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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay
Chapter 38


“That city has survived the Second Lord’s trial.”

A black costumed man, with a pointed tip hat, hummed from the speaker’s left. “I am interested in seeing what kind fo people are there. Surely a city that passed His trial must have some individuals who sees the truth as we do.”

The speaker nodded, which made the feathered decorations on her hat sway with her head.

“The Elite has already moved in,” someone else grumbled. “Fucking Elite.”

““““Fucking Elite,”””” four voices rose up in unison over their shared distaste of their rival.

“Still, this doesn’t change the fact that we should be out there to spread the Faith,” an elderly woman muttered. “Ever since the Roman Catholic Church visited the Josdottor Clan, we have been on the decline.”

“... Seriously, what happened over there?”

“The Church came to us with the intent to eradicate us,” a scarred man gruffed. “They spared no one. Not woman, elderly, or child.”


“Ever since their pope in Italy gained power, they have been doing this all over the world. Our brothers and sisters across the globe are reporting similar hits. It’s only because the USA is intentionally countering the pope’s influence that we haven’t been hit more.”

Someone snorted. “To think that we’re being saved by the very ignorant pagans incapable of understanding the greatness of our lords and lady. This is a shame upon us all.”

A heavy and somber silence fell upon the group.

“It was Lord Leviathan who blessed that city,” someone rose up. “So it should be us Crowleys who go to see if there are any worth recruiting in that city.”

“Hmm. I can understand that, but surely, you won’t be sending your older brother…”

“No,” the man grumbled. “He is busy with … matters at home.”

“You mean abducting college girls and fucking their brains out?” someone sneered. “Absolutely disgusting.”

“Shut up, Mathers. Like you and your clan have anything to say,” Crowley snapped back.

Said Mathers slowly stood up. “I think you should take your words back.”

“You mean you want to fight after insulting us?”

“Both of you sit down.” And just as those words were said, the entire room creaked and groaned as everything became heavier by a factor of two.

The two standing capes buckled under the stress. They glared at each other even under the increased gravitational pull before slowly, ever so slowly and at an even pace with each other, sat down.

Only when they sat did the effect go away.

The third voice spoke up. “I do not give two shits about the grudge the two of you have with each other, but if this happens every single time we hold a meeting. It is plain unacceptable. You will either compete productively or not at all, because the last time the two of you got into a fight, it has had a deleterious effect on the Fallen as a whole. Is that understood?”

““Yes,”” the two of them answered demurely.

“... Does anyone else have anything to discuss?”


Hannover, the leader of the newly established branch of the Elite in Brockton Bay, drummed his fingers on his black mahogany desk.

Recently, he heard that New Wave had gotten into a fight with each other, though only two members were clearly outlined in the report: Rabbit and Brandish.

This was a good chance to fracture the family-oriented hero team. Brandish was a cold yet emotionally compromised woman. If he backed her up in whatever she was pursuing, then he might get the team to become inactive over internal issues.

He flinched as memories of his visit to Rabbit rewound itself in his head.

However, if Rabbit ever found out that he was involved after he’s gone through the lengths of assuring the man he was not involved with any of the recent attacks, then the monster might come deal with him.

And he wasn’t sure if he could fight that monster as he was. The potential talent of the man was staggering, and Rabbit also presented a significant percentage of New Wave’s power. Even if the team fractured, Rabbit would still be strong by himself. The thought of fighting the cape unnerved Hannover.

After all, Rabbit was currently being considered among the Elite as one of the strongest Brute/Mover combo in New England. Making an enemy out of that was ill-advised.

So what was he supposed to do? He was supposed to carry out his usual business in Brockton Bay without somehow triggering Rabbit? Rabbit was a hero, and while Hannover knew that he was considered a rogue, Rabbit might not care about such distinctions if the man ever knew what Hannover’s true business with the city was.

After all, heroes fought for the status quo, not a better tomorrow.

But he, Hannover, fought for a better future! That’s why he was with the Elite and not the Protectorate!

Because the Protectorate refused to use him properly. They forced him to watch from the side as half a city starved. Regulations and laws blocked him. “It’s not our job,” they said. “Leave it,” they said. “It’s pointless,” they said.

All those shits and necrophiliac ass-lickers only cared about what looked good and who they could punch!

Still, touching the man and his team would surely lead to personal pain. The man was still growing in power. He needed to act, finish this phase of his plan within the year. Any further than that and he would have to remake the plan.

… But what if there was no other villains in the city?

If he gave the PRT enough reasons to believe that his Elite branch would not be trouble at all, then could it be possible for him to use his influence to turn them against New Wave ? After all, Rabbit might be popular now, but the man was brutal; sooner or later, the public would turn against him - and once the public turned, the PRT would have to follow suit if they didn’t want to be considered discriminatory or even lose their PR standing.

No, removing the villains wouldn’t do it.

If he was going to do his job here properly, then he needed at least all of the independent hero teams removed so that he could replace them with his corporate ones. Only once he achieved that could he bring this city up from the muck and mire it found itself in.


He looked up from his table and found his beautiful assistant standing by the doorway.


“There’s a report you need to read right now. Friends, Tab 5.”

He turned on his laptop and navigated towards that app and to the tab.

His eyes read the title and froze.


“Sir…?” his assistant asked, a little perturbed by his sudden quietness.

“This city is cursed! I knew I shouldn’t have accepted the nomination for branch leadership if this is how shit’s going to turn out!” he hissed as he let his head drop onto the table. “Fucking Fallen!”



He knew how to take care of both the Fallen and Rabbit without getting blamed for either!

“Samantha, contact Rabbit for me. Tell him that I have a vital news that he must hear.”

The startled woman quickly left to do as he asked.

This was the way.

This was how he was going to kill a giant before it could reach its full height.