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Don't forget that this entire story is a giant NSFW


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Greedy Cataloger
Chapter 7


With Taylor and Lisa secured, I wondered if I should also capture Panacea and Glory Girl. The farmer's ability was useful anywhere and a superman package was great, too.


I patted one of Taylor's cheeks as she swallowed my latest ejaculation. Kneeling in front of me while I sat on her bed, today was the fifth night I came to use her. Her pussy already dripped with my five orgasm's worth of cum, and she'd swallowed her second shot just now.

Then just like I told her to, she started bobbing her head up and down my still erect shaft while her tongue twisted and wrapped around the tip of my dick.

While Lisa and Milly were useful with their power and natural insights, Taylor … wasn't. Oh sure, she wasn't dumb. She was smart, but most of that lay in tactical acumen. She was a fearful combatant, but I didn't have a need for one. No, her best role right now was to be a bitch that took all of the dicking she got from me.

Milly and Kayden were actually happy about that. See, my condition left me more than a little capable of sex. Two rounds? Easy. Five rounds? Still easy. Ten? I could do that. Twenty? Pushing my limits but still could.

Coupled with having nice round asses and dripping passes around me, Open for me to ravage them, I did. And Milly and Kayden had been left thoroughly exhausted to the point that Kayden had to call in sick for her work even as she was wrapping things up on her end.

Enter Taylor.

A girl with no more ties to Earth Bet and fitter than my first two women combined. More than that, Taylor craved the tender - and sometimes not so tender - touch. Combined with the Shroud's ability to alter my Shroud-bound, she's become an enthusiastic sex partner.

Well, she was tired now. I could see it in her eyes.

"Hey, that's good enough," I told her and she popped my dick off of her lips. She looked up at me. I brought her up and laid her down on the bed and spooned her. She snuggled into me and slowly fell asleep.

But this was a little unfair to Taylor. I needed more women and capturing Amy and Victoria was … it was a good idea. At the very least, I'll get a doctor and bodyguard for my harem.


I found myself surrounded.

Seated at the table, Milly and Kayden sat to my left and Lisa and Taylor sat to my right, and they all looked at me expectantly.

I'd underestimated Taylor. Sure, she was a great and eager fucktoy ready to pop out babies, but she had wants and goals, and she convinced the rest of the girls into her line of thought.

It was mutiny, I say!

"You want me to stay connected to Earth Bet… because why?"

"Because we can do a lot of good, especially if the portals work the way they do like Lisa told me!" Taylor stated seriously.

"And all of you are okay with this?"

"Yes," Kayden replied. She had been the biggest surprise between the three of them. "I want my children to grow knowing that their mom is a hero."

"I still want to be a hero," Tsylor added.

"I'm just helping her," Lisa grinned knowingly. Of course, she would say something unnecessary before this to make Taylor's smart brain go into overdrive.

"I'm just going with the majority."

I leveled a deadpan stare at Milly, who shrugged.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

I could just ignore this and move on. The Shroud let me do that;  the Shroud-bound could not ignore the demands of the Shroud. However, that wasn't how relationships worked. Sure, I bought one and enslaved three, but they were still my women, and all of them were smart and determined in their own rights.

"Fine, I won't completely cut us off from Earth Bet," I grumbled, and the girls cheered at my defeat. "I hope you know that sooner or later, I will be declared a villain, right? I am going to be capturing Panacea and Glory Girl."

Taylor nodded. "You don't have to come to Earth Bet after being declared a villain."

"And when you need help? When a villain is seen helping you?"

"... we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

And that was that.

"How do you intend to be a hero, though?" I asked Taylor. "If you haven't noticed, three of the five people here are known villains in their cape persona. On top of that, you were arrested while robbing a bank."

She fidgeted. "That's why I need your help. We need to take down Coil."


Actually, if Lisa can access his accounts…

"I can."

I smirked. "Using your power for this?"

"I have to," she shrugged. "Just don't make me use it too much, or otherwise, I'll be out of commission."

"Noted. So you can access his accounts."

She nodded. "Not for long, though. He will no doubt start changing his security protocols again, so we'd like it if you can make a quick decision."

"Going with Taylor's original 'infiltration route. That's not a bad way to restart your career as a hero, officially recognized or not."


"And, pray tell, how do you expect me to help you?"

"... we kind of need you to burn a hole through a building and bunker?" Lisa grinned.

"And fight off all of the capes?"


I rolled my eyes. "We'll see." I found myself not against the idea. I could probably sell everyone I capture as well, and arguably the strongest cape currently under Coil's employ was Sundancer of the Travelers, whose direct counter was me.

Thanks to my Volcanic Shroud, fire healed me.

Removing Coil also ensured that a Hostile Thinker left the board to let my girls play being heroes. As long as they didn’t get too involved and got hurt for it, I would let them be heroes to their heart’s content.

Then I remembered.

“Right, there’s actually a way for all of you to be heroes without risking your villain pasts.”

They looked at me.

I grinned.

“Well, as my Shroud-bound, all of you should be able to call upon my Shroud for your use,” I said as my clothes crackled with ember and changed from pajamas into a dress suit. “In fact, I wager you can even use it to boost your existing powers. Say Taylor, do you think you can imbue my fire upon your insects?”

She blinked before she looked down and her clothes disappeared, leaving her naked. She blushed. Obviously, she didn’t strip herself on purpose.

I chuckled. “Maybe once you get used to my Shroud.”



Parian. Don't forget the Parian :P.