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An Arcanist in Karakura Town
Chapter 32


After months of hearing about my supposed allies, I finally heard something from them through my trusted Servant.

I unfolded the letter and read the first words on top.

“A cease and desist order.” I let my arms drop in frustration and disappointment. “Really?” After taking a deep breath, I pulled the letter back up and read it out loud to myself. “‘To the master of Hidemasa. We, the Confederation of European Magic, greet you. Though we knew not of our kin in the far east, we are glad to know you have settled there despite the dangers present. Words from your servant have, however, caused some distrust. While we at the confederation cannot fathom why you consider weapons development as a means of protecting yourself, especially weapons that have already been long considered to be unethical.’”

I paused and narrowed my eyes.

“‘For that reason, we shall be sending you a team of investigators to determine the state of the lands you live in, and whether or not you have been exaggerating to your servant. Should the team find your claims to be false, especially in regards to the spiritual nature of the Japanese isles, then there exists a possibility that you will be arrested on charges of unethical weapons development, distribution, possession, and usage on top of whatever harm and grievances the locals may have agains-’”

I threw the letter at this point.

“What the fuck, Hide?!” I roared.


I got into a call with him later that day.

“So let me get this straight,” I let out an explosive sigh. “All of that happened on your end because of merely two inquiries directed at the black markets?”

“{More or less},” he replied tiredly.

According to Hidemasa, simply being rejected was not the end of his ordeal after he explained that I might need materials for explosives. No, he’d even done well to ask the black market, but the situation over in magical Europe was not what I thought it was.

For example, black market wasn’t too illegal?

Yes, sure, there were illegal substances that went through the black market regularly, just like any other normal black markets. What was different was who was in charge of those markets.

Apparently, magical Europe’s black markets had an association.

… Yeah.

I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t a blood association. No, it wasn’t a cartel. No, it wasn’t a gang. No, it wasn’t some death cult.

It was an association no different from a homeowner association.

They had rules and etiquettes that all of the members were expected to follow.

And one of those happened to be “don’t let a crazy foreigner buy stupid things.”

Hidemasa, a foreigner, tried to buy materials for magical/spiritual explosives, stupid things.

So the association of black market owners reported

It’s ridiculous! It’s unheard of!

“I thought the confederation of magical Europe was composed to old timers who liked their fucking traditions!” Old timers who would still be stuck in the mindset that violence and war was a part of human life, not something to be avoided.

“{That is the case, Alan},” Hide answered me. “{But it seems that the rulers of the united magical Europe aren’t as conservative or reactive as we both thought they were. They are, in fact, very progressive and also very keen on keeping everything under at least a semblance of control.}”

“Including the black market,” I sighed. “Which you went to.”


It wasn’t Hide’s fault. It was our fault for engaging Europe without learning more about it.

Still, they said they were sending investigators, right?

“What can you tell me about the investigators?” I asked. I didn’t know when Aizen would make his final move, but if the investigators arrived before then…

… There was no way it was going to work. I had wanted the magicians here as help before it got this serious. Hell, the goddamn war might break out tomorrow.

“{I don’t know anything about them beyond that they are known for being impartial.}”

“Hide, when are they arriving?”

“{About that…}”


“{There is a high chance that they might be arriving tomorrow}.”

… Okay.



Just …

I sighed. “Okay, I’ll deal with it on my end, but I need you back now. The Winter War is about to break out, and I am not sure of my own capability in keeping the barrier you erected over the warehouse if someone decides to pull dimensional shenanigans.

“{I’ll be there by tomorrow then, master. Be careful}.”

“Safe travels.”

And then I hung up.

I let out a deep sigh.

“How did it go?” Orihime asked from behind.

“No help is coming from Europe,” I replied honestly. “I’ll just have to hole up in the warehouse with you.”

“C-Can I bring my friends?”

I turned to her. She seemed really worried about her friends.

“Only three, and none of them from Kurosaki’s crew of misfits,” I acceded as I walked towards my work stations.

Just as I told my Servant, Winter War was coming.

I had work to do.


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