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Demon of Lust in the Land of Water
Chapter 9


Mizukage Yagura read the report on this … cult.

Was it a cult? He didn’t think so. Sure, the report made it clear that this group worshipped some new goddess through sex and other means, but the report also made it clear that they weren’t sacrificing people like the Jashinists.

In fact, this “cult” might be a great way for his people to relieve their stress without losing more manpower.

Unfortunately, allowing them to exist outside of his control would be stupid of him.

He would have to get them under his thumb right now.

The problem laid not with the first ninja recruit of this cult but its founder. He was someone who was not part of the village. He was an outsider. He would be a poison that would ruin Kirigakure. He needed to be neutralized.

How to go about it…? He could command his loyal ninja to kill the founder of the cult, but considering that she was a loyal and useful bloodline user, he didn’t want to make her question his decisions. No, he needed her to be pliable for future critically important operations (ones that won’t be jeopardized by zealous idiots under any circumstances).

He needed to die a death that was natural.

Well, the cult was about “free love,” “passion,” and “sex.” There was no way that it wouldn’t backfire on the people involved, right? After all, it was all too easy for a woman to get zealous and kill the man in a fit of rage.

All he had to do was put the right person into the position to do the deed for him.

Why, he already had more than a few such people.

People who hated bloodline users like Mei but would never physically hurt another ninja of Kirigakure.

“Yes, I can see it coming all together now,” he hummed.

Hey, it didn’t even need to be a woman. There were enough men who wanted Mei in their beds, and the thought of her participating in some sort of occult free-love cult would be enough to drive more than a few mad.

Yagura smiled as he leaned back into his chair.

Yes, that was a much better - and simpler - plan of action.

Oh, how should he go about spreading the rumor? Perhaps through whispers? A formal yet discrete complaint? So many options, so many pains he could induce…

He chuckled quietly and mirthfully to himself.

Others would have called his chuckles rather sinister.


“Someone who can walk through walls with ease with near complete control over his chakra,” a deep, tired, and drawling voice hummed. “That weaves through the buildings of Kirigakure at night, removing elements that would destabilize the Hidden Village in the Mist.”

There was a pause before the next report summary was read.

“And the same individual is capable of influencing merchants and influential civil leaders of Kirigakure and the Land of Water.”

The first report made for a dangerous agent to be aware of.

Combined with the second report, he was looking at a ninja who stuck to the shadows like ANBU but better, because no ANBU in the world could slip in and out of a building through the wall unnoticed.

It was a miracle that their spy in Kirigakure even managed to catch the agent in the act.

It also did explain how Kirigakure, despite the ongoing events of the Bloody Mist, managed to maintain their position as one of the Great Five Hidden Villages. Dissent among their ranks disappeared so efficiently that something like the Uchiha Massacre wouldn’t have happened.

“What do you think about it, Hokage-sama?” Jounin-Commander Nara Shika asked his only superior.

Sandaime (Third) Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced over the top of the report with his narrowed eyes. His wrinkled and liver-spotted face scrunched up in contemplation.

In this darkened room with only three dimly lit candles to show them the documents, Shika saw no more than that from the Hokage before the formerly retired old man sighed and leaned back into his seat.

“Is it a bloodline?” he asked.

“As far as the spy is aware, no. He seems to be a new face to Kiri’s internal security.”

“So it’s a new technique.”

It … would have a great impact on how the world would change if Kiri ever decided to get their heads together and field that agent for something better than killing comrades who thought a little differently. An agent who could hide in the walls, slip in and out unnoticed, and have the experience in assassination to the point that no one else knew about him before?

Because how else did he slip in and out of Kiri’s Jail otherwise without anyone else knowing? The entire village would have been in an uproar if they learned that the Jail wasn’t secure (and thus the mentally unstable inhabitants within weren’t secure).

This previously unknown enemy could have consequences on par with the Yondaime Hokage, though in a different field. No one would know when death would come for them. If a war ever broke out, then everyone but Kiri would be forced on the defensive.

Could anyone stop a blade shooting up out of the ground with their back said ground?

‘Perhaps I’m overthinking things,’ Shika thought to himself. ‘But it’s the job of the commander to be paranoid.’

Hokage’s stern and sad look also told Shika all he needed to know.

“Though this young man hasn’t harmed anyone in Konoha, it is unfortunate that he can be used as an asset by our enemies to harm us in the future to devastating degrees. We need him gone from their hands, and I want it done as quickly as possible so that he doesn’t spread whatever technique he is using for his ‘wall walking.’”


And so the biggest player rouses to end a single man.


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