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2 chapters commissioned by Kejmur


Dangerously Damaged
Chapter 6


The limits of risk a person willingly took said a lot about a person.

For example, an addict would sell his daughter if it meant he could get another shot of whatever his poison was. The bastard knew that he was doing something horrible, especially once the euphoria of poison ran dry, but when he held his poison in his hands, there was nothing in his mind but to use that poison. Now, this example wasn’t an example about the mindlessness of the addict but the shackles narcotics put on people who know better than to act the way they do.

So what did it say about me when I agreed to Emma’s plan for me to ambush Taylor in school and fuck her no less than a month after her school started and while she was pregnant?

Definitely a sex addict, yes. A little bit of a prankster, maybe. A degenerate who enjoyed potential exhibitionism? That’s just a more intense orgasm waiting for me and not for you.

Taylor sat on top of the closed toilet in a stall and bit her lips as I stripped her of her jeans and her panties. She didn’t say anything about how I appeared in her school or why I was fucking her in a school bathroom stall. Instead, she looked up at me with lustful need and spread her legs.

“You made me naughty,” she whispered wantonly. “Are you going to make me naughtier?”

I had a feeling that Emma planned this with Taylor as well.

“Yes,” I whispered. “I’m going to make you naughtier. I’m going to show whoever opens this stall how much of a nympho you are.”

Her cheeks flushed red and I began rubbing her clit. She closed her eyes and looked away as I increased the pace. Soon, she was whimpering under me with her leg still spread out.

Magecraft helped to conceal her pregnancy with an illusion, but it didn’t change the fact that she was very much pregnant.

“B-Brandon…” she gasped huskily. “F-Fuck me properly. I want your dick.”


Sophia grumbled as she left her classroom. Of all the times that she had to use the restroom, it had to be now.

Winslow High School was a dump, and having to use its restroom, no matter how clean it looked on the surface, left her feeling dirty.

Sure, the janitor here was proud and did a pretty decent job for being a janitor, but she’s seen nearly dead boys and girls in those restrooms.

She shuddered.

Again, using the restroom in this school brought her closer to death than she ever faced back in the streets. How messed up does a school have to be that death came closer in its facilities than -?

“... want your dick.”

She almost made a sound with the soles of her athletic sneakers, but she stopped herself just before the foot back contact, and instead spun on the side of her foot with the ease of practice to reduce sound.

‘Please don’t fucking tell m-’

She heard the telltale sound of slapping flesh, and she knew it was exactly that. Moans and grunts rang out as the pace increased.

Sophia wasn’t sure how long she was standing there for, but she heard the girl orgasming with such pleasure and satisfaction that she found herself not a little curious and aroused.

And the smell…

Well, if people kept fucking in here, then it was going to be hard for her to do her own business.

‘Fuck it. I’m kicking them out,’ she thought as she stomped forward.

Curiosity was not the reason she tore that bathroom stall open!

And then her jaw dropped when she saw who it was.

“Hebert?!” she hissed.

And then realized who the high, proper, and teacher’s pet girl was fucking.

Her eyes widened comically as she backpedaled away from the stall.

Why is Finger Wire in my school?!’ she thought with a slight panic.

She also caught sight of Hebert’s pussy as Finger Wire pulled out of her, and the dribble of his cum drizzling out of her added to her shock.

“Oh. You,” Finger Wire hummed as he stared at her. “Still sexy like before.”

Her entire body trembled with anger. “Y-Y-Y-You-!” she hissed.

She couldn’t make a scene in the middle of school, but she dearly wanted to punch the shit out of this molester!

“You unmasking piece of -!” she hissed.

Because yesterday night, she lost a fight to him that she started and ended up being on the receiving end of his kiss for a full hour before he left her.

“I never got your response,” he stated cheekily as he pulled up his jeans and zipped it shut. “Did you like it?” Then he paused. “Or maybe you wanted more like her?”

“Absolutely fuck you,” she snarled.

He blinked. “Well, you certainly like to move fast. Sure. You want to do it here?”

She blinked in confusion before she realized how he took her words and twisted them.

And then he was suddenly in front of her, and his lips were on hers.

She froze in place with wide eyes, and he took that chance to usher her into another bathroom stall.

“S-Stop, you-!” she hissed.

“Or are you too scared of sex?” he crooned as his hands continued to snake around her body and slowly pulled at her clothes. “Not braver than Taylor next door?”

She glared up at him.


He kissed her, robbing her of words again.

This time, though, she kissed him back.

‘Damn it, why is he good at kissing?!’ she thought angrily.

She let out a shuddering breath as he pulled her shirt over her tits and touched one with his hand. She felt callouses on his hand and saw the other one pull her pants off of her.

“Fucking sex-addled villain!”

He grinned down at her as his dick came out again, and pushed into her.

She shivered as she felt his dick fill her up slowly, making her vagina stretch before coming to a stop up against her cervix.

Wordlessly, he began pumping up and down on her, and she bit her lips close and squeezed her cheeks to not moan out loud.

W-Why was she doing this? Letting him do this?

She knew it wasn’t his power; he controlled wires like Miss Militia controlled her guns.

Did she want him?

“F-Fuck-!” she hissed as she came quickly.

Abruptly, he pulled out of her and jizzed on her bare stomach.

“God, you’re tight, Stalker,” he chuckled before kissing her forehead. “I’ll catch you later.”

And then he was gone, leaving her in the restroom with the bookish Hebert of all people.

She let her head bounce against the bowl of the toilet she’d been fucked on.


She just let herself get literally fucked by a villain.

Where was her life coming to?


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