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Noblesse Privilege
Chapter 8


Now, how was I supposed to talk with her?

I mean, I think my gestures of friendship made things better, but how far would it exactly move the princess?

She wasn’t glaring at me or staring at me like I was some sort of a predator, but I could also tell that she was a little distant from me-.

“Stop brooding and just go and talk to her,” Luponte grunted while slapping my back with his meaty hand. I stumbled forward and threw back a glare at him. He just grinned. “You had all of the crew and me working for this! Are you seriously not going to go and talk to her after coming all this way?”

“But I can’t just walk up to her,” I grumbled.

“Why not? All of us are already at this welcoming party. It would be weird if you didn’t go and talk to her. She is the heir to the Throne of Alabasta, is she not?” he asked me with a raised eyebrow. Still wearing his sunglasses despite being indoors and somehow changing without anyone noticing into local clothes better suited to the heat, he cut a dashing figure with not only his muscles but also how tall he was.

Compared to him, I was much shorter (but above average, I’ll have everyone know!) and scrawnier.

I mean, I wasn’t only stick and bones because I exercised and built muscles, too. Do I even know what kind of guy Vivi likes? No, because I haven’t been able to get that information no matter how many spies I slipped into this palace.

I glanced at the server who came with a plate and a glass on top. I took the drink and nodded to her with a smile and she bowed before leaving. Yes, spies like Kristina, who just got me a drink, have all failed to gather the most basic of information on Vivi, mostly because she didn’t talk about her interest.

It was always about the people and how she wanted to help them.

I found that to be an endearing trait in a ruler because it showed me that they were kind (and kind people were easier for me to get along with), but it told me nothing about her personal tastes! You know, aside from the bare basic personal tastes like what kind of clothes and food she liked.

I sneaked a glance at the boxes of gifts I’d brought, and how Vivi had only touched the bare minimum - two of the fifty gift boxes - to not come off as rude or impolite.

I hung my head in despair.

Luponte patted my back. “She likes it.”

“You mean she’s putting up a front to be polite,” I whined.

He slapped me again. “Straighten your back, man. You are a World Noble. Act like it.”

“You mean buy slaves and wear glass home helmets?” I snarked back.

“I mean have some pride for who and what you are. You are the very best of the World Nobles, never mind the richest one among them. Why wouldn’t she want to be close to you?”

“Because she’s not a vapid bimbo trying out at gold-digging,” I grumbled as I sat down and tried to not look bored or distracted. Maybe I should appear too full, so it would not be disrespectful to the hosts and would actually honor them. Can’t eat too much though, which would make me appear like a pig.

I looked down at the drink I took absentmindedly while acknowledging one of my spies.

‘Right, I could just sip this slowly.’

So I did.

It was so fucking sweet. Holy shit, this drink was sweeter than honey.

“So you’re not going to approach her?” my most trusted bodyguard/captain of the guards asked me again.

“I want to.”

“Then why not?”

“Because … I’m afraid.”

Yes, that was the truth of it, wasn’t it?

“Afraid of what?”

“Whether or not I’ll even make a good first impression. Or rather I already failed at it.”

“You did not.”

“Yes, I did. I came here like a regular old World Noble, made her feel scared for her country, and then I insulted her father.”

“... Okay, so maybe first impression could have been better. But you also pledged to provide her country with help.”

“Yeah, so? Doesn’t do jackshit about personal views!”

Luponte shrugged. “If you don’t, then I’ll go talk to her. Maybe I might even get her to agree to -.”

For a moment, silence reigned between the two of us right as I glared at him.

“Please don’t joke about her,” I told him flatly.

“Then go for it. If you don’t, then someone else will.”

I bit my lips and my feet bounced.


Okay, fuck, uh, what do I do?

Just -?

… I hated this. This uncertainty, this frustration, and this -!

I shot up from where I have been sitting.


I patted myself down, still wearing World Noble robe, and took a deep breath in.

Then I started walking towards her with as soft a smile as I could manage on my lips.

As I walked across the room, eyes turned towards me, and eventually, Vivi looked at me after one of her retainers whispered to me.

With the same dead and polite smile as the one that she used to greet me back in the docks, Princess Nefertari Vivi spoke up. “How are you finding this party, Your Grace?” she asked.

“I feel welcomed.” No, I did not. There was an underlying tension with everyone. “How have you found my gifts for you, Princess Nefertari?”

“They’re … actually wonderful.”


I grinned slyly. “Oh, were you expecting something unfit for a princess?” I asked with a drawl. “Maybe something other World Nobles would have offered?”

“Uh, no, that’s not what I thought about them!” she hurriedly replied. “I was just surprised to read that you picked out every single one of them.”

“And you like them?”

“... yes.”

“Wonderful!” I chuckled, but I was nervous as hell on the inside. “Say… could you be honest with me? What’s your first impression of me?”

She looked down and then back up.

“Don’t worry,” I added. “I have already made a pact of friendship with His Majesty, your father. Your honest opinion won’t change anything.”

She took a deep breath in and let it out.

“... I was scared of you, Your Grace.”


“I BOTCHED IT UP!” I shrieked within the confines of my guestroom with my hands on my face and mouth. I screamed into them before letting them drop lifelessly. “It’s over.”

Luponte awkwardly patted my shoulders. “There, there. She didn’t tell you no?”

“Vivi told me that she was scared of me when I asked her to be honest!”

“Who isn’t scared of you, really?”


“I train you, bodyguard you, watched you as a baby, had you shit in my hands as a baby-”

“Please stop bringing that up,” I whirled around and glared at him, but I lost the will for it and just dropped onto the bed. “It’s all over now.”

“You know, she said that was her first impression, right?” he interrupted my self-loathing. “She also did say that she thought your gifts were wonderful and that she liked them.”

Like the hapless puppy that I was, I perked up with a smile. “She did, didn’t she? Maybe I can try that angle and -!”

It was a wonderful night of planning for me and a sleepless night for my best friend.


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