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Commissioned by Definitely not Dio


The Dragon that Decides
Chapter 1


I closed my eyes.

And then I opened them.

My ears rang from the sudden explosion I found myself at the center of. I knew instinctively that it should hurt, but it didn’t. In fact, I felt more annoyed than threatened by the sound.

Now, what I did feel threatened about was my body falling towards a snowy expanse far underneath me.


As I tumbled through the air, I got glimpses of things that kept spinning with me. Fearful as I was, I turned and looked-.



My shock only led me to freeze myself, but then the wings also froze with me, and I found myself slowing down. As my eyes traced them to their roots as the winds buffeted against all of me, I realized something important.

I had no clothes on.

I had scales.

My arms weren’t my own.

Those wings and tail were mine.

Something stirred inside me as the ground began to accelerate up towards me too quickly. Yeah, the ground looked like there was snow beneath but I didn’t think it would matter at the speed I was falling!

I twisted like a cat would roll in the air, and then I felt my four legs curl up underneath me. Finally, I felt the muscles all along with the wings - I now felt them once I realized they were mine and real - pulled taut like ropes pulling upon pulleys in great and giant windmills. My wings unfurled and my body lurched as I immediately slowed down.

This … this felt like pulling at a controller to stop a plane from crashing.

“COME ON, COME ON-!” I roared desperately as my entire body grew taut and tense.

I wasn’t going to make it.

“FUUUC-!” I laughed hysterically as I crashed.


When I finally rose out of the crater I made with my landing, I moved as if the crash landing had been nothing but an inconvenience. I certainly felt that way. I moved, however, slowly as I tried to cope with the fact that the body I seemed to be in was not human and was definitely bigger than anything I’ve personally encountered before.

The biggest moving living thing I’ve seen was the remnant of one: the full skeleton of a blue whale in Monterey Bay Aquarium. The biggest living thing, however, was a redwood tree.

‘I’m thinking of them right now because I can guess that I am about as long as a redwood is tall,’ I thought to myself as I looked over the trees around me and the size of the pine needles and the size of the suckers.

For reference, a single claw on my new draconic (because what else was reptilian with wings?) claw was thicker than most branches.

As I meandered along, I felt my mind start to slowly fill up with … I wasn’t sure if I had to call them information or instinct. I felt how I could belch fire if I wanted to, but I also knew that I could combine it with something deeper inside me to create, for a lack of a better word, plasma, though the latter would severely drain me. I also felt how to use other immediately non-draconic feats but also knew that I had near-infinite stamina.

My steady walk towards somewhere came to a slow stop as I felt information start to flow faster. It wasn’t about what I could do now but where I was.

And what I was seeing ahead matched that.

My eyes took in the frozen wasteland before me. Everything was covered in either ice or snow and the sky above glowed ephemerally and softly in the lifeless but still beautiful lights of the aurora. As my heartbeat steadily inside my draconic chest and my powerful lungs heaved sub-zero air in and out without affecting me in the slightest, the last “download” of information was completed.

And my bones felt chilled.

For I stood in the Land of Always Winter in the world of Planetos.


I immediately flapped my wings, trying desperately to fly. Instinct helped me, but my desperation to flee this place left my wings unable to coordinate properly, flapping one at a time and rarely simultaneously.

When I finally got the beat of my wings right, I took off. I soared high into the sky, but as I was about to clear the highest peaks of ice-covered mountains, I saw figures walking out of caves I hadn’t seen from below. Their white hair skin and light blue skin made it clear to me that they were White Walkers.

As scared as I was, the dragon in me - since when was that a thing? - didn’t take retreat as an option. The mere thought of running from these walking corpses was an enraging concept like idiots in cars. It wasn’t as if the White Walkers had aerial options anyways, right?

I swerved in the air and let the Breath in me build. My lungs pulsed. Once. Twice. Thrice. Faster and faster and faster. My jaws shook as I tried to contain the one blow I was going to toss at the White Walkers. It would leave me drained but could anything stop me right now or bother me as I flew elsewhere?


I let the electricity merge with fire.

And I opened my maw less to unleash and more that I could no longer contain the raw hate of the sun.

I roared along with the roar of a stream of white-hot plasma burning everything. I watched with my small eyes (small for my size) as the hurled plasma struck the mountain the White Walkers came out of and detonated.

To my surprise, it exploded. Rather I felt the air get violently pressurize away from the plasma as the plasma’s own particles exploded outwards.

And then when the outward explosion of air ceased, everything imploded.

The mountain shattered and then crumpled.

The explosion drew in so much air that I began to get sucked up. I flapped like a maniac, trying to rise above the clouds. My bulk and weight were nothing against what I had just unleashed. I found myself getting dragged into, and I shrieked in fear as the dark clouds sucked me up.

As the mushroom cloud rose high into the sky, I found myself … walking out of it.

I didn’t even stagger.

I just … walked out.

Dumbfounded by my new ability to withstand nuclear bomb levels of fiery destruction, I huffed and sat there. The white and grey landscape was now grey and black. No ice remained, just the bedrock that extended in all directions endlessly.

“That’s… new.”

I sat there for a few more moments, trying in vain to get my head around the fact that I just nuked someone. I took a deep breath.


So I just … offed the biggest threat to this world. I did it without really making a plan out of it or expecting a reward. I just … did it.

Well… I was in Westeros. I could certainly go see who those people I always saw on screen were like in person.

Who knows, I might even like some of them.

I allowed my wings to spread wide again, and this time, I took the time. I was better at now and took off without a hitch. My giant wings flapped, kicking up dust clouds in all directions.

Then I flew off. 



Dragon Dance CYOA


Full Blooded +40
*150 feet long, desaturated red
World: A song of Ice and Fire 42
Dexterity 39
Fireball 36
It came from the Sky 33
Boil 29
A Familiar Shape 26
Omnivore 25
Set in Stone 21
Triscareatops x3 18
Places to be 8
Endless Growth 3
Draconic Rage x2 (personal failures, being told what to do) 9
Announcement 12
Danger Zone 15
Cosmic 6
Be Afraid 3
Inner Ember 0


Tom smith

This sounds Awesome! Just looking through the cyoa choices you made. Space dragons! I see you can go to any of the worlds in the list. I’d love to see you do mass effect