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Commissioned by Kejmur

Zabuza’s S.Adventures
Chapter 29


Sealing scrolls could not seal everyone, so Zabuza had to choose which ones they needed to keep.

The answer was pretty simple: higher ranked ones, denoted by better gear and insignias, would be kept and others would be summarily executed.

And that was that.


He kept his face blank as Kushina, his Godaime Hokage, sighed explosively.

“Can’t believe that happened,” she mumbled. She looked back up and grinned with dark circles underneath her eyes. “You did the best you could have under the circumstances. I will have to conduct a more thorough investigation, but your part in this is done.”

He wanted to say something, but he knew that she was tired enough as it was to entertain his worries.

“Come over if you need someone to talk to or destress, alright?” he grunted out as he turned to leave.

She chuckled. “I wish I could, but I don’t have time.” Then she paused. “Actually, can you take care of my daughter for me? I don’t want her to

“Alright,” he shrugged. “Just don’t send her over until it’s dinner time.”

She grinned. “Destressing with your girls?”

“Definitely. This mission was a mess.”

When he left the office, he found the surviving members of his squad waiting to give their own reports. Considering how tired Kushina was, Zabuza did not expect her to question too many details, which was not good.

Can’t have the biggest thumb in the village not properly back him up when she didn’t have all of the facts straight.

That said, she really did need to rest.

“Make your reports as fast and concise as possible,” he grunted before he left, ignoring their salutes and “yes, sir!”

Leaving the Hokage Tower behind him, he opted to walk through the main street of Konoha because it was a good thing to do. It allowed his still exhausted body to rest a little and chakra coils to build up their reserves again.

It also allowed him to see what he was now involved in protecting.

Though he cared less about them, he knew that he started to care more. He liked the karage street stall just behind the Mememon Laundromat. He liked the soba shochu Mahayana served in his corner bar.

It was little things that changed how he viewed this place.

Sure, he would abandon it all in an instant the moment he and his girls were in danger but Konohagakure was the last place for such disasters to strike. Not even Kirigakure came out of the Great Wars without enemy ninjas reaching their walls but Konohagakure had.


Zabuza paused and looked around.

To his surprise, he found himself talking to a long time jounin and son of the Sandaime Hokage. “Hello, Sarutobi-san.”

“Heard that you got back from a pretty bad mission. Mind telling us what happened?”


It was only then that he noticed a few others walking up behind the jounin. He didn’t know most of them by name, but he knew their titles: the Snake Mistress and Konohagakure’s Illusion Master.

Zabuza glanced around before shrugging and walking next to them as they headed … somewhere.

“One of the garrison commanders at the Kumo border was a traitor,” he whispered.

There was a stiffening before they continued walking, smiling and chuckling as if nothing happened.

“What happened?” Anko - that was her name, right? - asked with a hum and a faux smile.

“He died before we could figure it out. We managed to catch some of the Kumo and Kiri jounins, however. I’m sure our T&I department could figure it out.”

“Ugh, so we ain’t got no rumors to work on?” the Snake Mistress grumbled.

“It is. Now, if that was all…?”

“Why not join us for some drinks?” the Illusion Mistress offered. “Or do you have prior plans.”

He smirked. “I have three women at home to take care of.”

The Sarutobi heir(?) whistled. “Hot damn.”

And promptly got elbowed by the Illusion Mistress.

Anko cackled at the heir’s troubles, and Zabuza only needed one quick look to see that the heir and the Illusion Mistress were together.

“Well, I wish you three luck in finding someone else.”

He gave them a wave, got one from each of them in return, and split off from them.

It was peaceful.

Again, he found himself wishing to have more time with his women and his children.

Ugh, he’s become a tree hugger.

He slowly made his way towards the clan estates and then to his.

Zabuza wondered at the thought of it. He had a clan compound. He, an orphan, counted himself as a clan leader. He walked through the gate carefully as to not scoff the paint and walked in the house. He began taking his boots off in the

“Well, you’re back!”

He paused and looked up.

Tayuya was here with baby Mina in her arms. Her hair was done up into a bun and she gave him a beautiful smile.

The tuff of red hair on his youngest baby looked more like an ember than hair with how it fluttered as her mother gently rocked her.

Ah. He forgot.

“I’m home,” he mumbled out loud quietly.

Ah, he was just so unused to saying that still. It took him one exhausting mission to nearly forget it.

She grinned. “Welcome back, master.”

It was good to be home.


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