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The Bargainer
Chapter 10


Jennifer didn’t know why she told him she was interested.

She wasn’t exactly a slut or desperate, but just offering herself like that was out of her own character!


Now, she felt a little slutty, but she wasn’t the mouse who went back on her words! At the very least, she was going to hear him out about what might be required of her, and if it reached too far, then she was going to reject it.

There! That would make her safe.

So when everyone returned to the Wards room, her included, after their sixth day of hellish training to chill, she showered, changed dress, said goodbye for the day, and left the New York Wards HQ.

And then she teleported to him.

She found herself in an unfamiliar room filled to the brim with odd bits and pieces ranging from his staff to computers and a bookshelf. Actually, it looked like a history teacher’s office. Huh. She hadn’t expected that from the Beast.

Then someone bumped into her.

“What-. Oh, it’s you.”

She turned around and saw that it was the Beast who had just entered the office and bumped into her. She knew it was him because he had a little scar on his left jawline.

And then she realized that he was maskless.

She paled. ‘O-Oh shit. Did I just teleport to him to his day job?’

“Well, come on in. Oh wait, you already are,” he scoffed at himself before he closed the door. “I didn’t know you knew where my office was,” he began casually as he set down a box he’d been carrying with him.

“You have a office?”

“I do. Why wouldn’t I?”

“I just… didn’t expect it.”


Mouse Protector, or Jennifer Yaleton, was a beautiful brunette.

This also begged the question why she invited herself to my office.

“So, what can I help you with?” I asked her as we both sat.

She flushed a little.

“Umm.. You said that I can get power boost through sex?”

“I implied it, yes,” I admitted, though it was something I only told her because she was the only one who asked as we left that rocky desert world a week ago.

“W-What does it really entail?”

I raised an eyebrow, and she could see me just as I could see her. She was bold to come like that. Well, she deserved to have her options shown, so I responded professionally.

“It depends. I can adjust your power using my power, but it only works through what is commonly known as tantric rituals.”

She blinked.

“Sex. Ritual sex.”

She blushed.

“A-And how would that change my power?”

“Depends. I would be inscribing what you want for your power change on the ritual circle, and when intercourse finishes, my power would activate and work as the ritual dictates. It can be anything from efficiency tweaking to complete overhaul.”

“So you can help me get stronger that…?”

“Let me check your profile.” I booted up the computer. Once I brought up her internal PRT profile, I glossed over them. “Stamina, endurance, agility, coordination, and teleportation. Unofficially, you are classified as Mover 5, Thinker 2, Brute 2.”

“Makes me sound weak,” she pouted despite her own embarrassment.

“Depending on the duration and intensity of the ritual, I can maybe alter your agility to strength or some minor esoteric power. I would, unfortunately, need to have intercourse with you to know exactly how I change give you any kind of overhaul. Boosting your existing powers would be simple.”

She fidgeted.

“Umm. Duration? Intensity?”

“Tantric rituals are extremely taxing,” I replied before I paused. “On a side note, you are very accepting of what I am saying.”

“Legend wouldn’t have told me that he trusted you to know your power.” Did he now? “Well, I only asked him about how you had the same feel as Myrddin,” she added sheepishly.

I chuckled.

“If you are unsure, then you can ask someone who’s already gone through it, though it was only a minor ritual for her.”

She perked up. “Who?”

“Her cape name’s Giselle, a monstrous cape. I won’t tell you more than that, but she works in Boston branch.”

She withered a little. “But that’s so far~!” she whined.

“You can call her?”

“... Right.”

I laughed and she glared at me.


To my surprise, she came back the next day at the same hour.

She looked jittery.

“Welcome back,” I greeted her. This time, I had been working on paperwork after having come back from training the Wards. I had also been preparing to jump into the Warhammer 40k-verse to get video of me killing some Tyranids and filching some of the Imperium’s technology. “What can I help you with today?”

“I-I want to do it.”

I paused in my work and looked up at her.

“How old are you?” I had answered her question before she had been curious, but I wasn’t going to bang a kid.

“18!” she replied with a puff of her chest. “I’m scheduled to be moved up to the Protectorate once I graduate high school.


I reached down to one of the drawers and pulled out a laminated sheet. I slid it across the table. “That’s all of the rituals you can take, but note that I am currently limited to only two rituals a day.”

She reached out and dragged the sheet towards her before attempting to look calm while looking it over.

