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Reincarnated to the Past
Interlude 40b


Rom, the Slave

Rom stared at the boat made using his master’s knowledge.

And it, and its sister, was a magnificent beast. It was curved on both ends with a single mast pole and mast in the middle of the ship. Or that was what the master called the wooden beam, the cloth for wind capture, and whatnot. He understood none of the technical details of what part of a ship was what. He understood, however, that this ship was a

“People back home called this a longship,” master said as he ran his hands slowly across the smooth wooden hull of the ship currently off of the water.

“When did you get these built…?” the chief asked him incredulously.

Master just grinned. “Well, if I only can fight, then it makes me a bad wiseman now, doesn’t it?” he asked cheekily.

The chief and the others laughed and then left.

They just left after seeing the biggest boat of their lives.

“Can’t impress everyone,” master chuckled.

“But you seriously made all of these…?” Rom asked incredulously.

“Yup. Got one of my old … stuff back. Let me do this in a week.”

A week?

Master made two boats, each longer as big as a warrior’s house, in a week?

“A week each…?”

“No, a week for both,” the master replied with a raised eyebrow.

“... Master, if you want to pull a joke, please do it with something more believable.”

Master snorted as he pushed the boat from behind towards the river. Why wasn't the master asking for help-.


Rom felt his jaw drop when the boat began to move.

“Look below,” the master grunted as he pushed with all of his might. “Actually, come help! Even …! Even a little bit helps!”

Rom hurried over but not before he saw what was below the boats.

Small logs were laid underneath the boat, and he hadn’t noticed them because the boat was too big and amazing. They rolled as the master pushed the boat towards the water, and Rom quickly joined him.

Yeah, his strength helped but not much.

But then the rest of the volunteer warriors joined, and they pushed the boat into the river in less than an “hour.”

As the boat splashed into the water, Rom felt something like achievement in his chest soar.

He helped move a boat that big! It made him feel… strong.

“Come on, Rom. We need to get the other two in the water and our stuff hauled onto it! Let’s move it, people!”

And they did. Hundreds of people, not all of them who were volunteer warriors, worked around as people brought in their supplies, weapons, and even slaves, who, unlike him, were not volunteering. Master, despite his kindness, did not object.

Later that day, the final night of his stay in the tribe’s village for a very long time, he approached his master before his master went to his room for his last night with his wife.


Master stopped and looked at him. Both of them were in the corridor right now.

“Yes, Rom?”

He hesitated for a moment. “Master, why do you let other warriors bring their slaves with them-” he asked as cautiously as he could. “-when you allowed me to choose?”

Master blinked before he seemed a little sad.

“Rom, when you see me, what do you see?”

The question confused him. “I see you, master.”


“I do not understand.”

Master pondered on his answer. “When I see my wife,” he began. “I see the daughter of the Lower River Kettin chief, a strong and independent woman, a formidable archer, mother of my only child, my confidant, and more. What do you see when you look at me?”

Rom understood. “I… I see a kind man, master. A strong man, a skilled leader, the tribe calls you a foreigner though I hear that less each week, eccentric, smart… I think we all know that they want you as a chief.”

“But am I a chief?”

“No… Not yet.”

“Not yet,” he agreed. “Which means that I lack the authority to tell others what to do except for those within my house, and even then, do I exercise that right?”

Rom shook his head slowly. “No. You could demand much more from us and be … normal like the others, but you do not.”

He nodded happily at Rom’s acknowledgement. “Do you know what happens if I try to exert a control I do not have?”

“You fight?”

“I fight. More than that, I cause strife within the tribe. If the situation goes too far, then the tribe’s kin may even die. What happens then?”

“But that’s extreme, master.”

“Extreme but not impossible.”

“So you are being cautious?”

“No. If I was being cautious, then I would stay, become the chief, and then lead the tribe into war against those who would seek us harm in the future. This expedition is reckless and I know it.”

“Then what about the other slaves?”

“I am not their owner. I cannot tell others how to treat others, but you know that I buy all the slaves I could and give them more, yes?”

“Of course, master. I am better off under you.” It was the unvarnished truth.

“Then you must not forget that I am limited. I am powerful in many ways, but not all powerful.”

“I understand. Thank you for your time, master,” Rom bowed.

Master chuckled as he moved away. “Any time, Rom.”


A/N: Next chapter - we finally hit Byzantion


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