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An Arcanist in Karakura Town
Chapter 33


I worked overnight to fortify my base to the utmost. Of course, no one could tell what was happening because the combination of my Bounded Fields and Hide’s Great Wall prevented anyone from spying.

It wasn’t for a lack of trying as well.

All of the big names - the arrancars and Aizen, Gotei 13 and its Second Division, Urahara, the Visoreds - tried passive scans, then active scans, and finally breaking and entering (though only the Second Division tried the last), but this time, I had clamped down hard on all intrusions, even more than before. Whatever holes they found in my defenses before no longer existed, and just as they could not see into my base, I could not see out of it.

At least until Hide came in with the European inspectors and unlocked his Great Wall.

When I felt him knock on the metaphorical gates, which was his way of telling me that he was here with guests and not just by himself, I opened a small way for them to enter.

Enter, they did.

Hide walked in the front with two individuals behind him. Neither dressed in the traps of modernity but wrapped themselves in the dresses of the past.

Considering that the elderly woman of the two who wore a Roman toga of all things, both of them had to have come from societies or cultures with some long histories.

“Welcome to my abode, representatives of the …?”

The toga-wearing lady curtsied. “I am Sophia Euphorbenos of the Hidden East Roman Empire. Thank you for allowing us passage into your private sanctum.”

The other representative bowed lightly. “I am Hans von Ludowinger, representative of the Society of Thuringian Alchemists. Both of us are inspectors from the Reverse side Compact.” Wasn’t that the name of the treaty the magicals signed? I guessed that they took the treaty and used it as a name. It wasn’t a bad name, though a little on the nose.

“Through your Representative Qin, we learned that you were facing some sort of threat native to this region, am I correct?” Sophia asked me.

“I am.”

“And who might these threats be?” Hans asked.

“Well, let’s start with the more obvious threats,” I said as I gestured for them to follow me.

Instead of the open warehouse that my home was before, I sectioned off the warehouse into five areas and walled them off. These five areas were connected by a central hallway. The first was, of course, my home where the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms were. The second and third rooms were labs. The fourth was the storage area.

And the fifth area, now a room I supposed, was where I held my captives.

“Please, this way,” I said as I unlocked all of my magical security measures - ranging from counter-espionage shock attack, simple locks, complicated locks, and then some - and then the normal locks before opening the door.

When I opened the simple light wood door and the bright lights of the room inside showed who I kept in the cages, the two representatives recoiled but only for a brief moment. Sophia, after getting my permission, quickly stepped in and looked over the more bizarre of my two captives.

“You have a Hollow infestation?” she asked me incredulously.

“You are familiar with them?” I asked her as I stepped in, followed by Hans and Hide.

“I am, but they are so rare in the Mediterranean that meeting one is thought to be a sign of extreme back luck.”

Ouch. I guessed that Japan was indeed unlucky. After all, Japan was still suffering from its economic downturn (for the last decade), its population was shrinking, young people find work, the old conservatives and their xenophobic policies didn’t allow Japan to recover…

Shit, yeah, extremely bad luck sounded perfectly in line with what was happening with this country.

“There’s about a dozen roaming this town every night.”

Hans did a spit-take.

“And the average strength of the Hollows?” Sophia asked. She sounded and looked far more professional than Hans did.

Hide spoke up at this point. “By the standards of the Reverse Side Compact, I have determined that the average strength of the Hollow would be classified as Beta plus.”

Hans groaned while Sophia nodded. “It indeed is a significant infestation. However, how does that -.”

“Because those are the low ranking scum-eating low lives of the Hollow hierarchy.”

Sophia stilled and tilted her head forward towards me. “Tell me more.”

“Hollows are separated into two categories: regulars and Menos Grande. It is said that a single low-class Menos Grande is supposed to be a thousand times as strong as a regular Hollow. This town, however, is under assault from not low-class Menos Grande but mid and high-tier humanified versions of Menos Grande.”

