken 1 Times), Earth Bet (Worm), Date: Dawn of Parahumans, Location: Brockton Bay, Perk: Parahuman Potential, Perk: Mental Barrier Mark II, Perk: Trump Immunity, Perk: Aura Snacks, Perk: Parahuman, Perk: Blindspot, Perk: Range, Drawback: Slaughterhouse, Drawback: Kaiju Target, Drawback: Tinfoil Hat, Power: Shaker, Power: Master, Power: Tinker



Oh. Noice!