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The Bargainer
Chapter 8


I couldn’t tell whether or not the spar had been part of Contessa’s Path to Victory. Sure, Eidolon requested the spar, but Contessa brought me into Cauldron’s base right as Eidolon was feeling moody and purposefully walked in front of him with me, in my own “costume,” in tow.

Path to Victory, I think, was scary. I knew intellectually that it was probably the most powerful Thinker power there was, but it was one thing to brainstorm how it could be and another to be a pawn in its schemes.

I hadn’t been and wasn’t a Blindspot, merely a new factor that it had to take into account.

I wondered how she and her Path intended to use me, because it wasn’t about if but a when.

Or she may have already done. Who knows. It’s something to think on later.

Right now, I needed to bring some achievements to the table.

“Alright,” I said more to myself than anyone else. “Time for me to go and make some achievements, huh?”

Under direct command of the chief director, I was classified as a “interdepartmental personnel” that operated wherever the chief director said I needed to operate. In truth, this was merely the cover Cauldron was setting up for me. Sure, when the “chief director” gave me a direct order in the presence of other people, then I would have to obey within reasonable limits, but in truth, I was a free agent that would work with Cauldron, not for it.

“No, you’re going out there to find a weapon against the Entity,” Doctor Mother replied without even looking up from her desk where … what does an interdimensional conspiracy need paperworks for? Make it easier so that their victims can find all of their secrets better?

“Most of the things that would be useful against the Entities are themselves dangers to humanity,” I replied factually.

“Nonetheless, we must try.”

I could admire the tenacity, especially since she’s learned that humanity wasn’t alone in the multiverse or that the universe didn’t cared.

“But before you do go out, Alexandria wants you to at least one meet and greet with the Wards. See if you can help any of them out with your unique skills.” A pause. “And if it makes it easier for you to connect with the Protectorate, then take an apprentice. That’s something Eidolon suggested.”

Eidolon’s suggestion sounded vaguely threatening. Who just took on an apprentice? That was an investment that took a lot of effort and time.

Shrugging, I stood up to leave. Apprentice wasn’t going to be a thing, but it would do me good, public relations-wise, to go out and meet the Wards.

“Alright. Door me.”


“So why do you want us to meet him?” Jennifer, known to the world as Mouse Protector, questioned Legend. Along with them and walking down the concrete corridor of the Protectorate Headquarters in New York, Miss Militia, Chevalier, Soujon, and Aikun followed her and Legend without saying anything for now. “Obviously, he should be meeting us so that he can see the gouda presence of awesomeness!”

Someone snickered behind her.

As the first Wards team, they were stationed here to get the most benefit out of being in contact with the experienced heroes, especially Legend.

God, if that man wasn’t a gay, I’d jump him, she thought yearningly. Yeah, so what if she had a huge crush on the guy? It didn’t matter jackshit because he’s not interested in her.

And she’s seen the other guy he’s with.

And he was hot, too.

Surrounded by hot guys, but none of them were interested in her because she was a minor.

Ha! Sucks to be them, because she was less than a month away from being eighteen!

Yeah… sucks to be them.

Oh, and the one guy who was around her age was already dating her friend/teammate. She wasn’t going to get involved in that. That would be messed up as hell.

Legend laughed softly. “Well, he actually has a lot of experience being a fighter, so I was hoping that all of you would get to learn something from him.”

“Us? We’ve been learning from you, big cheese,” she huffed while playfully elbowing him, which was the closest thing she would get to being in physical contact with him these days. “I really don’t think they can tupi that.”

Legend raised an eyebrow. “Is that a cheese name?” he asked incredulously.

“Yup!” she grinned as she sped up a little before slowing again.

“You and your puns,” he sighed mirthfully with a smile. “And here we are…”

They now stood before an office door just one unit away from the end of the corridor.

Legend opened the door, and they saw a man sitting on one of the two long sofas in the office.

“... Are you sure that’s not Myrddin?” Chevalier asked.

Legend chuckled as he ushered them in. “Beast, the Wards are here.”

The man turned to look at them.

Jennifer didn’t think he looked very “cape”y. Sure, he had a bunch of belts, a trenchcoat, a hood, a mask, and all that jazz and all of that together made him … she wasn’t sure. Cool? No, he looked like a bum.

“My name’s the Beast,” the man smiled.

No, he smirked.

“I would say that it is a pleasure to meet the next generation of heroes… but that would be a lie.”

She froze up, and felt her friends behind her bristle.

The man kept smiling.


“All I see are prey,” he cooed before he stood up. “As long as they come back healthy and unmutilated, it’s fine, right?” he asked Legend, who now looked a little wary.

“Don’t push them too hard.”

“Better they bleed with us then die in the streets, Legend,” Beast replied back, losing his smile in the process. He turned back to the rest of them and smirked again. “Please take care of me.”

That’s how Mouse Protector met the Beast, kids! Let’s just say that he’s not a nice guy.

It was the beginning of the Year of Hell.


I changed my mind.

These kids looked way too …



I was going to take them with me on my “adventures.”


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