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Demon of Lust in the Land of Water
Chapter 11


Ao felt surprised that nothing went wrong with this new temple.

Well, nothing went wrong for the temple, its “believers,” and its immediate area. He couldn’t say that about the rest of the village.

While the temple hadn’t exactly announced itself and its tenets, people slowly began to learn about it. The temple did, after all, pop into existence over night in a feat of construction that even the most hardcore architects could not match no matter how much money would be paid to them.

No, nothing unfortunate happened to the temple, but Ao found himself in an odd situation.

Mei was not proficient in organizing paperwork.

Alan, the oddly named head priest of the oddly named Temple of Aphrodite, also didn’t possess much experience of the way of paperwork. On top of that, he wasn’t even a Land of Water native apparently, and while he could read and write somehow, he also didn’t know the regular paperwork.

So they pushed the job of being the bureaucrat to him.

When he objected…

Well, they introduced him to a very nice young lady who just …




“FUCK!” he hissed as he held tightly onto the hips of Yuiren. The dark haired young woman who had to be at least a decade younger than him - barely in her adulthood - writhed and mewled as his dick stuffed her full and then stretched her cunt further. She shivered with each full thrust into her before gasping with relief and pleasure each time he pulled out.

He watched her small tits jiggle with each of his thrusts, and saw the ecstasy bleeding from her face.

She had absolutely no experience with sex, and being in this temple room only made what would have been an already wonderful time into a mind breaking experience that had him, an experienced ninja veteran, and her, a young woman with no experience, equally quivering and stuttering as their limbs tangled, sweaty bodies slicked across each other, and wet squleches dominated the room.

“Yui-!” he grunted as he pulled her up to his chest, and shivered with delight at how she latched onto him and ground her body against his.

She was so out of it, in fact, that regular words didn’t flow. She spoke in inebriated gibberish as he sat up and impaled her repeatedly on his dick.

She screamed wetly as she climaxed, and he almost stopped as he almost orgasmed, too. Her cunt enveloped his entire length and squeezed, vibrating more than the rest of her body. He stared momentarily into her tearful face before he leaned down and caught her lips in a kiss. Yui looked at him in surprise before closing her eyes and leaning into him.

Their tongues wrapped around each other. Their spits moved across the fleshy bridge, and their breaths held as they physically confessed to rather strong attraction for each other.

Her body started to calm down but not fully.

Ao thrusted a few more times during then before orgasming.

When the kiss broke, he saw her staring up at him with wide eyes, gasping minutely as she felt the hot spurts of his seed splashing inside of her.

Ao saw her and she was beautiful.

‘I never expected to get married this fast,’ he thought as he helped her lay back down. Even for a ninja like himself, he felt his body really out of control. Was it the pleasure? He never had this kind of ecstasy before. It was too incapacitating in a way that alcohol was but far more enjoyable.

“A-Ao-sama…” she whispered as she curled up to him. With his hard dick still inside of her, they winced with pleasure in the afterglow of their first sex together. He wrapped his arms around her, too. “I love y-you.”

He chuckled. “Love you, too, Yui.”

She giggled tiredly before succumbing to sleep.

With her in the dreamland, Ao couldn’t help but sigh. Only now did he realize exactly how powerful this little cult was. Sex, he realized, brought people in, and a cult that boosted anyone’s sexual experience was a cult that would have a lot of people in it.

It helped that the Temple of Aphrodite was strictly against non consensual sex. The head priest, Alan, had proclaimed that it was about passion and lust but also about finding compatible partners and love. He found Yuiren not because she was forced to be here, but because she was a lonely woman just as lonely as he was, and the two of them - before they came here to the temple - found each other attractive.

And nature happened.

‘Alan is scary,’ he thought to himself. ‘If he controls the very emotions that make up ourselves.’ After all, genjutsu masters were feared throughout, but what Alan did was much more primal than illusion. It was the raw instinct and essence of what made a human human.

Ao gave Kirigakure one month before its de facto leadership shifted from the Mizukage to the Priesthood of Aphrodite, because the kage could only give you job and money but the soon to be priesthood could take over the job of giving jobs and money from the kage if they - or more like Alan - controlled enough of the village and would make sex great for everyone.

As long as Alan was loyal to the village, everyone would choose the option that gave more.

He sighed because he might not be able to hold Yui like this for some time until the latest crisis to hit the village was solved, and that problem had a name: Alan.


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