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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay
Chapter 45


“... So?”

“What do you mean so?”

“Did it do anything?”

“Well, it certainly shook the public’s-”

“No,” a third voice interjected. “We wasted time and money for something that did nothing.”

“Oh.” The first voice, a twin of the third voice, turned to the owner of the second voice in the trio’s shared bedroom. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

Normally, Hannover would be the one in charge, but when he made mistakes, his two girls always made sure to let him know what he did wrong.

“Too many plans.”

“Too many ideas.”

“Always searching for one.”

“While looking at another.”

“That’s how you got us two.”

“And that’ll be the last of your indecisiveness.”

He raised his hands in surrender but also a little protest. “I have only been doing what I thought was necessary for our prosperity,” he replied back as he grabbed and peeled his mask away.

In the sanctity of their new home and civilian identity, he felt safe to do this. Well, to be truthful, this place was an addition he had built with the help of his fellow Elite members outside of his cell. The twins took their masks off as well because nothing but Behemoth was going to get through the secure vault doors of this mini-Endbringer Shelter.

“Decide how you want to approach your non-existent Rabbit problem.”

“Either encourage him to leave.”

“Or kill him by any means necessary for our future prosperity.”

Hannover fidgetted as his two girls got on either side of him. “It’s not that I haven’t decided. It’s just that I’m trying to work within the confines of the limits I’ve been given with the situation. We need to handle Rabbit very delicately unless we want our heads cracked open.”

“It’s a simple thing to add poison to the water their neighborhood drinks.”

“You can even publicly come out to buy out the ‘corrupt and embezzling’ utility company to fix it up.”

“You will get the honor.”


“And most importantly.”

This was why he couldn’t choose one of the two girls. They were the other half of the other, and to lose one would be like never having had them at all.

Mi, his Evaline, and Ni, his Anna, leaned in as they began taking their skintight suits off.

“You get to have more time with us.”

“So hurry up already.”


I paid the local news absolutely zero attention, more so of the gossip magazine level of uselessness that was the local station 8.

The PRT ENE also paid them absolutely zero attention.

The Protectorate gave no attention either.

New Wave did care; they cared that someone came up to one of their members’ house with an unverified invitation.

The villains didn’t care, too.

The neutrals and rogues gave no shit.

Life went on as if nothing happened, because it was exactly that: an insignificant gossip from an insignificant news channel.

What did catch my attention, however, was an offer made by a cape I knew.

Once again, we talked over the phone, and the bastard actually managed to not call me in the middle of sex.

“You want to what?”

“{I would like to offer you a chance to visit other cities! A reward for your good deed in the brief Fallen conflict.}”

“... You’re hiding something.”

“{Of course, I hide my civilian identity. No, what I am really doing is trying to get you to just understand that one of the leaders of an organization that has repeatedly clashed with the Fallen is trying to show some appreciation, Mr. Marris. I am more than happy to give you some vacation time away from all of the shitshow that is the normal cape scene. I’m sure your two wives would also agree?}”

I looked down at Vicky and Amy’s sleeping forms. Amy with her four-month pregnancy made me feel protective. Vicky looked fresh from her shower, but only half an hour ago, she had been covered in my cum from head to toe, begging me to fuck her more.

Because making my dick and fingers vibrate wasn’t that hard as a cultivator. What was hard and needed quite the skill to accomplish was using my own Qi to gently arouse her own nerves all over her body.

Vicky’s had more full-body seizure-like orgasms lately. I stopped using it on myself after the experimental phase because … there was a good chance I might just sit and home and drool my life away.


Who needed drugs when one could trigger all sorts of feelings without tolerance build-up?

‘Well, I didn’t get to give Amy a proper honeymoon, and Vicky will surely want one. A vacation, that is,’ I thought to myself. Humming, I grinned to myself.


There was a pause.

He must have heard my mischievous tone.

“{Uh. Yes?}”

“Tell me, would a full nationwide tour be within your budget?”


Hannover, in his office once again, slammed his fists and masked face onto his desk repeatedly.

“Fucking Rabbit! Filching my money! Fucking fucking fuck fuck fuck FUCKKK-!!!!”

Mi sighed as she dragged her twin sister to James’s office. He needed to be taken back home. Whatever deal he’d just made, he was shedding bloody tears over it.

“A million fucking dollars?! He’s not a fucking hero!” he screeched as Mi dragged him out of the office. “He’s a fucking scammer! A SCAMMER! EXTORTIONIST! GAAAHHHH-!”

Ni slammed the door shut on him before sighing and taking his seat.

Then she began to do his paperwork.

How the hell did she and Evaline fall in love with such a neurotic man?


Prognostic Hannya

Now I kinda want a story about the polyamorous antics of Hannover and his evil girlfriends


Lol nice 😆