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Commissioned by Kejmur


Demon of Lust in the Land of Water
Chapter 6


Mei found herself released with a clear bill of both sanity and genjutsu.

She kept her lips shut as she returned home at a sedate pace. She walked up the stairs to her apartment, closed the door behind her, and slid down to the floor. When she felt that she was secure, she finally let out a long sigh of relief.

“Well, this isn’t genjutsu,” she said out loud.

Which meant that what happened in the Jail with … him … was also … real.

She blushed.

“Oh God, I fucked a man…!” she squealed and covered her face up with her hands in embarrassment.

She sat there with the door on her back for a long time before she finally gathered up enough energy to stand up and walk into her kitchen for -.

She froze.

“What took you so long?” the man from the swamp asked with a genial smile while placing a new dish on a plate she knew she didn’t have - she didn’t have anything as fancy as that blue and white wavy ceramic dish! - on her table. “I was waiting for you.”

“You can’t keep doing this to me,” she hissed.

“But I thought you liked it?” he asked.

It was only then that she realized what he was wearing.

An apron. A pink apron.

“What are you doing inside my house?”

“Cooking for you,” he said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

“B-But why are you-?”

“Come on, Mei-chan!” he laughed. “Did you think that I’m like those pigs who use a woman and leave? I’m a little hurt,” he said as he pouted, and something inside her jerked at that.

“No, no, no! I didn’t mean that! It’s just … why?”

“Oh,” he said. Did he actually understand her question? “Well, I guess I want you.”

She stared at him incomprehensibly.

“... Ha?!”

Well, that’s not romantic at al-. No, she wasn’t thinking about that anymore! This guy’s crazy! Who just barged into someone’s home and did stuff like this?! He’s a stalker!

“When I found you in that swamp, hurt and dying, you were still beautiful, you know?” he started speaking as he started to move even more dishes from the kitchen. “When you were sleeping in the dreamland, you were even prettier. Did you know that the you that you see in the dreamland is the best you that you can be? I saw a very beautiful and kind woman in the dreamland, Mei, and that was you.”

Mei wanted to keep glaring at him but… well, she wasn’t exactly immune to compliments. Instead, she felt the blush she only just managed to fight down slowly creeping back up.

“Well, I’m not for sale,” she huffed as she sat down at the table. This man was extremely dangerous. He snuck into the Jail and her home without anyone noticing. With skills - or techniques - like that, he could have easily harmed the village or her if he wanted to, but all he did was make food for her. She might as well eat it, right? If it was horrible, then at least she had a reason to kick him out.

“I know, but I will definitely win you over,” he cooed with a knowing look.

She scoffed. “As if!” she laughed as she picked up the chopsticks, clicked their hands twice, and then picked up a pickled daikon side dish. She stared at it for a moment before she put it in her mouth-. “Oh,” she muttered. It was good. It wasn’t the normally bland fare people ate or served. It was … well, it was spicy? No, it popped in her mouth pleasantly. “What was that?”

“I added some black pepper, did you like it?”

She nearly spit it out.

“Buh, what-?!” she hissed before she looked at the side dish, and then her eyes widened comically as she indeed saw the black pepper, a spice so rare and expensive that only the rich nobility got to eat it.

It didn’t matter if a merchant was rich; the spice was so rare that there was a law prohibiting any and all commoners from consuming it. Only the Mizukage and anyone they dined with were exempt from this law despite being commoners.

And now that she’s also had a taste of it, she understood why it was so expensive. It was good.

“You’re using food to get to me,” she grumbled. Civilians liked to say that food paved the way to a man’s heart, but they didn’t know that it also did for all manners of ninjas.

“Is it working?” he asked cheekily with that damn heart-melting smile.

“I’m not this cheap.”

“You aren’t,” he said as he took off the apron and joined her for the meal.

It’s been a long time since she’s had a meal with someone she knew.


“So what are you doing in Kirigakure all of a sudden?” she asked him after they finished that extremely satisfying meal and he cleaned it all up. “It can’t be just for me.”

“Well, I would be lying if I said I didn’t come here with an ulterior motive in mind.”

She tensed.


“Oh, I’m here to start a cult!”

“... What?”


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