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Commissioned by Kejmur

Demon of Lust in the Land of Water
Chapter 14


Slowly but surely, change came to Kirigakure.

The Bloody Mist existed still, but it was no longer the morbidly revered and exalted way of life but one shunned and hated. The oppressed emotions, hidden but never forgotten, rose up in a wave of people rising and refusing to follow orders, even if it led to their death.

Combined with protection I extended to these rebelling people, Kirigakure was no longer held by a single dictator but three factions: Traditionalist, Neutralist, and Revolutionary.

The Temple of Aphrodite and everyone involved in it was … actually not part of the Revolutionary! The answer for that was simple: we were too busy finding love, having sex, making babies, and getting educated (on sex) to bother with the rest of the world. The Temple seemingly provided everything to its followers, so why bother? Merchants, of course, also liked the fact that the Temple of Aphrodite was a stabilizing factor despite its initial “progressive” assertions and joined with them to create the Neutralists, the mediating rich faction.

The Traditionalists were, of course, all of the bitter and hard ninjas, ninja clans, and those who were under the mizukage. They knew no better. All they saw were enemies all around and among them. They needed a target to vent, and if there were no external enemies, then they turned to internal “enemies.” However, they also made up the majority of Kirigakure’s military and as such could not be dismissed so easily.

The Revolutionary… They were the downtrodden, the weak, and the poor. Most of them were ninjas just like the Traditionalists, but they also saw the cruelty and indifference the Traditionalists wielded behind the needs of national defense and “purity.” Those who made up the Revolutionary were those like Mei but without her connections or strength; bloodline clans and ninjas joined hands with civilians who were sick and tired of the Bloody Mist.

Had they been left alone, a civil war would have broken out.

I did not want that. If a war did break out, then my influence would fall and less people would come to Kirigakure, the heart of the Traditionalists, and not visit the Temple of Aphrodite. While I could bend reality to allow people in through alternate entrances I could create to connect the outside world to Kirigakure, I was not interested in becoming anyone’s crutch.

So, having seen a civil war coming should the balance of power shift too much, I extended my hand to the Revolutionaries and offered them my protection in exchange for having a say in what they do.

They agreed since they lacked real heavy hitters. Mei would have joined them in canon, but, well, she was here with me.

Not with me right now, actually. She found a really hot looking man and took him to bed elsewhere. I wasn’t worried, though; she was already playing on the palm of my hand no matter what she did and this wasn’t her first time taking a side paramour.

What had my attention right now, however, was the increased number of spies in the city.

It made sense, because other Great Hidden Villages were sensing weakness in Kiri.

I was sure that mizukage was doing his part in curtailing the number of spies, but I knew that he was going to have a harder time since I chunked his power and influence. To keep Kirigakure up and away from decline, I needed to take part in … leadership.

Which I was not happy about.

“But why not?”

I glanced down at the woman who’d joined me in bed today.

She was a random civilian I picked up from the temple for the day. Saka was a pretty little thing with dainty waist, plum tits, long and lustrous black hair, and more. She claimed that she was a daughter of a noble, and was here to - in her words - rebel against her father’s intent to marry her off to an old fart in the Land of Lightning.

Hearing that she’s had some education, I talked about my current situation a bit. It wasn’t like I was going to let her out with those specific memories.

“Why not what?”

“Why keep Kirigakure up as it is?” she asked suggestively. “You said it yourself, the Bloody Mist sucks. So as long as the current mizukage is alive and ruling, Kirigakure will forever be on the decline. I mean, I’m not part of Kiri or the ninja clans, but even I know that much.”

I supposed she was right. The nobles outside of Kirigakure were still there with history and experience longer than that of the village itself.

“I already considered putting my hand deep into the politics of the village, but I don’t want to be the mover and shaker.”

“Then do it through someone else.”

I glanced at her.

“... A puppet?”

“It doesn’t have to be a puppet, silly! Like the nobles tell the craftsmen, just make your points very clear and when they don’t follow up, change them.”

“That’s exactly what I don’t want to do, though.”

“Onmyouji-sama-” This was one of the local titles I gained. “- you are already powerful so you don’t have a choice in it. I bet my pussy you’ve done it already.”

I rolled my eyes. “You don’t have to be so crass.” But she wasn’t wrong. I have extended my hand to the Revolutionaries, which was a very political move even if it was to keep the flow of worshippers to the temple undisturbed.

“... Well, you can do something else then.”

“You have an idea?”

“Yeah. Get an audience with the Daimyo of the Land of Water.”

I blinked.


Why hadn’t I thought of that?


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