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Commissioned by Kejmur


Magnetic Attraction
Chapter 21


The Teeth fought back as brutally as they were said to be.

With the Butcher temporarily incapacitated, I had the chance to wipe out the Teeth in my city.

The problem was finding their location.

I had Tattletale on loan for that, and in under a day, she had almost all of their locations.

And so we went to war.


The north Docks

Iron rods, each thick as a finger and long as the average man and yet weighing up to ten tons each, floated around me. Standing in the streets below me were the Undersiders.

The rods lined up, and marked by the iron I felt inside the building, launched themselves with sonic booms one by one.

The air cracked like someone snapped a giant whip, and the fifteen consecutive booms was enough to deafen me.

The derelict three story building the Teeth were using as their hideout immediately shook with tremors as those iron rods bombarded its walls and put big holes in them.

The Undersiders watched with grimace, but they knew their jobs.

As the Teeth began to pour out to counterattack with their guns and knives, I turned their weapon against them. Guns turned to their owners and fired. Knives found themselves in the kidneys of their wielders.

The trouble came in the form of the capes.

Already transformed into a werewolf and at the head of the capes was Animos. Behind him were Hemorrphagia, Reaver, Vex, and Spree. Spree was already making clones, and I could not have them escape because the battlefield was overwhelmed.

So I did the only thing I wanted to do.

A single iron rod that was previously used to put a hole in the wall but was now stuck in the ground pried itself free and then screamed across the air.

They didn’t see it before it punched right through Spree’s skull.

Animos nearly suffered the same fate, but he was faster than Spree and far more aware of his environment. He ducked under just in time. Otherwise, he might have been shafted from one end to the other.

The other capes equally dodged out of the way, either through luck and experience or poor aim on my part.

With Spree dead, what few clones he made began to disintegrate into pools of unfiltered biomass stinking up everything around them.

The Undersiders got ready to fight.

And then I ended the fight by - get this - aiming every single weapon I had confiscated from the now dead normal Teeth marauders and firing at the capes.

Become a werewolf however you want or control your own blood to make weapons. Bullets still reigned supreme upon the battlefield.

And as the lord of all things metal, I ruled the battlefield supremely.

And also having been outside of whatever power-nullifying effects of Animos’s scream had, I wasn’t affected.

I never gave him time to scream in the first place.

Once I made sure to doubletap all of those capes, I drifted down to the Undersiders, humming happily at the thought of declaring that I had gone and removed all of the Teeth within Brockton Bay.

Ah, that felt really good…

“Did you even need us?” Alec asked with a huff.

Tattletale snorted. “We were just insurance in case something went really bad.”

“No, you were temps I hired to make my women feel better,” I objected.

She glared at me. “Whipped.”

“No, merely aware of the fact that

“All of your children are bas-”

“And that’s enough,” Grue stepped in and quickly put a hand over her mouth. She screamed into his hand but it only came out as muffles as he kept it firmly on her. He turned to me. “Thank you for removing the Teeth.”

I hummed. “So what do you three get out of this anyways?” I asked. “I mean, I know that my sister took over your group, so what’s the deal that you guys got?”

“It’s personal.”

“Yeah, my sister is personal,” I rolled my eyes from underneath my hood. “So come on, tell me some juicy details!”

Tattletale pulled free of Grue for a moment. “You fuck your own sis-!”

And again, Grue shut her up.

“We don’t want to talk about it right now.”

I shrugged. “Alright. Are you guys good to go?”

“We’ll make our own way out, thank you.”

He was definitely putting distance between me and his team.

“Suit yourselves.”

I floated away to and then above and skyline.

It was a boring fight that involved completely drowning the Teeth in weapons fire and killing them in a break from all manner of Unwritten Rules, but this was a chance I didn’t want to miss and so I had taken it.

… I supposed that I really was an Anders.


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