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Commissioned by Kejmur

What is Happiness?
Arc 5 Chapter 3: Association


As I waited for the Nine to show up, I did some planning and working. Some of this involved meeting with people I would otherwise not like to meet.

“... I did not expect you to understand civility,” Lung rumbled from the other side of the table. “Butcher.”

“The Butcher is dead,” I smiled as I sipped the tea he offered. “There is only me.”

Lung had survived everything the city had thrown at him even before I came about, and survived everything the city went through since then.

Say what you will about the man, but he was a survivor. Hell, he survived Golden Morning and the Titan conflict; that was some serious survival right there.

That said, I also knew that he was the very epitome of complacency. He would not act until something toppled his kingdom.

I intended to use that.

“There is, however, something that Butcher knew about. Why they came back to Brockton Bay despite the fact that its parahuman landscape hadn’t changed much.” I leaned in. “There is a high chance that the Slaughterhouse Nine might be coming to town.”

Lung stiffened.

Apparently, even the Nine perturbed him.

I was, of course, half-lying right now. The information did not come from the Butcher but from me, who read the original timeline of Worm. It was for this reason that I said that there was only a “high chance” that the Nine might come; I’ve changed enough about this timeline that there was a chance that the Nine might not come.

“How reliable is this information?”

“I trust the informant with my life,” I replied back with a grin. “I did manage to score some girls because of them.”

Lung grinned.

“And why would you come to me with this information?” he asked, keeping his grin up.

“Well, you are one of the strongest,” I replied. “One who leads a large number of gangsters in fear, and that’s really what I am here for.”

He raised an eyebrow as his grin diminished. “Explain.”

“You see, my informant also told me about how the Nine could exist for so long. Think about it. The Nine is composed of murderhobos who should also be killing each other,” I said as I spun my fingers. “Isn’t it strange that the assholes who’s first response to any situation is ‘kill’ decided that sticking together with like-minded people is a good idea?”

“... You are implying that there is a force keeping them together.”

“Yup. You know about King? The first leader of Slaughterhouse Nine?”

“Elaborate who he is for me.”

“He is a man whose power allowed him to transfer any and all wounds he receives to someone who he has touched in the last 24 hours.”

Lung’s eyes widened. “The Nine was a hostage situation?”

“Well, some of its members were definitely hostages,” I replied with a shrug. “But you see, one of the hostages rebelled, killed King, and then took over the Nine. The very same man who leads the Nine to this day.”

“... But how?” Lung asked the question. “You tell me that the Nine was a hostage situation but then also tell me that its current leader is also one of the hostages of the bygone era.”

“That’s because Jack has a Master-Thinker ability.”

Lung froze.

“... You are certain.”

“My informant calls his power ‘Radio’ for short. The real name he called it by is a bit longer. Anyways, Jack can hear other people’s needs and wants like a radio, persuade people like a radio speaker, and receive warnings like a radio. But this radio only applies to parahumans.” I extended an arm. “That’s what I am here for. When the Nine comes and Jack plays his part, I want your gang to be there to end him. Killed by regular people with guns. Wouldn’t it be grand?”

“... Intriguing tales, you spin, Butcher,” he hummed as he sipped his tea. “How then would you explain his ability to cut?”

“Merely a twisted interpretation of Radio. Just as a radio can send information from one location to another, so too can Jack ‘inform’ the reality of what he’s cut on the other side.”

Lung set his thick mug down and tapped his fingers.

“I see. Perhaps if your friend’s predictions bear fruit, I will be there.”

I raised my hands with a smile. “If it doesn’t, then it won’t matter.”

He nodded.

“I will, however, have you swear truce with me.”

“... Pardon?”

Lung leaned forward. “You want to use me and my people,” he replied slowly as if he was talking to a slow child. “So it is only fair that I receive something in return, is it not?”

I raised an eyebrow. “This is not a transaction. I can’t even claim Jack’s bounty if your men kill him.”

“Ah, but you came to me and not the PRT, so I must receive something for the service rendered. It is only the way of the world.”

He was going to just constantly insist on it, wasn’t he?

“Fine,” I grumbled. “A one month truce between us whether or not the Nine shows up. Your people stay out of my way and I stay out of your territory. Good enough for you?”

“In writing.”

Fucking nitpicking-.

“You do this to everyone who comes to you in good faith?”

“No, only the Butcher.”

“If I truly acted like the Butcher, then you realize that we would not be talking, right?”

“Maybe. But if you do break this truce because you are indeed the Butcher, then I have reason to take everything you have.”

I smirked. “You think you can?”

“I know I can.”

I laughed. “You’re welcome to try after the truce.”

And thus, I had prepped one portion of the city.



where are the rest of these before 4.6?