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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay
Chapter 46


I was more surprised that Hannover agreed.

Free one million dollars~!

Well, he obviously wanted me out of the city. It probably involved being a shady criminal, but then again, I was getting paid to see nothing, hear nothing, and speak nothing. Of course, once my new honeymoon phase came to an end, then it would be a return to normalcy (as normal as capes came).

And speaking of honeymoon…!

“I want to go to Hawaii!” Vicky shouted with a raised hand.

“Brazil!” Amy retorted with a glare.

“But the beach!”

“The animals!”

“The culture!”


Unfortunately, I didn’t get a vote because “I was the man,” and my two girls were fighting. It was a nice sibling-ish(?) fighting, but there was also something else involved in here.

Oh yeah, and that one million dollars? It would be used to invite all of their closest friends (even Carol). I … didn’t have any, so I would keep my cut(?) of the million dollars. Of course, I would be expected to host a marriage here in the bay where I would marry Amy. And also where we had our honeymoon, where I would be marrying Vicky.

Yes, we’ve already gone and planned out how our trio’s relationship was going to be, and it was going to be simple. I would be married to both of them. Seeing as how New Hampshire wasn’t a fan of polygamy (most of USA wasn’t), we were registering with different locations to bypass the law.

So, we had a plan!

What we needed to do was choose, but my two women were very adamant about where we were going to go for vacation.

See, as unmasked capes, traveling was a very hard thing to do. Never mind the fact that they might be swamped by fans, there was also the troubles of unknown Masters and the like who liked collecting capes (Heartbreaker was one such example).

My appearance and shared power changed that. No one in my small family worried about the details anymore. Why would we when Amy was in the process of making anti-Master implants, Vicky who was naturally tolerant to Master attacks now exhibited immunity, and I who … would smash.

‘I sound like a brute,’ I thought to myself.

“...spiration for more cats!” Amy finished with a huff. “You like my kitties, don’t you?!”

Vicky stuttered a little.

Everyone knew that she liked the spirit jaguars, especially after Amy turned one of them into Vicky’s personal ride. Yes, Vicky went around town riding that thing, and considering that the spirit jaguar in question - a lightly colored one with dark eyes - ranked a mid-tier Brute, Mover, and Striker by itself. Combined with Vicky, the pair had been … let’s say that there was a new mascot for the city.

PHO, in particular, was roaring as they realized that Amy was a biokinetic, and people, especially rich people, started requesting their own personal spirit jaguars. And kittens. And dogs.

I still could not believe someone would want a chihuahua spirit beast. Like… why?


I jolted in place. “Umm, yeah?”

Vicky and Amy looked at me intensely.


They rolled their eyes together.

“We’re going to Brazil.”

Vicky looked pissed at Amy’s declaration. “No, we’re trying to get his opinion!” she snapped.

“Well, obviously, we’re gonna go outside the USA for a proper honeymoon.”

‘I am not partial to mosquitos, and both locations have them,’ I thought to myself but didn’t voice it out like an idiot. I didn’t want to hurt either of their feelings by siding with one side but that was easier said than done. How could I make them like my opinion without being upset?

… Could I make them think that my opinion was their opinion?

“Honestly?” I asked, and they nodded. “Hawaii would be easier on us because none of us know Portuguese, but I also do not want to spend our honeymoon on signing autographs.”

Vicky’s lips parted into a sneer at the thought of it.

“Brazil will probably help us in the long run by helping Amy compile some interesting biological… stuff, but I don’t want to deal with the villains there. I think everyone knows that the Brazilian government is more than happy to just lease out land to villains if they pay high enough of a price…”

It appeared in news often enough (like twice a year) that people never forgot and Brazil earned a nickname from it: “Jungle of the Villains.” It was a twist to the “laws of the jungle” with a literal jungle involved.

Both of them frowned as they thought about it.

“How about somewhere safer, communicable, equally biodiverse, and with beaches like Hawaii?”

“Where?” Vicky asked with a raised eyebrow. “I mean, does some place like that exist?”

“Of course!”

“... I mean, if it’s as good as Brazil, then I’m okay with an alternative.”

I grinned.


““You crazy son of a bitch.””

Fair. Their capital did get Ziz-bombed and the aboriginals were … let’s say that they have formed their own unrecognized but nevertheless powerful and independent state in the Outback and was in a state of constant low level conflict with the Australian oil and mining industries.

“At least there’s no cartels and we can understand English,” I replied back with a shrug. “Oh, and we’re less likely to be scammed.”

“Alan, their capital got Ziz’ed,” Vicky hissed. “It happened less than a year ago!”

“I know! The people there won’t recognize us, and even if they do, they have their own survival to take care of.”

“... I feel like we’re taking advantage of -”

“Huge. Fat. Tarantula.”

“Amy-!” Vicky hissed at Amy’s blank look.

“Beaches with clean waters and coral reefs to enjoy.”

“... Fine, I’m in.”




Instead of Hawaii or Brazil we shall go to the land of everything wants to kill you...... God damnit alan


I mean if you're looking for potentially weaponizable animals, Australia is definitely one of the top locations to search.