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Demon of Lust in the Land of Water
Chapter 13


Mei wouldn’t say that she was “in love” with Alan. Oh, she certainly liked how rough and good he was in the sack, but she wouldn’t say that she “loved” him.

She could also be in denial but she doubted it. Even Ao thought she didn’t possess any romantic feelings about Alan.

Just horny ones.

A lot of horny ones.

Goddamnit, she was fucking horny again.

That said, being a member of Alan’s temple also came with some other benefits. Like finding some good hunks to ride because free love was a thing for the temple.

She’s also seen some of her comrades going in and out of the temple. She knew of Yui, the really nerdy R&D girl. Her specialty was in trying to decipher what few Uzumaki scrolls Kirigakure managed to loot during the Fall of Uzushiogakure.

It was a state secret, and officially, the girl was trying to “recreate” Uzumaki fuinjutsu. They may not be fantastical as most of the lower rank ninjas and civilians tended to think of them, but Uzumaki fuinjutsu still outcompeted everything on the market some thirty years after their village was wiped off of the map.

It was one of the most stressful projects for a ninja to be involved in because of the pressure exerted upon them by the higher-ups, so Mei didn’t think it odd to see Yui and her co-workers coming out for some nice stress relief.

She’s seen the normally shy woman … about nineteen times in the past two weeks now. She also had a small cadre of men who followed her like puppies but it grew smaller and smaller each day.

And today, Mei saw her with a civilian of all people.

She walked over towards the couple in the lounge area of the temple’s lobby - because what else does one call a woman and a man obviously infatuated with each other close together? - and slid into the seat right next to Yui.

“Hey, Yui~,” she crooned as she draped herself over the woman.

The short brown-haired and mousy woman jolted in her seat, to Mei’s delight, and quickly turned to look at her. “M-M-Mei-sama!”

Sama? Since when was she someone deserving of that honorific?

“So this is your man, huh?” she asked with a glance over at … whoever this was.


So stiff…

“... Is he good in bed?”

The mousy girl stammered and blushed. “Y-You shouldn’t ask something l-like that…!” she mumbled.

The civilian, a black haired guy with glasses, looked embarrassed, too.

Mei’s lips slowly curled up into a coy grin.

“Oh? Does that mean I can take him for a ride?”

And suddenly, the meek little woman previously blushing like a virgin turned cold and blank. Yui stared at her with dead eyes, and Mei got creeped out.

“You know, just a joke,” she laughed. There were ninjas like this whose personality did a full flip when one of their triggers were pulled. For Yui, it seemed like this civilian was one such trigger. “I'm just asking because I saw a whole lot of guys around you the past two weeks.”

Suddenly, the cold look went away, replaced by embarrassment. “O-Oh, did you think that I …?”

“Well, you are in the temple of love.”

And there she went blushing again!

“No, I was trying to just … find someone for myself.”

Ah, she was here for “her” person, not a fun time, which was what most people wanted.

“Well, Goddess Aphrodite-” she said the name right, right? “- is a goddess of love. She’s sure to help you find ‘the one,’ if that’s what you’re looking for,” she hummed before glancing at the civilian again. “So he’s the one.”

“My name is Ikari Gendo,” he spoke up, and tilted his head forward in what could be called a nod but not quite? Mei could already tell that he was the cold and smug kind of guy. “Nice to meet you.”

She also noted the distinct lack of honorifics, not even a -san.

“Hmm, a pleasure. What do you do? I don’t want a ninja of the village hanging out with some bum, you know?”


Again with the -sama.

“Just call me Mei, Yui-chan,” she cooed.

While Yui was stammering, Mei and Gendo met each other’s stares, and then she knew that this guy was trouble.

“Are you really a civilian?” she asked.

Yui paused. “Huh?”

“I am,” Gendo replied firmly.

Mei hummed. “You have a lot of guts, then. You’re staring down a jounin without even a flinch.”

“I am a merchant, Terumi-san,” he replied casually with a smug smile. See? She knew that he was a smug bastard. “If I backed off on all deals because I am talking with someone even remotely powerful than me, then I would be bankrupt and destitute.”

Yui swooned.

Mei nudged the woman. “You like bold guys, huh?”

She stammered again, almost blubbering now.

Mei laughed.


“He’s a spy.”

Mei paused and looked down at Alan.

She couldn’t help it; she came for another fun time and stayed for who knew how long. Actually, Alan had one of those expensive clocks in his temple bedroom… Damn, she’s been here for five hours already. Ugh.

“Spy? Who’s a spy?”

“That Gendo guy.”

Mei didn’t do anything physically. “Ah shucks. Yui is going to be devastated.”

“Don’t bother trying anything on him,” Alan chuckled. “He’s from Konoha, but he’s going to fail trying to gauge exactly how important I will be to Kirigakure.”

Mei didn’t even bother to feel stunned by what he’s saying. She wondered if what he said was true… and then knew that he was saying the truth. Alan had a history of telling her some mundane things which were impossible for him to know but he just knew anyways. So if he said Gendo was a Konoha spy, then he was a Konoha spy.

“But why is he after information on you?”

“He and his superiors are under the impression that I am very important to Kiri.”

“You mean important to our sex life?”

“I definitely am important to Kiri’s sex life.”

“But what else?”

“He doesn’t know, so I don’t know.”

“... You didn’t sleep with him, did you?”

“Oh no. His lips may be sealed shut but his mind is an open book.”

“Am I an open book?”


“What am I thinking?”

“‘Ugh, I just spent five hours fucking Alan, again.’”

She sputtered.


Commissioned by Kejmur


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