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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay
Chapter 32


I hit my upper limit.

I let a deep and steady breath, trying in vain to get my Qi to circulate faster. Unfortunately, I found a hard limit.

Inner Arts… It was something I hadn’t focused on. I’ve focused so far on my Outer Arts, which was the Path of One Thousand Layers. However, I have neglected my Inner Arts which led to a limit on my Outer Arts.

“So balance,” Amy summed up for me.

I grunted. “Yes,” I replied easily as I opened my eyes.

“How are you going to fix that?” she asked with a hum as she wiped down my body with a wet towel. I couldn’t move from this position right now, because my flimsy attempt at Inner Art Qi manipulation was still ongoing and needed to complete the steps.

The Qi I sent out to all corners of my body slowly drifted back towards my core, and I grunted in pain as their absence left behind discomfort that slowly rose in intensity to pinprick stabbing pain. Which was happening all over my body.

Amy winced when she brushed her hand against my skin and caught a wind of what was happening beneath the skin. She didn’t say anything, yet, because I’ve told her that I needed all of my concentration to do this properly. Once it was over, however, I expected a bit of tongue lashing.

There was a good thing that came out of this pain, though. I knew instinctively that by doing this, I made the channels thicker, meaning that channeling Qi would be smoother once this session was over.

I shuddered as pain wrecked my lungs and breathing became hard for a moment.

Amy looked like she was about to interfere, but then I got my breathing under control. She still looked tense, though.

Finally, after what felt like an hour, it was done.

“Done,” I said loudly as I stiffly got up.

Amy quickly touched my back with her hand and checked me over.

“How does a little manipulation of energy make you so exhausted?” she asked rhetorically. She already knew the answer, considering that she had a bit of Qi in her as well at this point. Unlike me, she didn’t focus on it as much. She did, however, get more inventive as the days passed about how she used her biokinetics.

“Here,” she said as she handed me a child can of beer.

I didn’t even bother to read the brand or the label, I just popped it and drank it. As the liquor ran down my esophagus, I rumbled in pleasure. “That hits the spot,” I muttered. I turned around… and then raised an eyebrow. “When did you get here?” I asked.

Sitting on a bench next to the wall behind Amy, Vicky sat there with a light pink dusting on her face and one leg over the other.

“An hour ago.”

“An hour ago?” I muttered before turning to look at Amy. “How long have I been doing this?”

Four hours,” she growled with a glare. Ah, she was very upset with me.

“Was it my turn to make lunch?”

“Yes.” She paused. “But you also forgot to join the team meeting.”

“Ah shit, was that today?” I muttered.

She slapped my shoulder lightly. “Yes, you big dolt. Now, get dressed up. Lunch is waiting for you, and I’m not going to have you or anyone running around the house shirtless.”

“Ooh, getting bossy with your man, Amy?” Vicky crooned.

Amy blushed. “I can do whatever I want!” she snapped with no heat in her voice and upturned her nose.

I chuckled and then gave Amy’s bottom a squeeze, making her squeal in surprise.

“I think I like this Amy,” I said faux whisperingly in her ear as huskily as I could take it.

She glared up at me with a blush before huffing. And then she had an idea. She turned ot Vicky. “Hey, Vicky, can you look after my lug of a man? I need to go to the hospital today.”

Amy’s been going back to her regular role as a volunteer healer, though with reduced hours, since the eradication of the false Elite and the introduction of a much calmer and quieter Elite, who moved into Lord’s Market.

This left me alone a bit more than usual.

“Uh… yeah, sure!” the blonde replied quickly. “What’s he going to do today?”

“Probably nothing, but he’s stupid enough to toss everything to the ground when he hears a single gunshot. Keep him ground, okay?”

Now, I felt a little insulted. “I don’t jump at every single gunshot!” I did not whine.

“Yes, you do. Last time you jumped in, it was a firework.”

“It’s not my fault for being more than a little prejudiced, even if it was near July 4th!”

“Uh huh. Keep him grounded.”

And then she was gone, walking up the stairs without issue despite her four month pregnancy taut belly; having had her Qi awakened in her, she’s been using that to reinforce her muscles.

However just as she was about to leave my sight, she paused for just a moment and then she mimed a finger going into a hole and then pointed at Vicky.

Hold up, girl, are you telling me to fuck your sister behind your back? What happened to your threesome aspirations?!


A/N: I think yall know what's coming next chapter.


Prognostic Hannya

Truly, Amy's benevolence knows no bounds


I think you know this will be very highly voted next round lol