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Zabuza’s S.Adventures
Interlude: Sakura


She fell in love with him when she was but a kid.

That love never dried up. When her peers saw him and wanted him, she had to suddenly fight for his attention when she used to have it all the time.

She fought her best friend, she fought her classmates, and she fought even girls and women from big clans. Her battles weren’t waged with knives, bombs, and arrows but with tactics, strategy, guile, alliances, and betrayals that happened within the confines of the law and the whims of her love.

Why did she fight?

Because she loved him. He was worth fighting for. What else was there to say? While he was the second-in-line to become a clan head, his older brother stood as a far stronger and powerful monster of a ninja than he was. While he was smart and strong in his own right, Uchiha Sasuke was not Uchiha Itachi.

Still, she loved him. He might not remember it, but he’d been there to show himself as someone worth loving when they were but children.

So she fought. She fought tooth and nail, broke friendships, kicked out the dumb ones with impuny, and even begrudgingly acknowledged other girls who might have been a better match for Sasuke than her.

Because she loved him so much that while it would hurt, the idea that she might hurt him was worse than watching from afar.

Somewhere down the line, she found herself beside him as the only one left. All others had lost their bid or found new interests elsewhere.

She was the only one left.

“I give up,” Ino had said with a tired sigh. “You’re just too relentless. I can’t … I just can’t follow that, and I am not so petty as to attempt to use my clan. No, the clan would look down on me if I did.”

“... What are you talking about?” she had asked her friend.

“Sasuke. I’m done chasing him.”

He didn’t notice any of it, of course. Mom said men were like that. It was also traumatizing to hear about how she seduced dad.



Someone PLEASE make her deaf!

It’s been a few months since she managed to get him to ask her out for a date.

“So you owe me, yes?”


“Hmm, well, why don’t you buy me dinner, Sasuke-kun?”

One dinner led to one lunch. That lunch led to another dinner. Four dinners and lunches later, she met Sasuke’s mom not as his friend and coworker but as a girl being inspected by the mother-figure.

That had been … hauntingly painful.

“So you can dodge nine kunais at once. How about ten?!”



To her shock, she got Mrs. Uchiha’s permission when the woman learned about her field medic training. Something about tending to the idiotic men when they eventually burned themselves, their children, and clan.

It had sounded important as a side note kind of thing.

And today.


“Hehehe…” she giggled as she skipped away.

It wasn’t their first kiss, but it was definitely something far more passionate… and Sasuke had been the one to pull her into it.


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