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Debauchery Hunter
Chapter 3


We decided to keep me, the original, at base, while the half of us went out to bring willing girls home.

How hard could it be between enticing offers of starting a new life and a ton of dopamine my [Cherish] could pump into their brains?

Of course, we had to choose the candidates first. Considering that we were living a frontier life more or less, we couldn’t bring some kind of naive and silver spoon women. We also knew that we couldn’t only bring one woman because our numbers grew constantly, and one woman, try as she might, could never keep a dozen plus men all satisfied every day for the rest of our lives.

Yes, we could stop making more Hive Mind clones right now and impose a self-cap of a dozen. However, we currently lived on a medieval Earth. Even with guns and explosives, we didn’t consider our chances too high if someone like a duke or a king decided that he wanted what we had. There was a reason the USA got pushed back by China during the Korean War.

We could move to a different Earth, one without any other human life, but we couldn’t just move to a deserted world. Where would we get our social interactions? Constantly portal to other worlds? Where would be the community in that (even if we weren’t exactly into community building right now)?


Who were the candidates?


C7 strolled through the cobblestone streets of a city that wouldn't look out of place in Rome at the height of Roman Empire. If, of course, there were no humanoids walking about. A dozen plus different species of humanoids walked about in a hurry that also wouldn't be out of place in New York City.

So what business did he have here? Well, he was here in the Saderan Empire to buy slaves.

He and the original didn't need to own slaves, not when they could free them all and [Cherish] would have them all begging to do whatever it was that they wanted them to do.

C7 was here to add some uniqueness to the soon-to-exist harem. The original might have had some thoughts on only bringing humans into their fold but who cared?! Earth Vins was a medieval world with a lot of room, even in a cramped place like Europe.

It took a few gold nuggets, but he found the slave market in Sadera.

It was a busy place. In a plaza bigger than Times Square, a dozen slavers tried their damnedest to sell all manner of slaves. Men, women, young, old, human, non-human, diseased, healthy, short, tall, skinny, chubby, pretty, ugly…

C7 stepped foot into the slave market and looked around. He had a good idea about prices for each slave after watching the buyers and sellers haggle and auction people as commodities.

Then he came upon an auction where the seller, a human, auctioned off warrior bunny children.

C7 rolled his teeth.

He only had enough gold nuggets on him to buy two pretty, nubile, and voluptuous slaves. Instead of slaves he would free and mentally enslave to satisfy his and other's sexual needs, he saw seven children before him. Most of the children looked no older than fifteen.

He glanced at the interested buyers and immediately knew that most of them were … not good.

"Fuck," he grumbled. He threw a question at the Hive Mind.

The Hive Mind and the original, who kept his eyes off of them all, peered.

For a moment, desire and need warred against good and kind.

The moment passed.

C7 turned around. He reached into his pocket, and then pulled out a small bag of gold nuggets. Turning back around, he raised his hands.

The seller pointed at him, saying the upped price of the current naked girl on the podium, but he interrupted the seller.

"How much for them all?"

That stopped the seller and everyone around C7 short.

"Excuse me?" the seller asked in surprise.

"For all of the warrior bunny children you are selling. How much?"

The man blinked before he put his sales smile on. "My good sir-."

C7 wanted to be out of here as soon as possible. He walked up to the seller, grabbed his hand, and then placed the baggie. "Is that good for all of them?"

The man opened it up indignantly before he saw what was inside and quickly bowed.

"Sold to the gentleman in front of me!"


"Greedy bastard!"

"That's not fair!"

C7 ignored it all and received the keys from the seller. He glanced at the children before tearing a hole in reality.

The crowd shrieked in surprise, but a few muttered "magic" and they watched in awe.

"Come on, go through," he gestured and the children, looking wide eyed, hesitantly did so. He entered after they did and rejoined the Hive Mind after closing [Doormaker] portal.


We stared at the seven hungry and rag wearing children.

"It's okay, you're safe," we said as we slowly unshackled them all of the wooden boards that kept their wrists locked and the ropes that burned their ankles.

From the "receiving" room, we led them out and towards the kitchen. Once inside, we sat them down on the wooden cafeteria tables and made each of them a potato beef stew.

All of them looked at the bowl with wide hungry eyes but also glanced at us constantly. They were trying to see if this was a trick.

"Eat up," we said as we got our own bowls of the stew, sat on either side of the children on the benches, and began to eat.

Finally, one of them took the "gamble" and began eating with the spoon.

Soon, the rest of them rushed in.

"Hey, hey, slow down."

"Don't choke on the food."

"Here's some water."

We watched them eat and sighed. Hopefully, other clones would come home with actual women, not more girls to take care of.


Soi’nja (soy nya) stared at her new master.

He was …

He was a good person. She could tell that. It wasn’t just the delicious food and water. It was how he treated them. Even the youngest among them, he gave his person attention. He was also a magician, which made him even more valuable to people but here he was, buying up slaves like them and then - instead of putting them in rooms like most masters did for … whatever they did - fed them and cleaned them.

But … she still kept him at a distance. She didn’t know when he might suddenly change.

She needed to figure out how she was going to run away when that happened.


She looked down at her little sister, Meinya. She knelt to look at her five year old at eye level. “What is it?” she asked softly.

Meinya tightened her soft grip on her hand. “I-I need to go pee pee.”

Soi nodded but also dreaded what she had to do.

What would happen when she bothered the new master with something as mundane and trivial as finding the chamber pot?

But she had to ask.

She stood up, got Mei to let go of her hand, and then walked up to the nearest master. She kept herself from trembling and flinching.


The master in front of her, the one working and cooking inside the kitchen, turned to her. He flicked something and the fire died off underneath the pan he was using to cook something.

“What is it, Soi’nya?” he asked her.

He was also an oddity in that he went out of his way to learn all their names.

“My sister needs to use the chamber pot. May we know where one might be…?”

“Oh sure. One of my clones will guide you there.”

And then he went back to cooking as another master opened the door to the kitchen, gesturing for her to follow him.

She gently took Mei’s hand as she passed by where her sister was sitting and followed after the master.

She … wasn’t struck for asking trivial things.

Maybe her new master wasn’t bad at all?


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