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Magnetic Attraction
Chapter 15: Leviathan 2


I acted like a coward, but I wasn’t one. I kept myself at a good distance as Leviathan laid waste to the Docks and the Downtown coast. I hovered above the city’s skyline, getting drenched wet, while I kept Leviathan near the edge of my ferrokinesis and ground away at that one spot.

The hole was too tiny for even water to move into easily, but I could feel it.

Leviathan was wholly aware of what I was trying to do.

The bastard actually chased me subtly, pushing attacks towards my direction even as it made sure to “focus” on the Brutes and the Triumvirate harassing it.

Well, I would let it chase me then.

I moved myself away from the city center and back towards the coast. This would be risky for the frontline fighters, but I would rather have some people die rather than allow Leviathan to destabilize the poor soil underneath the city.

As I flew, I gathered up iron dust and exposed irons, breaking them apart and bringing them up to me. Leviathan looked at me. I stared right back even as I flew further towards the coast.

It turned its head towards the general direction of the underground reservoir.

‘Fight me or see it collapse, huh? Motherfucker,’ I thought before speeding up the iron around me.

What had been a slow lazy curtain of iron debris flying to me became a tornado in an instant. Above me, two giant spears formed before condensing… condensing… condensing-!

By the end of it, I had two spears no thicker than a needle yet longer than most medieval lances, and each weighed five tons.

Absolutely fuck you!” I shouted before hurling one of these “spears.”

Leviathan reacted instantly by dodging out of the way of something that almost no one could see, but I wasn’t done.

The spear shot past the dodging Leviathan, but before it could embed itself into the asphalt road, it curved and shot right back at Leviathan.

Right where I have been digging a hole this entire time.

Leviathan showed off why it was considered the fastest of the Endbringers, dodging an attack going at Mach 2 with only twelve yards of distance between it and the needle-like spear by once again dodging, this time by replacing itself with a water clone as if it was some kind of a ninja.

I used this opportunity and launched the second spear even as I formed a third spear.

It was still playing with us. With me.

I was fine with that as long as I didn’t die, lose a body part, or see one of my women die.

Leviathan crouched down after it dodged two spears at once on one leg. Then it jumped towards me.

I let myself drop before breaking the third lance in progress to form floating rotating shields. Just before I landed on the ground, I pulled at my iron woven costume, metal soles, and other metals on my body, and sped away, flying horizontally to the ground. Leviathan gave chase, crunching up asphalt under its feet and tail.

It lashed out with a water jet from one of the manholes, but my shield took it. Its conical shape deflected the attack, only making the shield bob in orbit around me. I still felt it, though. If that hit me, then I would be dead.

I flew straight up, and Leviathan used the tall buildings as stepping stones. It jumped from one side of a building to another building on the other side of the street, and then landed on the rooftop of the third and the highest building immediately near me.

I looked down and grimaced as he gathered water from all around the immediate area.

It really wanted to put me down.

“Fine then,” I growled as I too drew upon everything my power hands on. Buildings tore apart as their steel reinforcements gave away to my sway. Pipes and even household utensils crashed through their casings and more as they all came to me.

The metals all came together like a cloak around me, and then formed another shield. With a swoop, I slammed it in Leviathan’s face.

Leviathan grabbed and crushed it before tossing it away.

Except it didn’t fly away. It wrapped itself around Leviathan’s hands, making its movements harder.

It screeched at me in annoyance even as it closed the gap.

And then my spears caught up to it. It struck from the back, and split into three strands each. They wrapped around Leviathan and constricted.

‘It won’t hold him for him,’ I thought as Leviathan finally reached the peak of its jump before falling back down. “But that’s not why I’m binding you so ineffectually!” I cackled as four more “spears” formed.

I used ferrokinesis and dragged down the newly formed chains wrapped around Leviathan.

“As long as I am flying and you’re holding back,” I taunted it, even though I knew that it didn’t possess any intelligence to be taunted. “You’ll never catch me.”

It crashed with a city-wide tremor.

I stopped my climb mere hundreds of yards beneath the clouds and sent more and more of the “spears” down. They wrapped around Leviathan’s limbs, torso, and even tail.

And then I began to hinder its movement.

It effortlessly ignored them.

I scoffed.

“Fucking neutron stars,” I mumbled.

The Triumvirate finally caught up and began to blast it, breaking my chains. I brought the chains that broke under the multifocal lasers, esoteric blasts, and time-locked punches back to me and formed more spears.

I hummed appreciatively as each of the Triumvirate chunked out the Leviathan’s flesh where I could not, even if I still had that tiny morsel of iron dust grinding away at that spot at its “tailbone.”

Despite my best efforts, digging speed slowed as my dust saw ever increasingly dense “flesh” of the Endbringer the deeper it dug. No more than half a feet in, the digging completely stopped.

I clicked my tongue in irritation.

‘I guess I’m not killing an Endbringer today,’ I thought to myself before striking out with four spears.

They raced forward and lanced at Leviathan, only to be dodged by the slippery lizard.

The thunderclouds above me cracked and I winced.

Perhaps it was a bad idea to be so close to the rain clouds when Leviathan had control of them.

Lightning flashed, and I screamed as it struck the shields around me. I wasn’t hurt, but it still blinded me!

I flew down hastily, and then noticed my new problem.

Leviathan was charging at me.

It wasn’t slowing down at all.


It pulled a fist back and punched.

My metal shields took a hit and hurled me down the road with them. I gasped in pain as blood spewed from my lips.

‘No… choice…!’ I thought as I pulled back up to the sky.

Only to be lightning’ed again.

“Absolutely fuck you…!” I cackled as I formed long lightning rods, effectively keeping me out of the fight with how long they had to be and thus used up a bunch of my iron.

Leviathan took a hit to the upper back from Alexandria’s tackle.

I coughed up more blood before collapsing onto a hovering iron plate I hastily formed.

Yeah, I wasn’t going to be able to fight this anymore.

I looked down and saw a tidal wave forming.




If he was more experienced with this powerset (or as bullshit as Magneto) he would be able to win this straight up. But unfortunately, he isn't. Being able to make Leviathan actually escalate is impressive by itself.