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Debauchery Hunter
Chapter 17


A quick access to an Earth similar in history to most Earths got us the information we needed.

Henry V, the Duke of Bavaria, ruled from Regensburg*. That would be where we would strike.

Our plan, once we knew our destination, came in two parts. First, we intended the devastate the countryside as we stormed towards Nuremberg, burning any crop fields, and sending peasants fleeing as refugees. Second, we intended to meet whatever army that would be sent to the battlefield and wipe them out.

Once our overwhelming military prowess came to light and left them weaker for it, we intended to have the highest authority at the future negotiations to cede what could only be called a "county." Said county would be a triangular territory that would be in the future composed of Zernez, Nauders, and Schlanders.** It would be about twice as big as 21st century Lichtenstein.

While we could simply rampage and go on a murder spree of all political figures that wronged us, the resulting state of the Holy Roman Empire might not be in our best interest.

After all, we decided to become a multiversal business less than a month ago. It would be a shame if our very neighbor was not available for trade(exploitation).

Yes, trade would be a big concession we would demand in the negotiations. We would demand unrestricted free trade. Once we beat them down here militarily, we would crush them economically. All of Europe would look at the harsh handed duke, see who he angered, and come to know that we took no bullshit.

… so let's get cracking. First target: Landeck.


While we waged war on Earth Malachite against the most powerful duchy in the most powerful state in Europe, a very different situation unraveled itself in our trade outpost.

Specifically, the White Gang, led by Adam Tauros, attacked us.

"Get down on the ground!" one of the faunus roared while pointing their Remnant made guns at the shoppers.

People screamed and fell to the ground in a panic, but we just sighed.

We expected this but not in this fashion. Maybe a full frontal assault as Adam was famous for.

Taking hostages within one of our shopping malls?

Well, it was a good thing that they didn't notice the gun turrets quietly aiming at them. They were still in peacekeeper mode, so until a shot was fired, they wouldn't shoot.

We were with Ruby when they attacked, and tsked in irritation.

"They're robbing you?!" she asked in shock but not worry. We have already shown her a bit of the defenses in our first date (we thought it would impress the gun nut more than a teddy bear would).

"Yes," we muttered while watching the White Fang grunts on the other side of the window. We pulled out a Sr-25, one of the 21st century weapons we have managed to convert into Rust mass producible weapons thanks to [Jack of all Trades]. "Get down."

We quickly loaded it with armor piercing rounds and took aim as Ruby hesitated before ducking under.

We fired a single shot.

The window shattered and then the aura-less grunt slumped bonelessly as blood squirted out of the new hole on his left forehead.

The other grunts, nine of them in total, turned towards us and opened fire.

The turrets quickly put them down with nearly silent but still lethal shots.

The terrorists went down almost simultaneously, and the hostages ran out.

Four of our clones portaled in and inspected the faunus criminals. They were all dead.

"Fun's over," we told Ruby, who stood up and looked over the dead men and women.

She flinched and then turned green. She fell back to the floor and threw up. We knelt down next to her and rubbed her back. Her dry heaving came to an end and she clung onto us.

Then she started crying.

We sat down so it was comfortable for her and let her cry herself to exhaustion. The shock of seeing people dead so violently must have been a first for her.

We still took this as a chance to alter her emotions. We encouraged the feeling of safety in our presence. There, that should be enough for now. We could have dimmed any negative emotions, but it would make her too artificial for our taste.

We wanted Ruby, not a lookalike robot. This was alright.


She didn’t come back to work for a week. She told me over the phone that she wasn’t feeling well.

We understood. Just like how we were when we first killed (but got over it too quickly somehow), she too saw death up close and feared it.

We wondered if she was disgusted with us. We acted without hesitation and ended a dozen lives without even blinking an eye.

We’ll send her a basket filled with cookies, at least. We wanted her to feel better, even if she might not become ours.

… Whatever. If she felt disgusted or afraid of us, then that would be that.



Frustration welled up within our hearts over our perceived failure (perceived because it could still work out) in our relationship with Ruby, and we channeled our frustration into our rampage across Bavaria.

We traveled along the Inns river, burning any and all villages and towns we found.

Innsbruck burned.

Rosenheim, the home of that one knight who led soldiers to “kill the wizard,” burned.

Then we marched on Munich.

