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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay
Chapter 24: Leviathan 1.1


Action for the bay happened instantly.

Obscured by the pouring rain, we only had Dragon’s words through the comms to know where and what was happening, but it did happen.

“Tsunami incoming!”

Alexandria was quick to begin “Shield Shakers to the front! Keep the water out of the triage point!”

“Leviathan made landfall! E14!”

I did not want to fight Leviathan, but I also knew what he was after: the underground reservoir. I was neither strong enough to prevent him from sinking half of the city nor was I tempting enough to get him to chase me.

All I could do was rescue the wounded.

The entire building we were on shook as something to our east impacted the ground. Standing here in the middle of the torrent, I still saw a mini-tsunami rise up from the impact site and crash into the nearby buildings.

My body involuntarily shivered in … delight? Anticipation?

I didn’t want to fight him. Fighting him was risking my life over nothing. Maybe once I advanced to higher levels of cultivation, I might consider it, but right now, I couldn’t.

I couldn’t-.

“Jackalope down, E15!”

That’s my que.

Ignoring all other calls from this point except for Leviathan’s position, I jumped off the side of the building, and despite the rain and water coating everything, I didn’t slip when I landed three stories below. Augmented by my armor, I pushed off towards E15.

Water level in the streets was already at ankle-height and rising.

“Leviathan is MIA! Last seen at C11!”

I was at … D14, only one block from E15.

I ran around the corner between two buildings, and then froze.

Leviathan was right there.

How?! He was at C11 at-!

My helmet blinked at the clock.

2 minutes ago.

It crossed the equivalent of five city blocks in 2 minutes?

Its head snapped towards me, and my heart dropped inside my chest.


And then I was flying.

Blood on my helmet screen, loss of balanc-.

I crumpled as I hit the flooded streets and then bounced away.

Gritting my teeth, I kicked my legs around and drew my arms out. My spin slowed down and I managed to upright myself.

And one of Leviathan’s famous water shadow was in front of me, ready to explode and bombard me with enough water to drown me a hundred times over.

I pushed off the ground in a jump and then kicked the air and shot up. I didn’t even know it would work, but it did because I was over the city’s skyline.

And Leviathan was jumping towards me from behind the exploding water shadow.

And he would have gotten me if a black blur didn’t slam into the back of his “head” and made him spin in the air.

I saw the identity of the blur for a split second as it came to an impossible stop.


Then she blasted off again, slamming into Leviathan’s back mid-spin and propelled him away from the city center.

Leviathan wasn’t having that.

When I landed only three seconds later, Alexandria was flying away from Leviathan and slammed into a derelict office building. It took her one second to blast right back into the fight. I saw in the sky Legend and Eidolon arriving together, and they began pelting the water lizard with everything they had.

I, on the other hand, knew I was fucked if I stayed -.

Capes I knew who were weaker than me jumped into the fray.

And one of them got backhanded right towards me.

I caught them and booked it.

“N-No, I can still f-fight…!” an agonized voice rasped from between my armored arms and chest. I glanced down.

“Half of your ribcage is broken!” I snapped. “Shut up and let me get you to the med tent!”

I tried my best to not jostle her. It was just like with Amy when she got shot. I booked it. My legs burned as both of us were pelted by the nearly painful rate of rain falling on us.

I landed on the rooftop of the PRT ENE headquarters with a crunch, and then zoomed into the medical tents.

There, I saw capes from all over the USA shouting, healing, and defending.

“I need help here!” I shouted as I ran over to the nearest empty bed.

One of the healers quickly came over but stopped right when he was over the bed.

He shook his head and ran off elsewhere.

“W-What are you doing?!”

“She’s already dead!”

I froze and then looked down.

Glazed eyes, chest no longer moving, and silent.

I gritted my teeth.

“Fuck!” I shouted before jumping back out into the raining city.


I screamed as I rolled to dodge a flash flood in one of the streets. Crashing into a alley, I got up and ran, almost stumbling, but I could hear the water behind me.

I grabbed onto a fire hatch ladder and then jumped off from one wall to the other, climbing up and up and up-.

And then I was once again over the skyline.

I spun around and then landed on the gravel rooftop of the shorter building, and then paled.

Leviathan was within a block of me, again.

It saw me.

And charged.

“FUCK YOU!” I shouted as it came within its punching distance. It swiped at me from above, and I rolled to the side, tossing gravel everywhere. Leviathan’s attack cut the building in half.

I shot back up and then jumped away as the same hand that cut the building in half came back for a backhand strike. It swung past me, but the air pressure generated by the passage of the hand sent me off course.

And I plummeted down to the street where the flash flood just passed through.

My armor splashed against the flooded street and I sunk in. I twisted in the water and tried to swim up.

But the water pulled me down.

My eyes widened inside my airtight helmet.

And then a shadow fell over me.

I screamed in pain when it came down and punched me through the water. Water didn’t stop it. In fact, it seemed to enhance its speed and striking force. My body armor crumpled all around me as I slammed into the ground.

Leviathan punched me again, and this time, it broke through my armor.

I laid there in agonizing pain as water rushed … rushed …

And then suddenly, I was out of the water.

And no longer in pain?

I sat up quickly and looked up.

Eidolon was above me.

“Get out of here.”

And then he was gone, flying high into the sky to rain down death alongside Legend.

I grimaced as I caressed my smooth if muscled stomach.

I took three hits and nearly died.

I booked it.


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