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What is Happiness?
Arc 4 Chapter 9


After having spent nearly two weeks in a constant whirlwind of action and sex, we spent the following week after Parian’s induction into my harem in helping our newest family member in relocating her shop.

It wasn’t all good. Parian did have contracts with the landowner for the lease, and just up and moving away like she was doing would break that, especially since Parain did not have the means to pay rent in two locations.

But I did.

Approaching the landlord through indirect channels, I managed to pay off on her rent.

What was fortunate for us was that even though Leviathan did far less damage compared to other attacks it made, the city was still heavily damaged and thus we were forced to make do with the lack of electricity and water. Or would have if I didn’t have a power that acted as a power generator. Neat.

It also said a lot of things about bureaucracies and contracts when a simple move took such a ridiculous amount of time to hash out. Were contracts normally this esoteric or just Parian’s situation due to her status as a parahuman?

Regardless, it took an entire week for everything to settle down and Parian could open her shop again.

What I did not expect was for people to come and settle in my immediate area. Something about my power generation affecting more than my house? I wasn’t listening to the details that Lisa shared with Taylor and Sabah, who were all far more involved in the community than I was.

All I cared about was which of my girls would like to get hardcore fucked each night.

… Damn, I was a brute, wasn’t I?


… I was a little bored. Being Butcher+ meant that a lot of people were afraid to fight me, but did I have to give a chance to not fight me?

There were still Nazis in the city.

Yes, let’s go kill Nazis. That always brought my mood up.

Finding Kaiser would be hard, though.

Perhaps it had to do with the fact that I have already shown myself to be as ruthless as the other Butchers. They were sure to be ready for anything resembling Teeth raids as Kaiser was - by cape standards - an old guard who had seen the Teeth when they still roamed Brockton Bay’s streets.

There was also a high chance that he was planning on attacking me where he thought I was … vulnerable.


Actually, that sounded like what he would do. The Empire had spies in the PRT, and the PRT was sure to know or suspect that Taylor’s home was where I loitered around.

Well shit, this was actually bad. I had to play the paranoid defender role.

“Taylor!” I shouted from the bedroom where I was plowing Sabah while the mocha skinned tailor screamed with ecstasy into the bed.

“Yeah?” I heard her respond from the first floor, where she was studying. Despite our current situation, she insisted on completing the high school equivalent and then going to college. Unsurprisingly, my constant desire to fuck her to oblivion wasn’t helping with that endeavor, which was why she was studying downstairs and not in her room.

“Can you send your bugs out and see if there are any strangers around the block or two?”

“Alright. Can you also stop making Sabah scream so much? It’s distracting!”

“You can always join us, honey!” Lisa giggled from next to Sabah. The blonde’s pussy squirted out my latest spent cum with a little spurt.

“I have work to do!” Taylor snapped back. There was a moment of silence with only Sabah’s ever increasing high pitch screams as she came closer and closer to her climax. “Wait, there’s Empire thugs around the block!”

I finished inside of Sabah’s pussy, making her whimper as she orgasmed together with me.

“Shit, entertainment after sex. Can’t ask for a better day,” I snarled as I pulled out of Sabah, making her collapse onto the bed. “Stay here with Lisa and Sabah, Taylor. I’ll go bloody the Nazis on my own.”

It took a minute for me to wash myself with just water, and then dressed myself in a featureless white t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a motorcycle helmet. “Perfect.”

I walked down the stairs and was about to head out of the door when I caught Taylor staring at me intently with a frown. She wanted to say something but didn’t.

That wasn’t good.

I turned and walked to her instead and pulled my helmet off to show her my own frowning face. “What’s wrong?” I asked her as I took her hands.

She didn’t say anything, opting to look away from me.

“You’re telling me to stay home.”

… I supposed that I was.

“I never told you to not use your insects to help me.”


Hmm, she wanted to say something. Perhaps I didn’t get the whole picture of what she was bothered by? I needed her to talk. “What is it?”

She looked back at me. There weren’t tears, but her eyes shined bright. “I’m not a fragile flower, okay?”

Was that what she was worried about?

“Of course, you aren’t. You have one of the scariest powers in the bay!”

She snorted. “Me? Scary? I’m currently the Butcher’s one of many chicks,” she derided herself.

This again? I thought we already talked about her power before. “Is that what you think I’m here for?”

“No,” she snapped. “You aren’t. But that’s not how other people will see me, will they?”

I paused before I answered. I thought about it. “You’ve been thinking about … how you will be seen.”

She nodded firmly. “Lady Photon is now just Photon Mom. Even if she’s one of the most experienced capes, everyone looks at her like she’s just a mom. I don’t want that. I… I want to be a hero and I want to make a difference. You said you’ll help, right?”

I nodded.

“Then… let me handle this.”

I stopped and then smirked. “Well, I suppose that you can handle them all on your own. But I want to ask a question.”


“Your multitasking is really great, right?”


“So is it possible for you to defeat the Empire thugs, do your homework, and suck my cock at the same time?”

She blinked and then blushed.


I pulled down my zipper, and pulled out the only a little limp dick that was starting to get stiff again.

“I think I want to find out.”

Turned out that she could do all three things at the same time.


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