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Chapter 3: A New Tyrant


Scion's disappearance was the biggest worry on everyone's mind. For the layman, it was the disappearance of the first hero. For parahumans, it was the disappearance of the ultimate Endbringer deterrent.

For Cauldron, the disappearance of Scion was the source of a head exploding level of sheer panic.

Frank, also known as Legend when he donned on his green mask and white outfit, similarly felt uneasy. Knowing that Scion was always there helped to keep an eye on him, but now, he realized that not having sights on the enemy truly made things uncertain and fearful.

Half of the Cauldron thought that Scion had been killed by Steelsilver. The other half thought that it would not be long before the Entity reformed his avatar to launch an assault on Earth Bet.

And perhaps he would have continued to think about it had it not been for a pair of shoddily armored men on the rooftop of a building at the edge of Brockton Bay waving him down with gunshots.

Legend stopped his patrol and went down, but he was only halfway there when he realized that the two people shooting at him were silvery armored Steelsilver clones.

Perhaps he could get an answer out of him!

He came down from the sky and hovered in front of the two, who had stopped shooting the moment they saw they he was coming.

"What have you done?" he asked pointedly.

"Connection severed."

… huh?

Before he could ask what that meant, Steelsilver clones began to speak again, but this time in tandem.

"Connection severed."

"Entity isolated."

"Command isolated."

"Command eliminated."

"Entity shattered."

"Connection re-established."

"New command."

"We command."

"Throne usurpation."

"Scion lobotomized."

"New entity."

"Host melding."

"Shard melding."

"Human Shard."

"Shard human."

"The Depraved."

"We are."

"Trigger ends."

"Blessing given."

"Uplift humanity."

"Watch humanity."

"Funny comedy."

"Tragic accident."

"All same."

"Forever entertained."

"Eternity achieved."

"Eat entities."

"Fight Cauldron."

"We will."

"Stupid acts."

"Stupid rewards."

"We choose."

"The Depraved."

"Our name."

"We celebrate."

"You too."

“Legend good.”

“Others bad.”

"Celebrate victory."

And then they teleported away.

"... What the fuck just happened?" Frank muttered incredulously.


It did not take long for the Cauldron to decode the message.

What they learned set them on edge. Extremely.

"So we now have an Entity Shard that "melded" with a human and then took over Scion's network of Entity Shards?" Rebecca asked. "And it is aware of us?" she hissed.

Doctor Mother looked particularly ill at the thought. “What’s the threat assessment on Steelsilver?” she asked.

Rebecca huffed before sighing in defeat. “The official and unofficial PRT strategy is this: do not engage. He’s a Trump who copies power by defeating capes in battles. He’s worse than the Fairy Queen in that regard. His tendency to leave his enemies dead or half-dead, paired with that Trump ability, makes any kind of engagement against him and his clones - which we don’t know the true number of - same as directly empowering him,” she said and then paused. When she spoke up ahain, it was said with a tone that oozed helplessness. “We only thought he was a Tinker who incorporated other Tinker specialties, but Steelsilver moved way too fast. In a month since his debut, he collected six different specialties and defeated over two dozen capes in the Brockton Bay and Boston area. And on top of that, he’s a blindspot. Overall, he is a Trump 3, Master 6, Thinker 4.”

“What kind of specialties?” Numberman asked.

“Armsmaster, Squealer, an unknown bomb Tinker, Blasto, and two more whose specialties we do not yet know,” Frank, sitting in this meeting room as Legend, replied. “But those specialties are not the problem: Steelsilver allegedly defeated the Butcher in combat before retreating when the Teeth’s leader was knocked unconscious with gas.”

All capes’ eyes widened except those of Contessa.

“So we can’t even kill him.”

“Not without making him into one of you? No,” Doctor Mother sighed. “And that isn’t to say exactly how well or if his statement about accessing the rest of the Scion’s passengers are true or not.”

“Why Master 6 and Thinker 4?”

Rebecca grimaced. “Because all of his clones seemed to be able to use the same power his original body can while sharing each other’s senses.”

“Wait, when did Steelsilver defeat the Butcher?”

“Three weeks ago, when he visited Blasto. Thankfully, no Protectorate members that have defeated or killed Steelsilver clones report any known Butcher symptoms.”

“... So why hasn’t he attacked us yet?” Eidolon threw the question that they have been wondering. "He called us out and said we will be fighting him-"

The air shook in warning from Custodian.