“How is the town still standing?” Hans asked, horrified.

“Because there is the other party involved in this. The local afterlife.”

From the way Hans dropped his face into his awaiting hands and Sophia quirked an eyebrow at the dramatic man’s reactions, it was clear that there was a disconnect between the two.

“Well, it is the afterlife for the unaffiliated souls,” I added. “And it seems to follow a medieval caste system comparable to feudal Japan. Their foremost military organization, Gotei 13, is equally strong, if not stronger, than the belligerent Hollows. The problem, however, is that this town is becoming the center of their cold war that’s about to break out into conflict. This is why I had my Servant looking for materials to defend myself. Because at the rate that shit’s happening, there will be a war. Whatever agreements of secrecy you have, the Hollows certainly don’t care. If you doubt my words, then look around. You will find more than a few evidence of recent combat. Some are better covered up than others. I presume that the two representatives of the compact have at least some experience in determining this and have no issue doing some investigative work?”

“No, we will not,” Hans said with a sigh. “God, this is a clusterfuck. I told the compact they should be more alert of the orient!”

Sophia shushed him up. “We shall get right to it, Lord Marris,” she curtsied again, and led Hans away.

What they didn’t know was that I had bugged my own base, including the bedroom.

You know, for … research purposes.

“It is obvious that he is a powerful magician. Keeping a Hollow chained in and of itself would have earned him the title of a warlock back with the Compact.”

“I know,” Hans grouched. “Why the hell is he here, anyways? He doesn’t look Japanese.”

“American, I assume.”

“Ugh, Americans. They think they’re all above the Compact.”

“We charge them through the nose to clean up their own mess, so I am happy to leave them be.”

“But Japan is not part of our compact. It never has been because there never have been enough magicals.”

“If you consider this new information, then I think we now know the reason why. Our records of Hollows tell us that Hollows go after magicals.”

“Indeed. Although, I do find what Mr. Marris tells us about this city to be a little bit … over the top…”

“Better safe than sorry.”

“Yes. If there truly is a cadre of highly evolved Hollows and spiritual fighters, then the Compact must be ready. Well, shall we go have a look then, Grand Warlock Euphorbenos?”

“Hide, how high is a grand warlock?” I asked him as I walked him out of the room after the two representatives left on their own.

“I believe that there are only a five dozen Grand Warlocks within the Compact. They are something of an elite magician.”

Oh, they didn’t send some floozy. Interesting…

“Make sure they don’t die ugly deaths, will you? Hollows will try their best to eat them if spotted.”

“Of course, Master.”

Hide disappeared, leaving me in the hallway.

I made my way to the quarters and walked in.

Sitting in the living room and laughing at something, Orihime paused and looked up at me.

“Ah, my man’s here!” she giggled as she stood up and led me deeper into our home.

I felt a little guilty, actually, because I have been extremely busy making upgrades to the warehouse and our home that I only met her at night to sleep in the same bed and eat breakfast together.

The three people she brought for their safety had surprised me a few days ago.

Because I did not expect her to bring back Tatsuki nor bring in Karin and Yuzu.

“Hello, girls,” I grinned, tired. “How’s your day?”

At the very least, Ichigo’s sisters aren’t really part of his “gang” but Tatsuki…

I accepted her because, well, we did fuck. It wasn’t like she was of any use out there anyways. She just wasn’t strong enough and knew when to protect herself, which in turn allowed others to fight to their fullest without having to watch out for their weak link.

And so, it was a waiting game now.



Only Family Business left, lol.


Nice to see an update. Even though this one doesn't update much it's still one of my favorites. It would be interesting to see the viewpoint of Aizen or Soul Society. Alan is certainly a wild card considering the way everybody in the Bleach universe fights and he has proven himself capable of seriously injuring an Espada without revealing himself along with his other abilities like how he secured his warehouse against intruders. Both sides of the conflict have good reason to be wary of Alan.