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Debauchery Hunter
Chapter 10


Three people joined us.

Fujimura Raiga, his second in command, and a third totally unrelated person we recruited from Europe: Peter Erdo, a Hungarian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.

We kind of kidnapped him?

All around the three of them, we made our last preparations.

And then Cardinal Erdo approached the “leading” clone.

“W-Why are you doing this?” he asked. Despite his fears, he met us face to face. “Why are you trying to terrorize these people?”

We looked at him and then answered.

“This is not us terrorizing but putting down a horror that the Roman Catholic Church had been forced to allow to fester. I understand that the situation in the moonlit world and the remoteness of Japan as well as a lack of significant following here forced the church to let it be.”

“Moonlit world? What are you talking about?”

The cardinal was obviously not a part of it, but his church was. He was only here as the messenger.

“He’s talking about magicians,” Raiga gruffed.

Erdo looked at the yakuza boss and then back at us.

“You’re joking…” he muttered.

We smiled and allowed one of us to grow in size. All three “normals” among us looked in horror at the now giant clone.

“Unfortunately, I am not.”


Peter’s mind spun from the quick revelations that this Japanese gangster was telling him.

A gangster knew more about the hidden side of the world than he, a cardinal of the very church deeply rooted in that world, did.

Rationally, he knew that this was information compartmentalization. Priests don’t go about telling people other people’s confessions. Sure, some people might abuse it, but he was not some random person. He was a cardinal. People don’t become cardinals without some level of foundation of faith, discipline, and politics (more former than latter).

But this, whatever was happening with what looked like over a hundred men armed with weapons of war wasn't his responsibility. He wasn’t equipped to deal with this.

“Why must you seek violence, then?” he asked as he pushed his way forward. “Can you not achieve something … something better than mindless violence?”

Even so, he had to try. Whatever their political differences may be between the victim-to-be and the aggressor in front of him, he had to try.

The man laughed.

“Magic is real, my dear Hungarian cardinal. Do you honestly believe that people do not misuse it?” the mysterious man laughed as they cleared over a hill overlooking a city. On the outskirt of that city was what all of the men here were looking at: a mansion.

“I do not know what’s going on-”

“In that house,” the man cut him off. “Lives a man who twisted what could be good into evil. A being that lives off of the pain and lives of its own descendants, it rapes, plunders, kills, and destroys all good and has done so for centuries. I am merely ending it.”

Peter lost his voice at the passion in the man’s voice. Or was it madness? He watched helplessly as a hundred men lifted simultaneously what looked like rocket launchers. They hefted it onto their shoulders.

“First group, fire.”

Cacophony of explosions ripped the air as half of the company fired.

“Second group, fire.”

Before the first rockets struck the mansion, the other half of the company fired as the first half reloaded.

Then the rockets struck and exploded with earthshaking fury.

The second half struck and the house exploded.

“Fire at will!”

Peter watched as the mansion burned and what remained of it burned and blew away in the next ten minutes of brutal violence.

To his horror, a swarm crawled out of the ruins. Dark, menacing, and skittering, he scrambled back while the other two “normal” men with him stepped back more calmly while drawing weapons.

The hundred men’s rocket launchers disappeared and assault rifles that looked too much like Kalashnikov.

And then they fired. Fire erupted from where their bullets struck, and the bugs - worms that were as big as his hand - died screeching.

But it wasn’t enough.

The swarm grew closer and closer…

And then stars.

He saw distant stars and a darkness that encompassed all.

And then the sun.

His jaw dropped as the vacuum of space that opened up underneath bugs sucked them all up. Those holes in reality were too far from him, so all he got was harsh wind buffeting him and his clothes. He stumbled forward and one of the fighters caught him.

He watched in awe and horror as the ruins of the house itself also came free and fell through.

Everything burned.

And then it was gone. As quick as it had appeared, the giant hole in reality removed itself.

The men in black armor and weapons turned to him, and Peter knew he was flinching.

“I will send you back home, but when you do, contact the rest of the cardinals and the pope. Fuyuki City is ours. Any attempt to retake or hold authority over us and this city will result in us having to throw people into the sun. This world is only one Earth among infinite Earths. We won’t be too bothered if, let’s say, London and Rome burned down to the ground. And we’re indiscriminate enough to burn both cities to the ground just to be on the safe side.”

Then they opened a portal and marched through.

The man walked over to the yakuza and saluted.

“We’ll see you at the wedding, father-in-law?”

The man nodded, but Peter could tell that he was bothered by the power he saw.

Who wouldn’t be?!

Then he felt himself give away as the ground rose up and he fell through. He screamed before he found himself on his bed back at home in Hungary.

He saw the night sky above him and the portal that led to that place close.

Finally, the stress reached its peak and he succumbed to unconsciousness.


With the Matou Zouken eliminated, we turned our attention to the Holy Grail itself.

We didn’t even bother with moving into the mountain where the grail supposedly resided. We weren’t magi and thus could not even enter the cave that it was in.

So we just made two giant portals on either side of the mountain.

And then swallowed it up and tossed it into the sun.

And just like that, the Fifth Holy Grail War ended before it could truly begin.

We helped Raiga and his second back to the Fujimura compound. Just one of our clones and Raiga sat alone in the greeting room with a table between and a cup of tea each.

“... Not even Emiya Kiritsugu went so far as to remove a mountain to make his point.”

We smiled. “We are, unfortunately, a bit theatrical and overdramatic.”

Raiga barked out a laugh. “Well, I can’t blame you for doing what you did. If I was as half as powerful as you and your people are, then I would be ruling Japan’s entire underground, not limiting myself to this small area,” he admitted. Then he sighed. “I am really talking to someone outside of my league, aren’t I?”

“Then isn’t it good to have such an individual as your in-law?” we countered.

He snorted. “You mean bring more trouble?”

“... That, too.”


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