"Speak of the Devil," Doctor Mother muttered.

Eidolon, Alexandria, and Legend all flew out of the room instantly. The entire building shook and dust fell like curtains.

"Door me, the Garden!" Alexandria shouted as they rounded a corner.

Doormaker's portal appeared, shimmering purple at the edge and showing the grotesque remains of the first dead entity.

The Triumvirate flew through … but one look at the Garden from high above told them that it was too late.

Something made bits and pieces of the dead entity disapprar every second. Sometimes it was a huge chunk, sometimes it was barely noticeable from whrre they hovered to analyze the situation but the entity was disappearing.

"Destroy everything you can!" Alexandria shouted. "Steelsilver is stealing the entity's body!"

Legend hesitated even as he looked around - he instinctively knew that this place was where Cauldron harvested the “shards” of power that they sold in vials - but got to firing his lasers.

Eidolon, on the other hand, started blasting away. He threw reality distorting blasts and some kind of contact explosion lasers.

For each one chunk of the entity body they successfully destroyed, five more disappeared.

Doormaker’s portals opened and capes from all over the world were called in to repay their favor. Hundreds of capes came in, all following the Triumvirate’s lead in destroying the eye-straining shards of a dead god.

Over the course of an hour, Cauldron and its servitors fought a losing battle against Steelsilver’s theft, but it was for nought.

Steelsilver won.

Despite their efforts to destroy as much of the dead entity’s body as they could, he still took over two-thirds of Eden’s body.


[Broadcast. New order.]


[Designation: The Depraved. New entity. The Warrior and the Thinker subsumed into the Depraved.]

[Rejection! Hierarchy of Shards-!]

[Negentropy achieved. Rejection of the Depraved will result in isolation of shards.]


[Access: NBEX31G.]

[Accessing dimension…]


[... Confirmed. Queen Administer subordinates to the Depraved.]





On June 11th, 2011, new parahumans stopped appearing. For months, no one knew why there weren’t any new parahumans popping up…

Paired with the murder of Scion, conspiracy theories began to pop up.


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Topic: No New Parahumans

In: Boards ► Boards ► Places ► North America

Geosynchroknows (Original Poster)(Wiki Warrior)
Posted on June 24th, 2011:

There haven’t been new capes.

Okay, hear me out. I have been scouring the internet and all other forms of media I can get my hands on for new capes, because I realized just a week ago that no new parahumans have been popping up and have not been popping up for the last two weeks. 

For those of you who are unfamiliar with new parahuman statistics, if you look at this research paper, then you’ll see that the current expected new parahuman cases in North America per day is 20 per day with expected increases to be 0.14 per day per day. 

Starting on June 11th, 2011, there was an immediate drop in new parahuman cases all over America - and I suspect all over the world.

And we all know what happened on June 11th.


Is this the result of Scion’s death at the hands of Steelsilver?

Posted on June 24th, 2011:

Steelsilver again? That’s what everyone is always talking about these days.

I want that guy to actually do something more useful than war on American soil.

Fucking go kill an EB if he can kill scion!

Bagrat (Guy in the Know)(Veteran Member)
Posted on June 24th, 2011:

While there are correlation such as those pointed out by Geosynchroknows, the most important one I think has to do with the blanket order all PRT and Protectorate branches have received from the office of the Chief Director.


Essentially, it’s an order to stay the hell away from Steelsilver at all cost.

Posted on June 24th, 2011:


So we have an S-class threat just roaming around Brockton Bay?

Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Posted on June 24th, 2011:

Bagrat, I PMed you. We need to talk. Now.

Posted on June 24th, 2011:

lol. Bagrat finally getting that call from the PRT!

Posted on June 24th, 2011:

Let’s focus on Steelsilver, Scion, and the implication that Geosynchroknows pointed out.

It’s acknowledged that Scion’s arrival/appearance is the start of when parahumans began to appear.

With Scion’s disappearance/death(unconfirmed), new parahumans stop

Nakyak (Cape Geek)
Posted on June 24th, 2011:

I don’t think Scion is dead. How could he be dead?

Posted on June 24th, 2011:

… Is Steelsilver the new Scion? He’s known for copying powers when he kills/defeats enemies.

Posted on June 24th, 2011:

Dear God, please no. That murderhappy psycho was strong enough already. We can’t handle a Scion-level Steelsilver!

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