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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay
Chapter 41


The news of a missing college girl was the only sign heroes and villains alike needed to know that the Fallen had arrived.

With almost all of the cape population on high alert, I found myself sitting mostly at home or escorting Vicky and Amy from their school and hospital, which were locations that the city and the PRT began to heavily reinforce with agents, police, and heroes alike.

Well, Amy was at the hospital right now.

“Oh fuck-!”

I gripped the arms of the sofa lightly while Vicky knelt in front of the sofa and had her head between my legs. Her moist lips wrapped around my girth of my erect dick while her tongue ran along the side and rim of my dick within her mouth.

She glanced up at me mischievously as she continued to suck my cock.

Her left hand fondled my balls while her right hand caressed the insides of my thigh sensually.

She popped her lips off of my dick and grinned up at me with a seductive smile. “Do you like having your dick sucked while your wife is at work?” she asked coyly as she shifted her left hand to jerk off my saliva-coated dick. “You have a baby coming in a few months, but you’re here with me~”

“My wife likes watching me nail you, mistress,” I played along with her.

She giggled. “You’re a lecher. How the hell did you make me fall in love with you in the first place?”

“Because I’m great at sex and have a great body,” I said and then paused. “I am also a decent guy.”

“Yeah, well, that’s true,” she hummed before she opened her mouth against and began sucking me again.

“Fuck-!” I hissed before grabbing the back of her head and hair. “Coming…!”

She pushed herself down on my dick, driving my dick deep into her mouth and then down her throat.

She gagged as I came, and held her position until I finished. Then she swiftly pulled herself off and coughed a little. “Damn. Still can’t get used to it.”

Smiling, I pulled her up onto my lap. Despite the fact that Vicky was a tall girl, most of her height was in her legs. Sitting as she was on my lap, th top of her head was just lower than mine.

I brought my lips down on top of her, and she moaned as she opened her lips. My tongue momentarily scrapped alongside the edge of her mouth before our tongues intertwined and began to fight for dominance.

While her lips and tongues danced, she pressed her bare breasts against my naked chest. Her hips pushed forward and my dick pressed against her crotch and lower stomach.

We ground ourselves against each other, building up higher and higher towards that desperate need to plunge in and carelessly rut like rabbits.

When our kiss broke, I looked at her and saw the same lust inside me reflecting in her eyes.

She smiled and laid herself down the length of the sofa. She raised her hands up.

“Take me,” she whispered. “I’m ready.”

She looked so vulnerable.

It made my heart throb.

I turned and held her legs before plunging myself into her.

She gasped and squealed a little as I filled her up completely. “Oooh, g-give me a heads up, damn it!” she whined half-heartedly.

I came down on her and wrapped her in a hug. Her arms wrapped around my back and shoulders and held tightly as our hips began to swing and pound together.

Vicky whimpered as she orgasmed, and limply hung onto me as her second orgasm crashed into her almost soon as her first come down ended.

She grew only tighter as time passed, and finally, I rammed all the way into her and came.

Vicky closed her eyes and shuddered along with me.

We laid there like that for a good ten minutes before I peeled myself off of her.

She grinned up at me happily.

“I’m pregnant.”


When Amy came home, we celebrated Vicky’s pregnancy.

Our celebration ended shortly, however, when a boom shook the city.

We ran out to the front of the house and looked around, and soon enough, saw the fire rising high into the sky in Downtown.

“It’s Bakuda all over again,” Amy grumbled. She turned to me. “Alan, we’re keeping to our area. The Protectorate can take care of that. We need to stand our ground here, or otherwise, it’ll overwhelm the others.”

I nodded. It was what I was about to suggest.

“I’ll get the tags ready.”

All three of us walked back into the house, but I went down into the basement towards my Alchemic Lab. I walked up to a small cabinet and opened it.

Within it was a stack of paper tags. Its ink came from my blood and roots of the very few spiritual herbs Amy had managed to grow with her power.

With them in my hands, I walked back up and began to tag the house and the area discretely. I hid them under bushes, on the undersides of cars, on roofs, and anywhere I thought that people won’t find them easily.

I was very close to done when I noticed that there was a group of people swaggering down the street. They wore shaggy and barbaric attires painted and dyed in green and blue.

It was very clear to me who these people were.

I pulled out my phone and called Amy.

“Amy. The Fallen are here.”

“{Alright. I’m sending my jaguars to you… Be careful.}”

“I will.”

I hid the few tags I still had into my pocket along with my phone and stood up straight.

They spotted me.

“Oh, look who it is! It’s guy who took a hit from our god and didn’t die!” the man at the lead cackled. He had a blank blue mask with only one visible eyehole and a cape that would have looked like a lion pelt if it wasn’t for the fact that it had scales. It was very clear once again that this guy was definitely trying too hard to mimic Leviathan.

“So you guys are all Fallen?” I asked leisurely even as my entire body tensed.

They chuckled and laughed at me.

“Ooh, is the big hero going to put us down?”

“Ah, so you’re a Fallen copycat!”

My accusation made them angry. “No, we’re the Fallen’s Crowley Family!”

“Ah!” I grinned.

They tensed. They did not like my grin.

“That’s wonderful.”

And then Amy’s Spirit Jaguars, four of them, stepped out from around the corners and fences and bushes behind the Fallen.

I allowed my grin to widen and show them my two sets of shiny white teeth.

“I don’t have to go looking for you!”

I jump-kicked.

And promptly passed right through the leader’s body, flesh and blood body as well as his costume, and plowed instead into the others behind him.

I winced when the blade of my boot smashed into some poor bastard’s skull and tore the head right off.

I came to a skidding stop a few yards after that.

I looked at them and …

“Hold up. Are you guys frozen in fear right now?” I asked incredulously.

“You- you- you just killed -!”

They thought that I was like any other villain or hero.

They didn’t do enough research.

“But you guys are the Fallen,” I drawled. “You guys terrorize and kill. I’m not letting you live to do that to my city. I’ll deal with the lawsuits as they come,” I replied before charging at them again.



Finally! Someone actually bringing the boot down on the Fallen.