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Debauchery Hunter
Chapter 9


Just because we needed to fortify our valleys did not mean that we pushed aside all other matters. No, the fact of the matter was that there were over a hundred of us right now. Just two dozen of us were enough to set up new fortified compounds.

C55 hummed as he traveled in another world. Specifically, he walked the roads of Fuyuki City.

Yes, C55’s mission was now within the Type/Moon verse, specifically in the Unlimited Blades Works branch of this universe.

See, Type/Moon-verse was one of the oddest universes in that, instead of being limited to the start of canon like any other fictional universes we had access to, it had multiple and nearly unending branches of universes and timelines that we could access.

The reason?

The Holy Grail War.

With access to Doormaker and a Hive Mind noting every single little detail that occurred with that power, it was easy for us to notice that several participants of the Holy Grail War left behind “holes” linking their original timeline to the one they were participating in. The best example of this was none other than Saber herself. Summoned twice to this time period, she had the biggest “link” for us to travel to and from. It provided us with future timelines to explore and exploit.

However, we were not interested in Saber. The girl already belonged to Shirou.

C55 “accidentally” bumped into a woman who was on her way up the slopes of the hill towards a certain house. We caught her before she fell all the way and then activated [Cherish] to trigger all sorts of happy emotions. “Wow there. You must be in a hurry to ram into someone like that around a corner,” we remarked casually as we helped her back up, though we didn’t pull away from her immediately.

No, we were interested in her.

“I’m Marris Alan. Who might you be?” we asked with as charismatic of a smile as we could make.

The woman in my arms stiffened and looked at us with a flush on her face. Her short bang and hair almost seemed to rise from whatever she was feeling.

“I-I’m Taiga!” she blurted out and then bit her tongue. “F-Fujimura Taiga,” she muttered in embarrassment.

“Hmm. A wonderful name for a pretty lady,” we cooed and her flushed doubled in intensity.

She stammered something, apologized for running into us, and then ran away.

We were in it for a relationship with her.


Shirou glanced at the gaijin man who’s been coming by often to the school gate.

Everyone in the school knew him already.

“Hello, Marris-san!”

“Good afternoon, Marris-san.”

“Go get her, Marris-san!”

The somewhat attractive man chuckled as he waved and returned the greetings of the students who walked past him as they left school. Shirou saw it all happen from the open window on the first floor where he was fixing some of the desks.

Marris Alan moved into the city a week ago, and ran into Fujimura-sensei.

They got together right off the bat.

‘So much so that when Taiga-nee came over for dinner, she would only ever talk about him after talking about the food,’ he thought as he finished fixing. He lifted an arm and swiped it across his forehead where sweat had gathered. He looked up and then realized that an entire hour had passed since school ended. The sun was setting over the horizon and dyed the sky in orange and red. “Gotta go home now,” he muttered to himself as he stood up.

He walked out to the school hallway and then out of the building.

Then to his surprise, he found himself looking at … a cosplayer?

The man saw him first and clicked his tongue. “Don’t blame me for this, kid. You’re just unlucky.”

And -.


The sky was starting to lose the red dusk glower with very few stars shining down on him.

“Shit, kid. I didn’t mean to mess up the timeline this badly.”

He looked up tiredly and found himself staring at … Marris?

“M-Maris-san?” he muttered as he got up. “What happened…?”

“Your father’s acquaintances happened,” he snorted as he got up, tossing what looked like syringes away.

Shirou got up, too, and gasped when he saw the bloodied front of his school uniform.

“You might want to go home right now,” the man said as he dusted his pants. “The man who killed you will be coming for you again when he realizes that you’re still alive.”

Shirou’s eyes widened.

The gaijin smiled cruelly. “Run while you can, boy,” he said before a hole opened up behind him and he stepped through. The hole in reality slammed shut with a quiet “thoom” and then Shirou found himself alone.


Apparently, our presence had been disturbing enough for Tohsaka that she refused to come to school on the day before she summoned her Servant for fear of being targeted by us. Or rather this was conjecture.

Of course, we were not a participant of the Holy Grail War.

What had happened as a result of my unintentional meddling was that Shirou almost died, so we stepped in and made sure he didn’t die.

Balancing out my meddling with pushing for a canon timeline, as it were.

While all of this happened, we were also meeting with Taiga’s grandfather.

See, we actually grew to like Taiga in the week we got to hang out with her on dates. She was pretty, funny, and energetic, which was exactly what we weren’t. She complimented us.

So here we were, trying to do something good and proper to the first woman who caught our heart.

“You want to marry my granddaughter…?” Fujimura Raiga asked with a glare.

C77 smiled and C7 stood “guard” while dressed and masked. We didn’t believe in luck, but we sent 77 and 7 to talk to Raiga because together they were “777.” Of course, that was superficial as hell, and thus more of a charm than an actual negotiation strategy.

And that’s what this was: negotiation.

For someone like Fujimura Raiga, marriage was not something to be considered for love and romance, though he let it happen once already. He was the yakuza boss of the Fujimura Group, and thus could not allow anything that impacted his group significantly to happen, at least not without his approval.

“Yes, Fujimura-dono,” C77 replied while sitting in seiza position in front of the elderly man whose visage reminded us more of demons than humans. Around the two of them were many of the yakuza under Raiga, and almost all of them glared at him.

“And what have you to offer?” the man asked with a snarl. He meant it to be aggressive and threatening, but all we saw was just another man who knew not what he faced.

“Hmm… It is known that Fujimura Group has been declining in power-”

One of the thugs on the side looked like he wanted to pull out his katana and slice us for mere words. Whether it was true or not, bringing out such a thing to a discussion was asking for a fight.

“-I can offer your group a way out.”

“And what could it possibly be?” Raiga asked sarcastically but not too impolitely. After all, he didn’t know us and we had only been introduced to him yesterday.

“Protection from the moonlit world.”

At my words, Raiga immediately grew tense.

We smiled and snapped our fingers.

A portal appeared behind us. It widened and widened until it surrounded the room in a panorama, and on the other side of the portal were a hundred of our clones, armed with fully automatic assault rifles and armored in blackout metal kits.

The yakuza around us quickly drew their weapons and surrounded their boss, but they saw a difference in firepower right away.

Standing in formation, we snapped a salute with all one hundred clones and then snapped back to attention.

“And more than just the moonlit world, Fujimura-dono,” we smiled. “Perhaps right now would be a good time to mention that I am a king from another world?”

The portal snapped shut, leaving only 77 and 7 there again with the Fujimura yakuzas.

“Of course, should word of this get out, there are parties inside Japan and abroad who would do everything in their power to seize your current position by any means, nevermind the fact that all of you who cannot be a part of the moonlit world are now aware of it. Unfortunately, that would also make us mad. You all are, after all, soon to be family, aren’t you?”

We relished their gobsmacked faces.


With Raiga’s permission, we went and asked Taiga to marry us.

She accepted.

And so while we planned our wedding with Taiga, we also went and continued to observe the Fifth Holy Grail War.

It was as clusterfuck as it was in canon: destruction of properties everywhere, people dropping dead in very public places, and more.

However, we didn’t want to just sit there and do nothing. We were very tempted to. The Holy Grail War was something that the Clock Tower observed, after all. Any move we pulled would eventually reach the ears of the ruthless magi in that association.

But we acted because a chance had opened up.

So we took our guns, our rockets, and more … and put a siege to the Matou Mansion while Sakura was over at Emiya Residence.


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