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Family Business
Chapter 16: Audience


I took my father’s advice on remaining quiet and out of people’s notice for the first week, but that was enough. Once that week was over, I gathered two dozen of my finest magical and mundane healers, loaded up three wagons filled with medical supplies and food, and entered the Great City of Demacia.

When people saw the widely spread Demacian symbol for medical supply on a banner side by side with my county’s flag, they cheered me on, even with the blunt show of magical healers among them.

The first thing I did was present myself in the king’s private office. I’ve already set up this appointment via messenger bird, so it was not out of courtly and cultural norms.

When the doors opened, I walked in to my king’s demand, and knelt before his desk.

“... Count Marris Crownguard. I must say that I did not expect this.”

“I heard the news and did my best to support the kingdom, your highness. I only apologize for the short timeframe in which I could notify your highness.”

The king stood up and walked around the desk. Then he stood before me, casting a shadow that covered my entire kneeling frame. He did something, and the guards closed the door.

“Count Crownguard, I know that you harbor and actively encourage magic within your … Jorasmang City.”

“Yes, your highness.”

The king took a darker tone as he spoke. “... In his escape, the prisoner injured a few people very important to me personally and to the kingdom itself. I must ask you if you have the means to bring this prisoner to me, alive. I want to see this escapee punished, not slain while escaping.”

Oh shit, was this a question of loyalty? Surely, he must know that I have some kind of magical combat force at the ready. At the very least, he must be mentioning volunteers who would flock to my cause. Magical volunteers who could counter any magician.

Fuck. Do I just …

I gave in almost immediately, because badly misreading the situation right now in this politically turbulent period was akin to execution, politically if not literaly.

“I do, your highness. When you command it, I shall have them present themselves before you.”

There was a moment of silence before the king spoke up again.

“I did not expect you to be so open about this.”

“I am no fool, your highness. Only a fool would believe that his liege knew nothing about him.”

The king snorted.

“Splendid, and no truer words have been said in the last week. Whatever these capable people may be, I want them here.”

“As you command.”

Again, I hesitated, but I decided to show one of my trump cards.

After all, I’ve gone this far. Why not ingrate myself with the king? He wasn’t a bad king at all, and if I manage this for him, then surely, he would reward me...

ThusI snapped my finger.

Behind me, nine black cloaked and armored men and women appeared, all kneeling before him.

The king instinctively moved to take half a step back before he stopped himself. That was a lot of discipline and control over himself. My Blackguard looked scary, and I intentionally designed their outfit and armor to be as such. Having taken the cue from what I remembered of Mordekaiser and Swain, the Blackguard had a distinct Noxian look to them but with a Demacian twist; despite their name, they were actually extremely dark blue.

Dark blue was better for camouflage, too, rather than jet black.

“Presented as you command, your highness. What are your orders?”

The king didn’t speak anything before he laughed boisterously. “Truly, the prodigal son of the Crownguard. Not only have you raised your county from the lowest to one of the bigger economic might within only half a decade, you’ve assembled a force of magical warriors!” he paused. “Then this is my command to you. I, King Jarvan the III of the Great Demacia, appoint you, Count Marris Crownguard, as the sole man responsible for the capture of the escaped prisoner, Sylas. Bring him to me alive, but if not, dead is also fine.” He paused again. “But beware, Count Crownguard. Inability to bring him to me will mean that I will have to punish you for fostering combat magic. This achievement, if you achieve it, will give me the right to give you the right to continue to do so.”

“I shall not disappoint you.”

“Then go. Bring me that dead man.”


In the basement of the Crownguard manor in Demacia City, I stood before the nine members of the Blackguard. I’ve done the right thing in bringing me with them instead of sending them out on their own.

“Blackguard, we have our first imperial order,” I said curtly. “Our objective is to bring back Sylas. Information on his escape and anything else the crown managed to find are in the packets in front of you. You may pick it up and read it.”

They did so quietly and with the least amount of movement… except Lylien, the youngest and the newest among them. He struggled for a moment to do the half crouch half bow and gave up on it. He went on fully on his knee and rose back up.

As they read the information and notes I’ve attached to them, I waited for their response.

There was none. Once they completed reading, they set the packets down and waited for my command.

“If my asking you to do what I hired and trained you for doesn’t push you to complete this mission with the utmost professionalism and efficiency, then I will remind you what happens if you fail.

“Demacia is a nation built on hatred of magic. Those who retain the cultural ancestry of the founder loathe me and you all for our very existence. Jorasmang City exists because Demacia has become relaxed on the matter of magic, and my meddling in ensuring the magic is seen in a good light as far as my influences can reach has only helped this. However, this Sylas has ruined years of work. The people of Demacia are starting to become fearful.

“You are the magical solution to a magical problem. If you fail here, then it will cement the idea of magic as not only dangerous but also unreliable. You know as I do that I do not punish you as other lords and ladies might, but your failure here will surely result in your friends, family, and children being ousted from Demacian lands as exiles, if not run down by mobs fearful of what you are.

“Do you understand the stakes, Blackguards?”


“Then bring Sylas before the king within the month. I give you permission to go all out if you must.”


And then they dissolved like the morning mist, gone before I even noticed it.

Only when they were gone, did I  turn and leave to complete my own mission.

To bring the reputation of not just magic but the House of Jorasmang-Crownguard up in the eyes of the people.


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