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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay
Chapter 20


Being young and married (more or less) made for a very happy or very angry life.

Case in point, we were very happy. A lot of that had to do with the fact that we didn’t really have daily reasons to fight - we didn’t fight over money (the biggest reason for most married couples) - and we spent a lot of time indoors, either sparring or fucking.

Amy bit her lips as she tried to keep her moans quieter.

My fingers, on the other hand, kept sliding in and out of her vagina. My rough fingers brushed up her clit and then down as my fingers slid back in.

I certainly didn’t think that Amy was any weaker than she was before her pregnancy, and she was definitely showing it now. But there were some limits that were being put in place. For example, we couldn’t do our marathon rough sex that took nearly half a day. It placed a lot of stress on her body to do that, and as pregnant as she was - and due to her inability to affect herself and the baby -, undue stress was unwanted.

So we spent a lot of time with foreplay before we got into the short main course.

While I fingered her, Amy stroked my dick with both of her hands. Sitting next to each other and turned to each other just slightly just so, we were pleasuring each other because it was Friday night, the day Amy came home from one of her more intensive shifts at the hospital.

This was, in effect, her stress relief.


I planted a kiss on her forehead as her body shuddered, shivered, and then relaxed.

“Love you,” she mumbled.

“Love you, too,” I whispered as I caressed her barely showing belly.

I didn’t want to make her clean herself off, so I stood up to go to the bathroom.

I stopped when Amy grabbed my hand. I looked back at her, and saw her determined face. “Umm, Amy?”

“Where are you going?”

“To the bathroom.”

“When I haven’t gotten you off?” She pulled me closer and made me turn around. My throbbing dick nearly slapped into her face, and she took a hold of it with her lips and then dipped her head down onto it while her hands grabbed my waist.

I groaned as I felt her sticky, wet, and warm mouth envelop around my entire length, and then she started to bob her head up and down.

Lubricating the entire length of my dick with her spit and shoving it repeatedly against the back of her mouth, she didn’t choke or gag as she just swallowed it all.

Then I came.

The moment she felt my cum in her mouth, she pulled right up to the head of the dick, keeping it closed by locking her lips all around it. She looked up at me as she swallowed one load after another before I stopped cumming.

After what felt like five minutes but was really only a minute, she popped her lips off of my dick and smiled.

“There,” she said proudly. “I made you cum.”

“You didn’t have to go that far,” I grumbled half-heartedly. Then I knelt and kissed her.

Sure, I was tasting myself but Amy went a step further than she had to to make me feel better.

But I made it a short kiss, so I didn’t have to taste it any longer than I had.

She giggled.

“Now, take me to the bathroom. I need to brush my teeth for that.”

“Can’t you just break them all down?”

“Tut tut,” she clicked her teeth condescendingly. “I know my power better than you do, and I can’t break down random organic matter, only living cells.”

“Alright,” I said as I scooped her up. “Alan Express here to take Amy to her toothbrush. Choo choo.”

She laughed. “Oh my god, that’s so lame!”


Sometimes, we stop at foreplay. It may be me or her or it may be both of us, but sometimes, just cuddling was great.

I was also very sore from exercising and training before Amy came home, so I was also not too keen on making my tomorrow too hard on myself.

That said, when tomorrow became today, I found myself having to push myself.


Because I felt it coming.

I didn’t know how I felt it, but I felt it. It was a gut feeling. It was a gut feeling that tickled my new senses, and I trusted it explicitly.

Leviathan would be here in the bay, soon. It wouldn’t be today, but I would not be surprised if it came here by the end of the week.

I had exactly one safe day. Today.

I walked up to the PRT ENE headquarters, and requested an all out spar: Me versus everyone they could spare. If they didn’ accept, then I would have to go and

To my surprise, they accepted.

(Probably, they wanted to test me.)

I stood at one end of the sparring room.

This room was big, bigger than any other room I’ve been in. Whitish-blue thick metal panels studded the entire room, ceiling, floor, and all four walls. There were exactly four view ports, one on each of the walls, and they were thick reinforced glass. I didn’t know where the lights were coming from, but light poured into the room as if we were standing under a cloudless summer sun.

On the other side of the room were four capes: Armsmaster, Assault, Battery, and Triumph. They were all in their regular costumes, though the Tinker had a bit more gear than usual.

I was surprised they let Triumph join.

Armsmaster spoke up. “Why did you want this spar?”

I contemplated the question and my answers. When I spoke, I spoke to the heroes of the city. “I feel something bad is coming. Today might be the last day I can really push myself before it comes.”

“...Anything confirmed?”

“No, just a hunch.” After all, I may be wrong. Leviathan might not come here. I already fucked over canon by having the Empire explode and causing a coalition of all sorts of capes come to do that. But my gut feeling remained.

