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A/N: What do you think about this?


Dangerously Damaged
Chapter 1


Emma stood at the mouth of the alley, clutching the edge of her shirt as she stared at the empty alley that haunted her nightmares.

“Why are you back here?”

She jolted in place and looked around.

And then she looked up, remembering where her savior came from last time.

Sitting on the edge of the building just like he had been then, a boy her age dangled his legs from the edge of the building’s rooftop while staring down at her.

“I-It’s you,” she muttered. “You’re actually here.”

The cracked and dirty white mask-wearing boy with a red hoodie and a pair of dark blue jeans, tilted her head before he pushed off the edge of the rooftop. Instead of falling to his death, he glided down steadily. He touched down on the dirty ground with his looking hiking or military boots and stared at her.

"You're not a dream."

He tilted his head. "Why would I be?" he asked her. He walked up to her. Emma noticed immediately that he was tall. "Why are you here again? Didn't you learn not to come to places like this?"

She flinched. "I… I had to know."

"Know what?"

"... I don't know." Before she could say anything else, she yelped when he brought his fist down to the top of her head. "Ow! What was that ?!"

"For being an absolute idiot," he replied with a dead voice.

She glared at him.

"... I hate being weak."

"Everyone starts off weak and dies weak. What else is new?"

"Do you get off on telling me off?"

He rolled his eyes. "No. I hate stupid questions. Ask a better question."

"Why did you save me?"

He paused at her question and rolled his jaw around. He looked down at her, meeting her eyes.

"My answer will scare you."

She shivered. Something about his voice just then froze her. Whatever courage she had mustered up to this point just vanished as she recognized something… predatory.

"I want to know."

He leaned forward and she backed away from the sudden movement. Her back hit the alley wall. She gulped and gasped when his face came right up to her face.

Not quite touching she nevertheless found herself staring through the mask's eyeholes and met cold and burning eyes. They wanted something from her.

She stared, her mind mesmerized and her body ungovernable.

"Tell me, Emma," he whispered. "What would you do if I said that I wanted to fuck you right here and right now?"

She froze.

Her heart pounded in her ears and her hands trembled.

She realized that she couldn't move, just like the gangsters that tried to scar her for life.

"What would you do?"

She bit her lips as tears formed in her eyes.

She already knew the answer.

It wouldn't matter what she wanted.

"Ah, you get it." And just like that, she could move again. "That powerlessness sucks, doesn't it? It's why people train. It's why they buy and own guns. It's why they bribe cops and lawyers so that they feel less powerless by gathering power." He lightly pushed her towards the mouth of the alley. "Don't come back until you're strong enough to get out of the alleys. If you don't, then consider yourself at mercy of whoever finds you."

And then he flew up and away, disappearing from her sight.

She ran. She ran away from the alley, ran away from that side of the city, and didn't stop running even with her unfit body until she made it home.

Locking herself in her room, Emma realized something horrible.

She didn't think she could last that long. The whole world sucked. The high school she was supposed to go to sucked.

She was… she was going to end up in that position again.


She came out of her room only once mom called her out to eat dinner. She walked down the stairs and saw the TV playing the news.

It was about the cape she met that night and today. The news showed a video of him fighting Crusader from Empire Eighty-Eight.

He fought differently from how he took down the gangsters who tried to cut her up. Then, he stood there and just held everyone. In this video, he danced and dodged while striking out with something… and there was a whipping flash.

Emma watched with wide eyes as Crusader screamed as his left leg flew away and wheel of spraying blood followed after the limb. Crusader retreated after that, flying away with the help of his ghosts while …

She felt hollow.

She was weak. Her savior that night stood up to fearsome capes while she was … weak.

The horror of her weakness, her fragility, settled in her stomach as she ate dinner. Mom and dad didn't say anything.

She went back upstairs after muttering thanks for the meal and nothing more.

Once again in her room, Emma came to a realization.

If … if she was going to be weak, then wouldn't it not be so bad for her to choose who she would be weak to first?


"You're here again."

She didn't find him above her this time. He was behind her, but she didn't turn around.

He stood with his hands in his pockets. He had a different hoodie today.


"Even after everything I said yesterday?"



"..." Her throat choked and words failed to leave her lips. She gulped and tried again as her lips trembled. "I mean… I'm weak, right? It's not like I-I can be strong, right?"

He didn't say anything.

"So I t-thought… if I was going to be weak, then I should … I should choose I want to be weak to."

She heard him walk up behind her.

And then his arms wrapped around her.

She froze when one of his hands landed on top of her b… b…

"You are seriously dumb, aren't you?" he scolded her.

She laughed wetly. "Then I'm in double trouble. Weak and dumb."

"I told you what I wanted. What you would do by walking in here without strength of your own."

She didn't say anything as his hands and fingers dug into her flesh. She whimpered when he pinched her nipple. She gasped when his hands slid under her shirt and pulled them up and over her boobs.

Her previous idle hands grabbed his pants as he started playing with her.

When his cool mask pressed on top of her shoulder and neck, she … leaned into him?

