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Commissioned by Kejmur

Honest to Himself
Arc 5: Scion
Chapter 28


I was under no illusion that I would have gotten this far this fast if it hadn’t been for the sheer manpower I was able to conjure up like a magician.

Sure, my clones sometimes hogged the women, but they were me and I was them. I didn’t feel too upset about it, especially since I saw and felt every fucks they gave my women.

However, it left me blueballed all of the time. Sure, sometimes I got off on it, but most of the time, it was watching porn running constantly while I was doing something else. Case in point, I have been making tinkertech, but when I wasn’t going through a fugue, I was at the mercy of my own clones having good times with … basically everyone except Dinah.

Sophia had a train on her, Kayden was in a gangbang, Wilson sisters were in an orgy, Samantha were broken in completely, Sherrel was bouncing away, Lisa was also getting gangbanged, Amy was… oh, she was refusing sex on the grounds that she was very close to giving birth, and Jean gave birth no more than a week ago, so she was resting.

The rest of the women were in similar positions.

… Whatever. I’m gonna go play with my kids.

With nearly twenty children to my name, childcare was not a one man job but rather the jobs of ten clones. I was going to go and join them when I realized that ...

Well, I’m already playing with them.

Jane and Michael, my two eldest daughter and son respectively, cooed as each clone of mine carried them around the room. Despite being my eldests, they were barely three months old.

Nevermind Maya, my youngest. She was just born two days ago.



These were the reasons why Clone 112 and Clone 21 were out and about stalking the streets of New York City, not Brockton Bay.

It wasn’t just the original who were getting blueballed but the clones who couldn’t get their jobs done fast enough to have sexy time with the ladies, which was most of them.

Gangbang wasn’t the norm in the base because that’s what the clones and the original enjoyed but because there weren’t enough women to go around.

Boston was the hometown of Accord, who was very angry with Ligeria and Citrine’s kidnapping, and Brockton Bay was on constant high alert with many clones going out to test the tinkertech on the local villains and heroes.

So New York City was the next destination for the clones to find someone.

Well, of course, there were other cities between Boston and New York City, but New York City’s already crazy cape scene made a simple disguise work extremely well for the clones for blending into the community.

After all, how could anyone in New York City think that some cape named Stitches operating closer to Canada than the Big Apple would come to Big Apple?

Besides, New York City had bigger villains than Stitches.

But then again, none of them had a Kill Order and kept on persisting like he did.

Well, except perhaps the Butcher, but killing the Butcher, the clones and I learned through the internet, was foolhardy.


Clone 21 stopped as did 112.

Without any body signs or verbal que, the two of them sunk into the shadows and reappeared on the rooftop above where the explosion had come from.

Looking down the street some six floors below, the clones saw flashy heroes fighting dark villains.


The two of them observed every single one of the heroes as well as the villains. There was one woman among the hero’s ranks and two in the villains. The heroine was a black bear mask wearing Master who summoned ghostly bears. The clones and the gestalt consciousness immediately dismissed her as a candidate; she and her projections looked like they can do some serious damage to the base, and that was not good when there were children within it.

The villains looked equally troublesome. The one wearing the rabbit mask threw dangerous wall penetrating shots everywhere and the other one was … well, she turned into a ghost.

The clones dismissed the idea of grabbing anyone from here and teleported out.

While in teleport transit, they looked over the city through Offscreen Travel and Insomnia’s ability to pick out sleepers and locations unseen by anyone, even if neither were necessary for the teleport to be successful.

They appeared in the house of a woman, young and very … boing boing.

And then they saw the ring on her hand.

Grumbling, they teleported back out.


They scoured both the suburbs and the urban areas of the city like that, searching through a haystack of houses to find a needle they wanted. Or in this case, more women to kidnap and bring to the base.

That’s when they encountered Eileen.

An early thirty year old hispanic woman, she was about to be jumped by two stalkers.