“Very well. As this is an inter-team training exercise, all participating members will not use any lethal attacks. Is that understood?”

“Yes,” all of us responded.

“Very well. Observers, give us a countdown.”

I slid into a narrow stance.

“Five,” an unfamiliar voice spoke. “Four. Three. Two. One. Fi-!”

Assault blasted towards me. He was both the tank and the distraction.

But he still had so much to learn.

He came to strike me, and I stomped on the floor.

The floor panel snapped in half, and the half I snapped flew up to greet Assault. When the man skidded to a stop by - assumedly - pulling all of his kinetic energy in, I slid around the panel while spinning and landed a spinning kick not to his head but to the back of his knees.

I learned in my prior spars with him that Assault needed to see where he was absorbing or at least give him the indication of how much energy he needed to absorb.

With his face full of the panel, he couldn’t see nor see me coming.

He keeled backward with a yelp, and then I jumped away towards the rest of the Protectorate in the room.

Battery was right there to greet me.

Again, she had much to learn just like her husband (boyfriend?). I let her strike me with an overreaching right jab, and then I turned that against her by slapping the outside of her right arm and made her spin on the spot as I kicked her feet in.

She spun on the spot, and came around on me with a kick of her own.

And then as I was about to deflect that, Armsmaster jumped down from above.

Instead of dodging, I spun horizontally to the ground. Battery’s kick swung under me, and I dodged a slash meant for a retreating foe and someone who stood to block the attack.

One spin later, I lashed out with two kicks.

One kick smashed into Battery’s waist and hip and the other smashed into Armsmaster’s power armor suit’s chest exactly half a second later.

Battery slammed into the ground and tumbled away while Armsmaster’s armor compensated for the hit as he came down from above and barely budged him. He pulled his halberd up to push me away, but his prior attack had driven him too close to me.

I knew that his armor could compensate for my actions, so I put more power into my palm strike to his elbow and then to his abdomen. The first attack sent his arm away from me, and the second strike forced him to cave in.

And then he jumped away.

I looked towards where Armsmaster had glanced very briefly before he jumped, and I saw Triumph there.

There was no one on the other side.

He roared.

I pushed back.

My “aura” manifested and the entire room creaked.

Triumph’s throat clenched up and he fell to his knees.

Armsmaster moved.

I pulled my aura back in, and spun myself while grabbing his halberd and his arm. Heavy as he was, I’d moved in just a bit forward before my grab, and so I still had his momentum to work with.

I threw him over my shoulders… right towards Battery.


Battery rolled out of the way, charged up, and zoomed towards me at the same time as Assault did.

And to my surprise, they pulled off a coordinated rain of fist assault.

I dodged all of Assault’s attacks while parrying and redirecting Battery into his path. I broke their synergy, and then kicked her into his arm.

Assault’s playfulness took over.

“Oh no~! Whatever will I do with this maiden in my arms~!” he cackled as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Damn it, Assault!”

“We’re down,” he said with a chuckle. “If he kicked you at full strength, then you wouldn’t have your ribs right now.” She stopped fighting and gave up with a sigh.

Armsmaster was still on me. He’d recovered in the few seconds the duo had given him, and charged me not with a long jab but with the tips of his halberd slashes.

I narrowed my eyes. That was actually a good way to deal with me. I couldn’t touch the blade, and if I moved in, then he could move back and strike me.

And then Triumph was behind me.


Or so I thought briefly before I stomped again-.


“Due to exceeding property damage, spar has been called off,” the unfamiliar voice from earlier - Observer? - declared. “Winner by casualty: Rabbit.” Wait, that was my designated cape name? “Winner by rules: Protectorate ENE.”

I stopped with a huff. “Well, I guess I am trying to be a hero.”

“Heroes don’t cause a lot of damage, Mr. Rabbit,” the voice said.

“I guess,” I said before bowing quickly. “Thank you for the spar. Need my help with the clean up?”

“No. These panels are designed to go back to their original shape once left alone for 24 hours,” Armsmaster replied.

“... Really?” I said as I gave them a poke. To my surprise, they moved towards their previous positions.

“It was designed by Dragon and I. It made spar room repairs… very efficient.”

“You mean costless?”

“Yes, efficient,” he said proudly.

I laughed a little. “Well, good luck with your teammates then.”

I walked off, a little happy with the work out muscle burns. That had been a fast paced action, and I’d loved it.

As I walked home though, I grew slowly more somber and calculating.

How could I best protect this city and my home? From this fight alone, I knew that I could not take on Leviathan up and center.

But I’d done this spar without the power armor. Maybe with it, could I?

… Perhaps I needed to test it out, but that wouldn’t happen soon. I would have to risk it.

With a heavy but paradoxically light heart as I had found out roughly where I stood, I went home to our home.


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