The sheet was a grid sheet with names of rituals, general improvements, expected outcomes, duration, and intensity. Unfortunately, there was no “cost” here unlike the original tantric rituals because I could directly connect the ritual’s power source to Elemental Planes, Outer Realms, or even just magically saturated worlds to power the rituals. Otherwise, there would have been some shortening lifespans or even infertility happening.

Especially if the ritual backfired.

“P-Plan C, please.”


That was …

“That’s a three hour long session. Are you sure?”

“I-I’m not a virgin!” she snapped at me before realizing that she had snapped at me. “Sorry,” she apologized quickly.

“It’s alright,” I replied. “A lot of the women who I have been in contact with have been distressed like you. Do you want to set up an appointment or do it today?”

“Today. Please.”

“Very well,” I said as I stood up, walked around, and locked the door. And then I made a portal with my own equipment. “Shall we?”

She clutched her bag strap tightly before following me through the portal.

On the other side of the portal was not my neatly made bedroom but a ritual room in one of Cauldron’s off-Earth Bet sites. This base was solely for my use.

“Leave your belongings by the wall and strip,” I told her as I began to strip as well.

She looked embarrassed, her lips thinning out even as her eyes briefly roamed down to my navel before shooting back up. While she took her sweet time, I walked over the ritual circle, which had symbols that were … stickers. I pulled one sticker off, tossed it to the side, reached out to where I kept other stickers, and put new stickers with different symbols. It took me a minute to get it done (because previous client had wanted Plan D, which was not much different from Plan C). When I stood up and turned around, Jennifer was there in her birthday suit in the circle with me.

For a woman with a slim body like hers, she had a big pair of tits and firm ass.

“Lay down,” I gestured to the innermost circle.

She did and tried to cover herself up with her arms.

The moment she laid down, the symbols lit up with green light.

I knelt down and hovered over her.

“Let’s make this easier on you,” I said before I leaned in and kissed. Her eyes shot open before the effects of the ritual circle began to alter her. As the kiss continued, I felt - as the conductor of the ritual - how her mind grew hazy and how her body became more relaxed and aroused.

I grabbed a handful of her tit while the other hand reached down and brushed her hand away from her crotch.

She whimpered when I rubbed her clit and then rose in intensity when I began to finger her.

When I broke the kiss, she latched onto me and whimpered as I upped the fingering speed.

“F-fuck, fuck, fuck-!” she squealed towards the end before her back arched and she silently shrieked as she climaxed.

If she had wanted a Plan A, then that would have been it, though she would not have felt significant change.

But she wanted Plan C, so she would be here for far longer.

I lifted myself away from her and took up the missionary position. Spreading her legs apart and then grabbing her waist, I looked down at her.

“I’m going in.”

Before she could respond, I pulled her towards me as I pushed forward.

She hissed not in pain but with pleasure. Her vagina wrapped around my dick and resisted.

I soldiered on and pushed deeper into her, and she nearly choked out a sob when I fully sheathed myself in her.

“Fuck, you’re warm…” I muttered. I waited on her as she struggled to get herself under control, because right now, she was gasping almost uncontrollably. “You know, I wouldn’t mind bringing you to my bed for some fun later. You’re sexy.”

She looked up at me with wide eyes. “Y-You don’t think I’m a slut…?”

“Hell no,” I replied as I began to pull out of her. Her eyes crossed for a moment. “You know what you want, and I’m what you want right now!”

She squealed as I slammed back into her. “H-Ha! Puffing yourself up…?!” she asked playfully even as her own breath came out shaky and she gasped between phrases.

To my surprise, she showed a significant degree of flexibility and strength by pulling herself up on my arm and then wrapping her arms around my shoulder and neck.

She trembled as her new position pulled me deeper into her.

I kissed her before pounding up into her.

She gasped and mewled as I pumped her while bouncing her on my lap. Her tight ass slapped against me while her tits bounced. Her nipple slid up and down my chest with each bounce and teased me.

Jennifer shut her eyes shut as she let herself go in the act.

Finally, she came again, and I came not too long after.

She sat on my lap, twitching and trembling as my cum flooded her and then dribbled out of her.

She rested her head on my shoulder and gasped.

But not for long.

“E-Eh?” she muttered when I began moving again. “Wait-!”

“The ritual needs it to be a continuous one, Jenn,” I whispered. “I gotta keep making you cum.”

She squealed with ecstasy when I rotated her around and put her down on her limbs and nailed her from behind.

I definitely enjoyed her.

And hopefully, I’ll get to enjoy it for a long time to come.


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