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Demon of Lust in the Land of Water
Chapter 8


“Sure, fighting is necessary. It is something of a passion to go out there and fight for one’s country! My goddess accepts this!”

A few days after he explained everything to Ao and Mei, “Alan” was out not in the streets of Kirigakure but the wealthy parlors of its merchants. He didn’t wear a buddhist monk’s robes or brown hooded robes or some other type of robes. No, he wore a business suit like the merchants, smiled and greeted others like the slimy merchants, and persuaded people to join him just like how the merchants persuaded people to buy their goods and services.

As Mei saw him continue to “proselytize” to the wealthy, she noted how his business suit really fit his athletic form far better than a ninja’s uniform would. It showed her all of the delicious curves she’s already had a taste of.

She sighed.

It was official; she’s been corrupted by this man.

She used to not think of anything sexual. It was all about working, practicing, perfecting, and improving. Now? She couldn’t go a single day without thinking about when she would ride that delicious man to exhaustion.

“But she also cares more about the more carnal passions, of the heights of pleasure we can reach… And today, I have a fellow follower here to show you just that.”

Mei gulped and then walked up.

Well, she knew that she would be riding him, soon.

She came to a stop next to him,

“You see, my goddess doesn’t believe in simple pleasures. She loves exotic ones. Tonight, we won’t be showing you anything that wouldn’t happen between a man and a woman in a room, but we will show you - nay, let you feel - what it means to worship Aphrodite.”

With a snap of his fingers, all of her and his clothes disappeared, leaving them nude in front of at least a dozen men and women. Whispers broke out at the display with all of the opposite sexes looking at them.

Alan walked to her back and then cupped her tits.

He gave a squeeze. A gentle squeeze.

Everyone in the audience sat up as they felt her pleasure.

“Did you feel that?” Alan asked loudly with a smirk on his face. “It was her pleasure from having her lover touch her.”

And she didn’t say anything to deny it even as her face burned red with embarrassment and lust at this … this … exhibition.

He began to massage her tits, and soon, the audience were moaning.

“Imagine not just me and her in the throes of passionate lovemaking but a whole room of us,” he crooned.

Then she squeaked when he pushed his dick in between her thighs until it was poking out.

The moaning from the merchants intensified.

“That was the pleasure I felt from only a single thrust of a thigh job,” he chuckled. “How was it?”

“Fucking awesome…!” someone among them uttered nearly incoherently.

Mei shuddered as he began to pump his dick between her thighs, and the people began to nearly start stripping themselves, only stopping because they were keenly aware that this was a demonstration, not an invitation.

Then Alan hooked an arm underneath one of her legs and pulled it up while she latched onto his shoulders.

His dick glided across her wet crotch until it began to pull up into her entire fold not into her but across the fold.

“My goddess wants all of us to enjoy our life to the fullest, not bound by needless restrictions and traditions.”

She knew what he was doing. He gathered the people most willing to change if only to profit from said change, and gave them pleasure.

“Can you imagine what it would be like?”

Then he pulled just a bit so that everyone could see his dick standing up and ready to enter.

Then he thrust into her.

Someone in the audience moaned as if they were dying. “Holy … fuck…”

Her tits bounced as he pumped her in front of a dozen people, and she was moaning like a whore.

“Ohfuckohfuck-!” she whimpered as his dick grinded against all of the curves in her, splitting her apart perfectly in half, and striking the core repeatedly, and making her want more of this.

The audience was no better.

Some people were now actively masterbating to their demonstration, some more discreetly than others.

“Imagine a room filled with strangers and couples, fucking the daylight out of each and all those involved. Imagine the absolute ecstasy all of those people will be in…!”

Mei threw her head back and screamed as she climaxed, and felt him jizz in her as he came with her.

She quivered and he held her as she lost control over herself for a brief moment. But when she came back, she realized that she was clean and clothed again just as he was. The high was dying but not fast enough to make her completely not heady or disappointed.

“Tell me, my dear merchants, would that not make them thirsty? Hungry?”

Mei snorted quietly and off to the side where she’d moved as he began to talk again.

He grinned down at all of them.

“Tell me,” he crooned like a demon swindling innocent little things into a life of servitude. “How much money do you think you can make?”

Greed for money was not very different from passion for money, Mei knew. It was how Alan “logiced” bringing in merchants into a cult of “free passion and love.” Besides, he did say that the “cult” - really, it was just an excuse for people to gather together and fuck the daylight out of each other - did need some revenue to make temples and host parties.

She also knew that when she returned home Alan would “reward” her for her willingness to partake in this.

She shuddered.

She knew that this would be nothing compared to the real deal he could show properly in bed.


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