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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay
Chapter 33


I … wasn’t actually sure about how I should go about this.

I mean, yes, just like Amy, I liked Victoria.

… Okay, I’ll be more thorough and honest.

Victoria Dallon was a hot blonde woman who also liked me. She was funny, if a bit ill tempered and judgemental, strong, and … Just a good person in general.

Did I mention that she was sexy?

Because she was in front of me right now with too much skin showing right after Amy urged me to pop her cherry.

Speaking of which, I would be very happy to be the one to take her virginity.

… Again, how should I go about this? Rough? Aggressive?

Forbidden fruit-esque?!

Ugh, analysis paralysis was a thing, people.


Vicky jumped when she felt hands on her shoulder from behind. She looked over her shoulder and found Alan so very close to her. Her back was almost touching his chest.

“A-Alan?” she stuttered out. And then she squeaked. She squeaked because his hands ran around towards the back from her shoulder and then started to run down her sides. “W-What are you doing?!” she shrieked.

She froze completely when she felt his hands slid down and around her stomach and his arms came around. She found herself in his arms … and she liked it.

And then she remembered that Alan was Amy’s husband, and this … this … She momentarily raised her hands to break herself free-.

“You know I don’t mind, right?” Amy giggled.

She fidgeted as she tried to keep herself calm, but all she felt was how hot everything was.

“T-This feels wrong-” she protested weakly, but that was a lie. It was the first time she found herself in Alan’s arms that wasn’t some sort of sparring, and she liked how his thick nearly trunk-like arms wrapped around her securely yet gently.

Alan didn’t say anything. Instead, he leaned down and kissed her ear. Vicky bit her lips as he began to kiss her in different places, slowly sometimes, chastely at others, and too long and wetly in some places. He was down to her neck, leaving hickies and -.

She reached out and gripped his arms as his hands began to slide down. His hands roamed around her taut belly and to her sides before they slid down. She shivered as he hooked his fingers on her shorts … and pulled down.

She whimpered when she felt him pull not just her shorts but also her panty down.


I paused, holding myself back from carrying her to the sofa to ravage her on the spot. Instead, I flipped her around.

She looked at me with surprise and not a little want. Her sparkling eyes and full lips just invited me in.

So I dove and caught her lips in a kiss. She kissed me back, wrapping her arms around my neck and back.

She moaned wantonly as I completely pulled her panty and pants off. One hand came back up and I groped her tit, making her squeak and whimper, while the other hand took a handful of her asscheek and squeezed.

To my surprise, she used her ability to fly to just … mount me on the spot, pulling herself up and wrapping her legs around me, letting me hold all of her without the strain of supporting her weight (which was never a factor for either of us, but it was the method and thought that counted).

Our kiss broke and she looked at me with a glare. “Take them off.”

With a grind, I did just that, taking no more than a second each to pull my shirt and pants off. She took off her top at the same time, and unhooked her bra quickly.

I took a moment to look at all of her.

She was the definition of a blonde bombshell, and that’s wasn’t her mastering aura making me think that.

“You are sexy,” I whispered huskily, and her lips curved upwards even as she tried to hold it back.

“And you are a built man,” she replied in kind as she ran her fingers over my abs and chest.

God, there was a reason being a cultivator was better than a magician.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her in for another kiss. Unlike last time, our nude bodies pressed against each other at all curves. Her tits pressed against my chest, our abs grinded against each other, and my dick parted her folds just a bit and rested there.

And we began to grind.

She moaned as her hips bucked along with me. My dick throbbed as we ground ourselves against each other.

“Oh fuck…!” she whimpered after breaking the kiss for the second time. She rested her head on my shoulder and picked up the speed. “Alan-!”


And then she stopped.

Pulling herself away from me, she looked at me. I could see it in her eyes.

She was ready (or at least wanted this too much to not give in to any anxiety of her first time or apprehension of consequences).

I set her down on her back on that very sparring floor where Amy left us and kissed her again.

When we broke apart again, she bit her lips.

“D-Does this mean that I’m the mistress?” she asked playfully.

“Yes,” I hissed as I pushed into her.

She didn’t flinch; I doubted that her hymen lasted through all of her strenuous exercise and hero’ing. Vicky shuddered as I pushed deeper into her warm and wet pussy.

To my surprise, her pussy was smaller than Amy’s.

“E-Eh?” she uttered as the tip of my dick pushed against her cervix. Then her eyes widened as I held her close and tightly before pushing myself deeper into her. “E-eek-!”

Her pussy stretched just a bit before I stopped and pulled out. She moaned. Her chest and tits heaved up and down with her panting, pushing against my chest. Her tits, round and firm globes that barely lost their shape even when she was laying down, flattening only a little when I pinned her to the floor with my body.

I pushed back into her gently and pulled out as slowly.

She bucked her hips and picked up speed on her own.

I pulled myself off of her and supported myself above her with my hands planted on either side of her head. She wanted it, so I was going to give it to her.

“I’m going to go fast now, Vicky.”

She giggled. “Oh, you think you can go fast?”

I raised an eyebrow before I began pumping her. My hips came down on her forcefully, making her bounce a little. Her eyes widened as our flesh clapped wetly with our juicy and sweat. She quickly reached and gripped my arms, holding tightly as she moaned and yipped with my thrusts.

“O-Oh fuck- fuck fuck-!” she shrieked as I stretched her insides further and further.

The grooves of Vicky’s vagina met the shape of my dick and squeezed tightly as my dick swiftly parted her on repeat like trying to catch a slippery eel and being left wanting each time she failed.

Wanting with pleasure, that was.

Her legs wrapped around my waist, and the near-rutting rate of her hips thrusting against me only got me to return it in kind.

She screamed as her back arched and wrapped herself around me. She moaned as she went through a full-body tremble as her vagina wrapped around even more tightly.

You know what? Let’s just give her a simultaneous cumshot.

I pounded into her for a few more thrusts and came unrestrained on the first impulse. She shuddered a bit more as I spurted into her and filled her up.

“F..uck…” she mumbled as I wrapped my own arms around her.

We laid there on the floor, reveling in the post-coital ecstasy.

But then again, being a cultivator - especially someone who followed the Path of One Thousand Layers - came with a few advantages.

“Are dicks supposed to be … this hard after sex?” she asked after a while, slowly running her hands up and down my chiseled back.

“No,” I replied as I pulled myself off of her. She looked up at me quizzically for a moment before her eyes widened when I slowly pulled out of her before sliding right back in.

Her eyes nearly crossed there and then did cross on my second thrust.

“Is today dangerous?” I asked, even though if it was, it was already too late.

“... K-Kinda?”



“Vicky, I have a fetish.”

“U-Uh? Okay? Why the s-” Her eyes widened. “I-I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

“You didn’t stop me when I did it just a moment ago.”

“T-That’s different!” she yelled embarrassedly. Then she bit her lips. “... A-Are you going to stop?”

“Do you want me to?”


I leaned down and kissed her again. She returned it eagerly and when I broke the kiss, she looked back up at me. “Well, if you get pregnant, then I’ll be taking responsibility.”

Because I was very into the idea of having the two sisters as my women. They loved me. I loved them, and they weren’t likely to fight over minor issues.

Everyone wins!

I just win a bit more.



Vicky was the virgin in this one? Kind of not what I expected, but shrug, it is what it is.