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Greedy Cataloger
Chapter 4


I stayed to meet the PRT agents and to ensure that the Merchants’ capes would not escape. I also picked Mush out of the water before he floated away.

While I waited, I gathered the loot in the area, wrapped Squealer to start the Capture process, and began to also look for information on vigilante looting laws.

I found it easily and the words were clear.

Any legal asset (deeds, cash, commodity goods) could be kept, up to 90%. All illegal goods (drugs, unapproved tinkertech, and other contrabands) must be turned over to the PRT, Protectorate, or the local authorities with the last option only if there were no local PRT representative in the area. It went together with the Good Samaritan clause, but if found to be lying, then the vigilante in question would be arrested on federal felony charges for automatically assigned grand theft of federal property.

Seeing as I didn't want anything but the money, this suited me just fine. A quick tap on my pile of money with the Company phone saw it disappear and the money appeared on my Company account.

I found a total of sixty thousand dollars in cash and more than a few white bricks, gym bags of weed, and tiny bottles of medical grade meth. Someone was obviously stealing these from the local hospitals.

Soon, I heard the sirens approaching from a distance and waited patiently for the PRT to arrive.

Sooner than the PRT, my lure capture of Squealer finished first and I stood there with two options as the first 12 points for the Capture got deposited into my account. I could also sell Squealer for an additional 4 points. What to do, what to do…

Well, the lure captures effect was going to be pretty obvious, and I did not want a Master rating attached to my name just yet. Also, criminals kinda lost their rights once they were prisoners. That's how the USA rolled.

'So off you go Squealer,' I thought as I pressed the sell button on the Company phone. 'Hope you find someone better than Adam here.'

A dim light that surrounded her for a moment, which was actually kind of hard to see with the afternoon sun glaring down on everything, and then she was gone, and I watched as another 4 points entered my account. I put the phone away and waited more for the PRT.

And arrived, they did.

Three blue vans with the PRT logo painted on them, two motorcycle riders, and a single flyer came to see me.

While agents got out of the vans, three heroes, blue armored and halberd wielding Armsmaster, green gun toting Miss Militia, and Ancient Greek hoplite-wannabe Dauntless walked up towards me.

I briefly debated ranking them by telling them how long it took to reach me (14 minutes) but I kept my mouth shut. As my brother always said, "Keep your mouth shut if you can't say something nice first. It makes less trouble." And less trouble got me my bounty money faster. At least, I hoped it would.

"Tephra?" Miss Militia asked.

"Here, ma'am," I responded with a cheeky grin they couldn't see but certainly hear. "Two Merchants capes, as promised. Squealer ran away when I was busy looting."

Armsmaster frowned at me but didn't say anything. He probably had his lie detector program, but my head was completely covered.

"Unfortunate," he grunted and went to secure the capes.

"I haven't heard of you before," Dauntless said. "Welcome to Brockton Bay."

"Thank you," I replied. "This is technically my first night out."

My reply got me some looks. Miss Militia and Dauntless looked impressed and Armsmaster looked hella annoyed.

"... the lighthouse shows a lot of damage," he merely commented. "Molten. Your power is based off of fire?"

"Yup," I hummed as I "unfurled" my Volcanic Cape, letting it flare to life.

"Wow. Toasty," Dauntless chirped as he took a step back.

"You will need to be careful. You can cause problems for everyone if you go near them with your power flaring like that," Armsmaster grunted as he picked up Skidmark and Mush and walked towards the vans.

"My bounty?" I asked.

"We can pay it out to you at the PRT headquarters. We'll need you to file some paperwork for the payout to process smoothly and on timely manner," Miss Militia smiled.

"And if I don't?"

"It might take a few weeks."

Damn, seriously? "How much is it for Mush and Skidmark? You know, since Squealer ran."

I already knew how much it was. It was, after all, there for me to see when I put in their photos from the bounty boards.

"Eight thousand and twelve thousand respectively."

"... you know what? Why not. I'll fly behind you guys."

Miss Militia and Dauntless nodded as they and one PRT van started off towards the PRT headquarters and I followed after them.

The leisurely afternoon flyby went by quickly, and I found myself standing in front of the PRT ENE headquarters.

"Nice place," I commented politely at the dull grey cubic concrete building that was probably built in the 70's.

"You can say it. It's drab," Dauntless chuckled as he landed beside me.

"It could be better, yes,," I replied with a scoff.

"This way, please," Miss Militia called as she led me into a side entrance of the building. Inside, I found a small room. It felt like a smaller second lobby. "This is the lobby for parahuman-related business. The big entrance at the front is for tourists and employees."

She picked up a packet from the front desk and handed it to me.

I read the top.

"Parahuman Cape Identity Registration."

'It was time for paperwork, I guess.'


Two hours and one hundred checkbooks, signatures, and words later, I had both registered myself as "rogue" with the PRT ENE and received my well-earned twenty thousand dollars in a black debit card.

Miss Militia explained to me that the card in question belonged to a parahuman bank managed by a mysterious Number Man, whose service was as top-notch as it was solid. I appreciated her explanation, even if I knew about Number Man and his bank already.

Now eighty thousand dollars richer, I headed home by opening a door in the middle of the air and slipping through, making it utterly impossible for them to track me.

"Welcome home!" Milly called out as I closed the door behind me and allowed the Volcanic Shroud's heavy armor set to dissipate. Just like with sex, I may have exerted myself just a tiny bit, but I had none of the sweat to show off for it.

It was just grand.

Milly walked over and I saw her … wearing nothing. She leaned against the entrance hall's wall. "Did my conquering hero find his prey today?" she crooned while flashing her eyelashes and crossing her arms underneath her tits to push them up.

"Oh, I did," I chuckled as I walked up to her. My clothes all dissipated off of me like the armor, leaving my slightly tanned skin as nude as she was. With one arm, I pulled her close, and fondled her tits with the other while I kissed her.

Soon after, I had her turn around and fingered her pussy. She moaned and pushed herself against my hand. She laid her arms against the nearby wall as her pussy tightened and coiled as she came.

While her pussy still throbbed and she came down from her orgasm, I grabbed her waist with both of my hands and swiftly filled her up in one-go.

"Fuck~!" Milly moaned as she shuddered.

I held myself there for a moment, enjoying how she adjusted herself to me.

Then I began to pump her, slowly at first but soon, I was slamming into her hard enough to make her tits bounce up.

She moaned my name, begging me to fill her up again, and I came to her needy moans.

Flipping her around with me still in her, I pulled her up and carried her into her bedroom.

All conquerors made time for his women!


A/N: for Worm characters, I will be using the unofficial catalog from the comprehensive list for it.


Tom smith

Not many fics do the bounty thing. Nice.