Though the clones weren’t sure of her marital status, they jumped the stalkers; if they learned that she was single, then great, they could take her, but if not, then they kept one woman out of others’ reach.

The stalkers died screaming as blades tore through their rib cages and spines.

Eileen turned around, and she saw them, standing bloodied under the streetlamp.

She made to run but one of the clones teleported behind her and knocked her out.

Dragging her into an alley, they investigated everything she had.

Her phone turned out to be very beneficial.

Unfortunately for the clones, she was married. What they did find was that Eileen was a mother and not thirty years old but rather in her mid forties. She did have two daughters who were in their early twenties’, though.



Back in Brockton Bay, the city faced a different challenge.

No, it wasn’t me going out with even more dangerous tinkertech.


It was heralded by a moving forest.


[spoiler=”Status of Stitches”]

Cash: ~ $8 Million stolen and converted from drug and weapon sales


*Kill Order - $750,000 dead (PRT)

*Kill-On-Sight [KOS] (Coil, Ambassadors)

Willing Assets:

Dinah Alcott - Precog Thinker


Lisa Wilbourn - Super Intuition Thinker

Sophia Hess - Phase Breaker

Sherrel Bailey - Automotive Tinker

Amelia Claire Lavere - Queen Shaper (Pregnant 42w)

Olivia - Multi-Effect Trump

Kayden Russel - Solar Artillery Blaster
Cassandra - Contact-Limited Telekinetic

Sex Slaves:

Wilson sisters (Jennifer, Samantha, Cherry) (Broodmares)

E88 Woman (Pregnant 35w)

Jean Brown (Citrine) - Field Micro-Adjustment Shaker

Samantha (Ligeia) - Liquid Water Storage and Dispenser

Rescued & Soon to be Released:

Unbroken Asset 1:



Jane (Mother: Emma Barnes, 2012.5.4)

Michael (Mother: Sophia Hess, 2012.5.7)

Alexander (Mother: Lisa Wilbourn, 2012.5.9)

Rin (Mother: MW2, 2012.5.13)

Wendy (Mother: MW3, 2012.5.18)

Elizabeth (Mother: Jennifer Wilson, 2012.6.1)

Victoria (Mother: Samantha Wilson, 2012.6.7)

Lily (Mother: Cherry Wilson, 2012.6.8)

Rose (Mother: Olivia, 2012.6.9)

Margaret (Mother: Kelly, 2012.6.3)

Tyler (Mother: Sherrel, 2012.6.14)

Mary (Mother: Cassandra, 2012.6.20)

Zoey (Mother: Kayden, 2012.7.4)

Cathy (Mother: MCW1, 2012.7.8)

Issac (Mother: MCW2, 2012.7.10)

Iris (Mother: MCW3, 2012.7.2)

Joseph (Mother: Samantha(Ligeria), 2012.7.19)
Maya (Mother: Jean (Citrine), 2012.8.1)


[spoiler=”Stitches Power Upgrades”]

Mirror Image (Second Trigger):

*Increasing number of copies (Passive)

*Copies permanent unless killed (Passive)

*Telepathy between Original and copies (Passive)

*If Original is killed, then one of the copies become Original (Passive)

Offscreen Travel:

*Can teleport while being seen. (Active)

*Can teleport to locations that are under observation. (Active)

True or False:

*No limits to daily questions. (Passive)


*Can force unconscious on close targets.

*Manipulate dreams (Active)

Regeneration (Second Trigger):

*Increased regeneration speed (Passive)

*Temporarily gain Changer ability

-Become bigger with double strength and speed. Cannot teleport while this Changer ability is in effect.

-Allows for variety of form, but if base humanoid form is changed by more than 10%, then all other powers except for Regeneration and Mirror Image are disabled for the duration of change.


*Applies to locations where he stays a lot. (Currently: All of Brockton Bay)


[spoiler=”Looted Power”]

Relationship Meter

Light Filament
Conditional Robotics
Defective Goal
Peripheral Cascade
Eclipse Source
Matter Comb



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