The city was out of the way from the river itself, but we intended to hit it first before moving northward to strike at Regensburg instead of the long way around To our surprise, the locals had gathered a stiff resistance. We saw banners of many knights and nobles on the walled city. Thousands of people stood against us, armed with spears, pitchforks, hunting bows, slings, boiled water, rocks, and anything else they could get their hands on.

For a moment, we stood across from the walled and moat surrounded city.

Was it necessary for us to ruin this city?

It didn’t take long for us to come to a conclusion.

As unfortunate as it was for the people within, we needed to hit the Duke of Bavaria where it hurt. We couldn’t spare a city merely because there were more people in it.

In fact, this city must fall for our demands to be taken seriously.

Eighty clones against an entire city.

Our launchers fired.


He was once a knight of the Baron of Innsbruck.

But that castle burned now, and all there was left of it were those like him.

When news of those demons’ approach came, he picked up his sword to join the defenders, even though he knew it had to be an endeavor in vain.

His lord, Friedrich von Andechs***, fell in battle. His brother, Heinrich, fell in battle.

This was his time. Johan could feel it in his bones.

Then Johan saw the fire sparkle and smoke plume from where the demons were far on the other side of the moat.

“BRACE!” he roared out to the defenders as he snapped his arms forward to grip onto the wooden walls of the battlement. A few soldiers and peasants hurried followed his example, but most didn’t; his voice was one among many, and the commander hadn’t spoken.

The demons’ arrows roared as it soared towards them, and then slammed into the walls.

Thunder without lightning but with fire crashed onto the site of the strike, and people flew away, whole and in pieces, along with the earth and wood.

John screamed as the earth shook from a constant rain of this assault, and his side of the battlement, no more than hundred feet from where the first of the demons’ arrows had struck, began to fall apart.

“HOLD!” he screamed again even as his gloved fingers began to lose their hold on the wooden battlement.

And then it all stopped. No more thunder arrows rained down. There were no more new fires and shaking earth.

But there was a lot of smoke.


It was the demons’ little thunder, and they sounded from the breach itself!

“Stand! STAND!” he roared as he grabbed his sword and pulled it from his sheath while shooting up from the floor. “The enemy is at the breach! They will burn this city and your family to the ground if they win!”

The peasants and men-at-arms around him roused up slowly at first but more quickly as they realized the situation.

“Follow me! DRIVE THESE DEMONS OUT!” he roared as he ran forward, his footsteps thundering on the wooden battlement floor.

““OOOAAAHHH!!!”” soldiers followed after him, bellowing out their own roars.

Johan jumped through the smoke, and tumbled half a story onto the earth. He took one look at the scene and grimaced. A hundred had fallen already.

But one of the demons, wielding evil weapons and armored in armors as black as the night, had its back to him.

“DIE!” he roared and stabbed forward.

The demon dodged and kicked him away. He tumbled away screaming as he felt something break. Trembling and gasping, he stood back up as the soldiers who followed him jumped down onto the smoky breach and charged the other demons firing their infernal bows.

It was useless. Once they knew he was here, the demons saw the others, and the brave men of Munich fell like leaves in fall.

He pushed himself up.

“YOU-!” he roared even as blood spilled from his lips. He felt something punch into his chainmail as he charged forward. “-SHALL NOT-!” he was upon the closest demon. He swung down. “-PASS!”

And stopped.

He stared with incomprehension at the third arm that sprouted from the shoulder of the demon and caught his steel sword - his father’s sword that never failed to cleave its prey - with a three fingered and clawed talon that was big enough to grasp his head

“That’s a good one,” the demon chuckled.

Thunder rang in his ears as the demon fired his bows repeatedly into his chest. He slumped to the ruined earthworks, unable to get back up.

‘W-Why am I on the ground…?’ he thought as everything grew cold. The demon that he failed to stop moved on, shooting one of the soldiers who followed him to the breach. The soldier died, a hole appearing on his forehead. ‘Why…’


Munich (Munichen as the locals called it) fell with explosions and fire.

We expelled everyone. Young, old, men, women, peasants, and nobles, no one was spared.

And as they trudged away, we bombed the city to hell with C4 and rockets and brought it all down. What was left standing burned as we left, starting a fire that wouldn’t go out for days.

Now, we marched upon Regensburg.


*is historical.

**Zernez, Switzerland; Nauders, Austria; Schalnders, Italy
***one of the earliest known ancestors of the House of Andechs.



Kinda hard to root for our Hivemind SI when he has the ability to do anything, but chooses shooting medieval knights with assault rifles instead.