She yelped when he pinched both of her nipples and pulled forward. Then he let go.

"Not going to beg me to stop?"

She mumbled out something that just spilled from her lips.

He paused at her words.

Then he pulled her skirt down.

She bit her lips and whimpered as his finger slid into her vagina, and he began to-.

Emma openly moaned, still trapped within his arms, as he began to finger her. She bit her lips as her eyes shot wide open. Her hips bucked as his fingers pushed into her. Her butt pushed up against him, and she whined as he began pumping her.

She stood there in his arms with her trembling legs while her vagina dripped with … whatever her fluid was.

She gasped and moaned, increasingly growing louder, as he started clawing inside of her.

Her back arched as something broke, and she lost the strength in her legs as she climaxed.

He scooped her up as she fell, and, to her surprise, a portal opened up in front of him. He carried her through, and she found herself in a small metal plate covered room with only a bed, a small wardrobe, and a desk with a PC on it. Wordlessly, he carried her to the bed and stripped her and himself.

She laid there defenseless as he climbed on top of the bed and on top of her. His hands gently pried and pulled her legs apart.

Emma glanced down at his dick. It was … it was a thick stuff and throbbing while it laid on top of her lower stomach.

He still didn’t say anything as he pulled his dick off of her and pressed its tip against her vagina.

She bit her lips as he slid in, and flinched when something broke, this time something physical.

His hands came down and pinned her hands next to her head.

His hips bucked, and she whimpered.

It … it felt weird. And good.

She wanted more.

He pulled out, leaving only the tip still in her vagina, and then slid back in even as her vagina tightened up. She felt every bump and length of his dick as he pumped her.

Emma panted and mewled underneath him.



Because she would give herself to someone before another came and took it forcefully.

Her chest heaved and she started crying as she lost control. Her wide eyes stared into his eyes.

Oh. When did he take his mask off?

He stared down at her intensely with his narrow dark brown eyes. His face was flushed, probably as flushed as she was.

She felt the climb. It crescendoed as he kept pushing against her deepest part. Taylor would know what it was called, but she didn’t. She was openly sobbing and crying now.

“More-! More-!” she panted as tears streamed down her cheeks.

“You’re a little slut, aren’t you…?!” he hissed as he started to pound into her. Her ass started to hurt but it also felt good…? “Are you going to go and spread your legs for every strong guy that comes around the corner?”

“No-!” she choked as her back arched and she orgasmed. She couldn’t breath, but he just kept pounding into her, his long dick stroking all corners and grooves of her vagina. He flipped her around, and his arms were around her now. His palms and fingers covered her boobs and squeezed. She bit her lips as she felt another orgasm building.

“Then what? Is this a gratitude fuck?”

“No…” she mumbled. Her face ground against the pillow, and she yelped when he slammed down on her and … and …

Emma laid there as drool dripped from her lips all the while she felt his dick shoot semen into her. His dick throbbed inside of her, making her vagina twitch with pleasure with each small movement. It felt hot and … good.

“God, you’re tight,” he mumbled. “So what then? Are you going to spread your legs for me whenever I ask?”

“... Yes.” Why shouldn’t she? This felt … good. She wanted him to do her more.

“Hmm. You know what? Sure. Emma Barnes, you’re my little bitch from today, okay?” he said as he wrapped his hands around hers. She gripped them tightly even as she felt something cold and invisible (how was that a feeling?) burn (how does something cold burn?) into the back of her hand.


And just like that, she felt good, better than before. It wasn’t the same as the peaks of sex, but it was a different feeling. She pulled and wrapped his arms around her as her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep.


“So what’s your name?” she asked him the second time he brought her to his place. Nothing about it changed since she last visited it, and she found herself sitting between his legs on his bed while he hugged her.

He put his chin on her shoulder and hummed. “I forgot to tell you. I’m Brandon.”

“Brandon…” she rolled his name with her tongue. “I expected something like Tyler or John.”

“I look like a John to you?”

“Kind of? You know ‘Jock John.’”

He groped her boobs and she bit her lips as he began playing with them. “That’s not a thing,” he groused as he gently flicked her nipple through her clothes.

“Yes, it is!” she refuted with a tremble in her voice as his fingers kept flicking and pinching her nipples. “There was that cape guy in Florida. They called him Jock John!”

“... It must have sucked for the guy.”

She blinked before shuddering when he cupped her boobs.

“S-So are you a hero or a villain…?” she asked quietly as his hands slid down, caressing down to her waist. His fingers hooked the bottom hem of her shirt and peeled her shirt off in one smooth upward pull.

“Whatever I want to be,” he said as he pulled her panty aside underneath her skirt and slid himself into her. She squeezed her eyes shut as her wet vagina stretched with his dick, and found herself moaning and mewling like a cat in heat.

His arms came around. Her hands gripped his arms. His hands groped and pulled.

She just let him play with her, and let herself sink into the pleasure.



Powers: (Shaker) Telekinesis, (Striker) Wither, (Trump) Immunity, (Trump) Magecraft, (Changer/Trump) Demiservant, (Mover) Door Me