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Today is May 24, 2011.


♦Topic: Brockton Bay, Thread 9: The Aftermath
In: Boards ► East Coast ► Brockton Bay

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Brocktonite 6 (BB Native)
Posted on May 21, 2011:
Can we stop talking about te Empire? They’re gone and done.

Posted on May 21, 2011:
Just because the Empire lost most of its capes doesn’t mean that they’re out of it. In fact, they should be getting help from their allies.

Brocktonite 6 (BB Native)
Posted on May 21, 2011:
Rrrrrriiigggghhhttt…. And how would you know that? (looks at name) hmm?

Posted on May 21, 2011:
Dude, my name is not a reference to their stupidity. I’m from down south, fucker.

Posted on May 21, 2011:
I’m just happy half of the city isn’t underwater.

Posted on May 21, 2011:
I’m from down south, fucker.

Brocktonite 6 (BB Native)
Posted on May 21, 2011:
Oh, you mean you’re the southern brand of their stupidity? More religiously driven?

Posted on May 21, 2011:
You know what? Fuck you man. It’s a reference to that Aleph movie, but the pleb that you are don’t get it.

Bagrat (Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted on May 21, 2011:
Might want to stop before the two of you get temp ban from tin momma.

On the other hand, I got a little tidbit from my friend about Brockton Bay’s situation.

The basic situation is this: ABB, PRT, and Eisenfeld dominate the cape scene.

The Teeth are gone and dead at former director Piggot and Eisenfeld’s hands, the Empire is a shell of its former self with only four still active members, Purity has been missing since the end of the EB fight, and Undersiders have “pledged” themselves to Eisenfeld.

Eisenfeld is kind of like the ambiguous joker of the city right now, and other parahuman organizations don’t want to move too hastily lest they get caught by him. Of course, PRT is hoping that despite taking in a teenage villain team, Eisenfeld will either be neutral (unlikely after taking territory) or remain heroic.
ABB holds the Docks south and the Trainyard, Eisenfeld and the Undersiders sits in the Docks proper, E88 remnant holds southwest suburban outside city proper, PRT Protectorate and New Wave defend Downtown and DT South.

Posted on May 21, 2011:
Maybe that’s a good thing? Eisenfeld isn’t a racist or anything, and he’s not waving his dick around like the Empire did.

Posted on May 21, 2011:
Just because the Empire took a beating doesn’t mean that we did something wrong.

Bagrat (Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted on May 21, 2011:
Objectively false and you know it.

Posted on May 21, 2011:
I bet my liver on THF not being ethnically “pure” as he likes to think himself.

Ashen1 (Veteran Member)
Posted on May 21, 2011:
Ignore the racist, please. They are like trolls.

Posted on May 21, 2011:
Oh yeah, didn’t the E88 try to recruit Eisenfeld? And then failed because Eisenfeld spat on them for being racist or something?

Bagrat (Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted on May 21, 2011:
E88 tried, but Eisenfeld just kind of ignored them. Considering how powerful he is, the empire had to leave him alone. Speaking of which, he was cleaning the Boat Graveyard at the time, and he did indeed finish it! So good for him and the bay!

Posted on May 21, 2011:
Wait, he actually finished cleaning up the bay? I have to check that out.

Ashen1 (Veteran Member)
Posted on May 21, 2011:
It is a beautiful sight.

Posted on May 21, 2011:
Yeah, I saw that too! The bay’s bigger than I thought it was.

Posted on May 21, 2011:
What is the big deal about this clean-up?

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Posted on May 24, 2011:
Look, just because Eisenfeld hasn’t done much doesn’t excuse the fact that he took territory. Only villains take territory.

Posted on May 24, 2011:
And governments, too. Governments also make you pay tax you don’t agree to and I haven’t heard anything about Eisenfeld charging anyone anything. In fact, he has the Undersiders taking down gangsters trying to charge protection fee on the business.

Posted on May 24, 2011:
You mean he’s just preparing the PR necessary to start taking his own “taxes” soon. Governments are also formed by our consent!

Posted on May 24, 2011:
Governments are formed by our consent? Are you an idiot? USA started its independence war with only a third of the population willing to join the fight and ended it with less than half of the population loyal to the cause. Just because you took some freshmen college history classes doesn’t mean you know enough to talk about it. Maybe if you got an A we’ll have a better conversation, but your C is not going to cut it here.

Ashen1 (Veteran Member)
Posted on May 24, 2011:
Can we not go off on a tangent again? Besides if Eisenfeld does become a villain, it’s not like anyone in the bay can do anything about it.

Posted on May 24, 2011:
Honestly, Eisenfeld gives off a Marquis vibe.


Carol glared down at the last message she just saw.

She couldn’t quite dispute the statement made by this “Ekul,” and it irked her. She did know that Eisenfeld acted aloof and cool, but enough to make others feel like he was the Marquis?

… She would have to keep a better eye on him. If he even showed a shred of villainous tendency, then … then …

She grimaced as she was once again reminded of the fact their team had been broken from within. Panacea had already been shipped off to the Birdcage and Vicky… her poor Vicky was admitted to the parahuman asylum. She still counted her luck, though, because at least no one else was dead, dying, or insane in the team.

It just hurt. A lot.


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