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Celestial Hymn
Chapter 18


My travel back home from the Red Keep did not take me directly to my lands. The route I took curved around the coast of the Crownlands and the Stormlands, and I regularly met with the lords of the lands I passed through.

These same lords who once looked down upon me changed their tunes when they saw me and my closest bodyguards decked out in shining armors and Valyrian steel daggers. They were quick to greet me like a long-lost brother and gave me feasts. Even those who were already in possession of a Valyrian steel blade greeted me more genially than they ever had.

Now, these men weren’t greeting me so warmly just because of Valyrian steel weapons. No, as much prestige as those weapons provided me, rumors traveled faster than a man could ride, and the whole of Westeros was now aware of not just the wealth but the luxuries I could provide to those I tied myself with.

The Westerosi lords may look down on “copper counters” and merchants, but when there were luxuries that they could enjoy? Some of the older and more conservative views found themselves quickly pushed aside.

The one lord whose attitude towards me hadn’t changed was none other than Prince Renly Baratheon, and I came to meet him today.

“Lord Alan!” the young prince greeted me with a big grin and open arms.

I greeted Renly at first with a bow, and then straightened myself quickly and gave him a playful grin as well. “Prince Renly,” I greeted him with open arms as well. We embraced before parting.

“Well, welcome to Storm’s end,” he welcomed me and led me in.

“It is an honor to be received by you personally,” I hummed as I followed him in. My guards met those of the Baratheons and followed them to their temporary barracks.

“I’m surprised actually that you came to visit me instead of heading straight to your castle and land. You’ve earned yourself a nickname for that, you know.”

“I have?” I asked him.

“Of course! As the land that started a new dynasty of Westeros, we have lords from within and without traveling here and there to get alliances or just politick to get themselves higher up on the station. If they weren’t trying to kiss my boots, that is.”

I nodded. “Makes sense, Your Grace.”

“Don’t give me that ‘Your Grace’ honorifics. You and I are friends, aren’t we? Keep that to the formal events and all.”

“As you wish…. Renly.”

“Much better! You do also realize that I also benefited from your actions, right?”

I blinked as we came around a corner in the stone hallways. “You have?”

“Of course. When you put down that traitorous and corrupt septon, I used it as an excuse to investigate all of the septons in my own lands. You would be surprised by what I found.”

“Corrupt septons everywhere?”

“Well, I only found two out of the three hundred septons and septas who serve the people.”

Well, shit. Are you telling me that I was just unlucky as fuck?

“Most of the septs were in disrepair and needed to be fixed. It was a lot of gold, but then again, you get me more than enough. I have to thank you for helping me raise my reputation with the faith.”

State religion and the smallfolk always had a close connection.

I smiled. “It is my duty to serve you.” Honestly, being a vassal of Renly was not a bad deal. His hands-off policies worked well with how I operated, although it did allow his lords to do shitty things like what the Errols had tried with me.

“... Then perhaps you can serve me with a favor.”


Renly, despite our closeness, was still a Westerosi lord. On top of that, he was a Stormlander lord. Though combat was never his forte, he understood the legitimacy and prestige a good pair of weapons can do for him.

“You wish to commission your own Valyrian blade.”

He paused before chuckling. “Not for myself, actually.” I blinked in surprise. “But for someone I hold dear.” I blinked again before I remembered.

Right, Renly’s gay, and he should have met his “love to be” around this point in time.

“A gift for someone~?” I asked with a lecherous grin, playing innocent as to which team he played for.

He blushed and showed me involuntarily that he was still a teenager.


“A longsword?”

“I would very much appreciate it.”

“... Now, you aren’t the only one who’s commissioning a Valyrian blade. I have ten others who are capable of paying. However, you are my liege lord, so I shall definitely give your work the priority.”

He smiled fondly. “Am I glad that I personally visited you in the Vale,” he hummed.

I was about to reply when the Celestial Forge acted up and then missed again.

I cleared my throat as we finally stood before his solar. “So. Is there anything that you would like to hear about?”

“Oh yes,” he grinned. “I missed my niece and nephew’s birthday. I’d very much like to know what you’ve got for them.”

I obliged gladly.


I opened my eyes.

And it was not the guest room I slept in within the safety of Storm’s End.

Slowly, I sat up and looked around.

This new place I found myself in stood out to me in three ways.

One, my senses were not muddled. My eyesight, in particular, worked as they should in perfect conditions.

Two, a thin layer of fog covered everything.

Three, seven giant figures stood across from me. I had an idea who they were.

Slowly, I stood up and then bowed, and while bowed, I spoke. “I am honored that the Seven Who Are One brought me here for an audience.”

[Then be welcomed to our personal realm], the Father spoke. [We have much to discuss].

Now, that sounded pretty ominous…


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